Virtual Advanced | VADV32 | VSMTP32 | VIRC32 | VADV-PHP | Ports | Utilities

The products that I support are listed below. If you have an idea for a new product that I do not currently offer, then please contact me.

Virtual Advanced

Virtual Advanced (VADV) is a bulletin board system which was created in 1998 by Roland De Graaf. It is the successor to the Virtual Bulletin Board System (VBBS).

Visit the VADV product page.


VADV32 is a telnet front-end for VADV. It allows users to call into your BBS through the Internet. It also contains many configuration utilities which aid the SysOp with the setup and management of the system.

Visit the VADV32 product page.


VSMTP32 is a fully compliant SMTP server for your VADV system. It permits your users to send and receive Internet email. Easy to setup but contains many advanced features.

Visit the VSMTP32 product page.


VIRC32 is an irc client for VADV. It requires no setup. Just run it and your users will have access to the IRC servers you have configured. A great way to network your BBS with others.

Visit the VIRC32 product page.


VADV-PHP is the web front-end for your BBS. It allows your users to access many of your BBS functions using their web browser. Read and write email and messages, download files, vote in polls and much more. Also allows easy development of your own applications.

Visit the VADV-PHP product page.


These are programs which have been designed to replace existing VADV applications.

Visit the ports product page.


These are VScript programs which have been created to add functionality to VADV.

Visit the scripts product page.


These are utilities to perform specific functions with your BBS. Many are DOS-based programs written in QuickBasic.

Visit the utilities product page.

V32 Update

V32 Update is the auto-update notification program that is included with the V32 applications. If you are missing this application or need to manually update it, then grab it here.

Get V32 Update

You Can Help!
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