What is the VADV-PHP Project?
VADV-PHP is a web front-end written in PHP
to allow your users to access your BBS from
their web browser.
Originally designed as a development
kit for others to use to write web
applications for their BBSs, VADV-PHP has
grown over the years into a set of scripts
that not only enhances your BBS but could
replace the ANSI portion completely.
PHP is a leading server side scripting
language used on the web. It is very easy
to learn but fast and powerful. Using the
already written functions that interact
with your VADV BBS, you can quickly write
new applications for your BBS.
All it takes to setup VADV-PHP is a
Virtual Advanced BBS and a web server that
has PHP installed. Installation is simply
extracting the package into a directory
and configuring the path to your BBS
installation. All further configuration
can be performed using the easy-to-use
web utilities!