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VADV32 Documentation

Thank you for your interest in VADV32. This is the online documentation, which contains information on the configuration and usage of VADV32. It features many screenshots to help guide you. If you notice any mistakes, or have any suggestions, please let me know.

The current documentation is for VADV32 v5.1.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
    1. Table of Contents
  2. Setting Up VADV32
    1. Requirements
    2. Setup From Scratch
      1. Virtual Advanced Installation
      2. VADV32 Installation
      3. Configuration
    3. Adding Dial-up Nodes
      1. Guidelines
    4. Using VADV32 with an Existing BBS
      1. Telnet Only BBS
      2. Telnet w/ Dial-up BBS
  3. Using VADV32
    1. Main Window
      1. Connection Graph
      2. Activity Log
      3. Node Listing
      4. Statistics
      5. Hard Drive List
      6. RTBBSList
      7. Server Status
      8. Node Status
      9. Alerts
    2. File Menu
      1. Server Start
      2. Server Stop
      3. Server Offline
      4. Reload Settings
      5. Backup Files
    3. View Menu
      1. Today's Callers
      2. Who's Online
      3. Statistics
      4. V32 Logs
      5. VADV Logs
    4. Settings Menu
      1. VADV32 Configuration: General
      2. VADV32 Configuration: Nodes
      3. VADV32 Configuration: Netfoss
      4. VADV32 Configuration: Security
      5. VADV32 Configuration: Audio
      6. VADV32 Configuration: Notifications
      7. VADV32 Configuration: Options
      8. VADV32 Configuration: RTBBSList
      9. VADV32 Configuration: Maintenance
      10. VADV32 Configuration: Caches
      11. VADV32 Configuration: Miscellaneous
      12. Virtual Advanced Configuration
      13. Virtual Internet Survivor Kit Configuration
      14. Country Restrictions
      15. DNSBL Configuration
      16. Hostname Restrictions
      17. IP Restrictions
      18. Message Filters
      19. Custom Shortcuts
      20. File Triggers
      21. Startup Events
      22. Automatic VADV32 Node Setup
    5. Tools Menu
      1. Local Login
      2. Turn Pager On/Off
      3. User Editor
      4. Function Block Editor
      5. Script Editor
      6. Language Options
      7. Database Tools
      8. Network Tools
      9. BBS Diagnostics
      10. Repair Configuration Files
      11. Update RTBBSList
      12. V32 Programs
      13. VADV Programs
    6. Window Menu
      1. Refresh
      2. Hide (Show) Debug Window
      3. Hide (Show) Statistics
      4. Restore All Console Windows
      5. Minimize All Console Windows
      6. Hide All Console Windows
    7. Help Menu
      1. VADV32 Home Page
      2. VADV32 Documentation
      3. VADV32 Support
      4. VADV BBS Documentation
      5. Check for Updates
      6. Submit Error Log
      7. Report a Bug
      8. Donate
      9. About
  4. Other VADV32 Features and Information
    1. VADV32 Command Line
    2. VADV32 Hotkeys
    3. Door Configurations
    4. Internal File Triggers
    5. Tray Icon
    7. LOGON.BAT
    8. TCPIP.CFG
    9. VA32PAGE.FLG
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