Last Updated: 01-06-2022
VADV-PHP History
Current Build
- Removed vadvphp cookie.
- Disabled the setcookie command after session creation.
! Fixed issue displaying message and file databases to users without access.
! Fixed missing timezone error.
! Fixed network info error.
! Fixed offset error with who.php.
! Fixed issues with PHP 7.x and 8.x
+ Added option to show custom databases in message area (to SysOp).
+ Re-established noindexed pages.
+ Changed echo to print for consistency.
+ Updated encryption routines.
! Fixed database description spacing issue.
! Fixed fTelnet issue.
! Fixed issue with ANSI messages not being displayed in forums.
! Encoded URL's are now displayed with a truncated description.
! Fixed msgcnt error in vadvDatabases->GetDbInfo().
! Fixed ParseANSI() to work with changes in PHP.
! Fixed tag typo on newuser vconfig page.
! Fixed Unixtime to match the BBS.
+ Added theme support (by Darrell).
+ Major changes.
- Removed unneeded functions.
+ Added support for Flashterm.
+ Added options for RSS to configuration page.
+ Added option to require secure login using js.
+ Changed ip address information to use geotool instead of
+ Changed SSL option to a boolean value.
! Fixed databases so CDROM types are not scanned for new files.
! Fixed error in
! Fixed offset error in (Darrell)
! Fixed path lengths in cfgSysPaths->Put(). (Darrell)
! Fixed last online issue in usereditor.php.
- Removed mobile site link.
- Removed ssl link from home page.
0000054: [Bug Report] Adding a moderator to a file areas causes php errors. (Coolmax) (swinn)
0000055: [Bug Report] Serious issues when saving Main Configuration from VA-PHP (Coolmax) (swinn)
0000056: [Bug Report] Compress Userfile produces error. (Coolmax) (swinn)
+ Converted VADV-PHP to utilize OOP.
+ Global variables use $GLOBAL now to help identify them.
+ Added function IsLoggedIn() to
+ Long filename support.
0000009: [Feature Request] Re-write core functions as objects. (swinn) (swinn)
+ Converted all pt into px.
+ Added BBCodes. (Coded by David Overbeek)
+ Added emoticons. (Coded by David Overbeek)
+ Messages are viewed in cp866 charset.
+ ParseANSI() now displays the proper charset.
+ File descriptions now have the same options as the message bases.
+ Added error checking to ReadCfgFile().
- Removed mobile browser detection.
! Changed courier new to monospace.
! Fixed an issue with browsers that cannot use the javascript encryption.
! Fixed sentemail-viewmsg.php so it only marks messages for deletion.
! Fixed message length limitation.
+ Changed database topics to allow non alpha characters.
! Fixed downloading issue which caused PHP to consume tons of CPU cycles and
! Fixed issue when sending emails.
! Fixed subscription issue. You couldn't unsubscribe from all subs.
+ Added notification for new files.
+ Added mstr_replace() function.
+ Changed method used to save messages, files and emails to the databases.
! Fixed an issue with random taglines.
! More error handling.
! Fixed issue with subscribe.php. Some databases would not update.
! Fixed typo in files-viewmsg.php.
+ Added support for VADV32's DOW.DAT which tracks stats by day of week.
+ Added new option for a VADV-PHP password. This is a seperate password to use
for the web-bbs. It can be up to 32 characters in length.
+ Added "sysop availability" message to index page.
+ Added more input checking in post-email.php.
+ Added referer check in various scripts.
! Modified the caching of various pages to make them work with the browser
back button.
! Fixed system password length issue.
! Fixed login and logoff issue with the WAP pages.
! Fixed problem in ConvertLongFilename() function.
! Fixed error when changing channel information.
! Fixed timeout if changing various config files.
+ Added a configuration option to redirect users to the SSL website.
+ Modified webuserlist.php so the SysOp can see who is using SSL.
+ Users can toggle the new message scan. Disabling it speeds up the topic
+ User account information will now display the time left on the BBS.
+ The SysOp can now edit the time left in the user editor.
+ Users can specify one of the two macros to use as an auto-signature in emails
and messages.
+ Javascript was added to prevent multiple submissions of the same form.
+ In the webuserlist.php script you can now click the IP address to get its
owner's information.
+ Reorganized all functions to be in alphabetical order.
! Fixed the ReadCfgFile() and WriteCfgFile() functions so they operate with
PHP v4.2.x again and so they use newer functions from PHP v5.x as well.
! Added more timezones. With luck they are accurate now.
! Fixed a variable name in that caused an error.
! Fixed an issue with the user account time counter not being reset when using
VADV-PHP. This caused time reporting errors when logged in the BBS.
! Fixed an issue with the GetNetworkInfo() function not returning the correct
number of networks if VirtualNET was not configured.
! Fixed needed functions to make VADV-PHP work correctly in a SSL environment.
! Fixed a problem with several php open tags.
! Fixed typo in function name PutVote().
! Changed how the database BIN files were written to.
! Fixed a bug in GetEmailCount() and WriteMessageInfo() which were causing
"new email" notification problems.
+ Added network listing to the homepage and edited dispnet.php so it lists
available networks if no network is chosen.
+ Changed how filesizes were calculated in the file area and other areas.
+ Rewrote the WMLSpecialChars() function to use entity numbers.
+ Added function HtmlSpace() which adds non-breaking spaces to a string.
! Fixed errors in the WML pages.
! Fixed a problem in the RedirectUser() function in which
was causing problems when redirecting a WAP user using a url with a query
! Fixed sent/received email listing on the WAP pages.
! Fixed a bug in the post-it_network.php script which was caused if a post
was from another network that wasn't configured on the system.
! Fixed a problem when displaying error messages.
! Fixed a problem when displaying messages that contain html.
! Fixed a problem with the timezone calculations.
! Fixed a problem with the topic database count.
! Fixed a problem that cause an "invalid database" error message on valid
! When sending FIDO-type netmail, it will check the networks.lst setting for
realnames or handles and use the appropriate value.
! The ConvertDateTime() function did not take +0000 as a timezone.
! Fixed an issue with the sysinfo() bbs:web ratio.
! Fixed "help" in the new user registration box.
+ Added a new include file called, which allows you to use
the channels.cfg file. The channels.cfg file is only present in VADV for
backward compatibility with VBBS programs.
+ Added new parameters to the ParseANSI() function to allow the sizing of
the font, length of the screen and the ability to truncate blank lines.
+ Added a new function to called ReadID3Info(), which
will retrieve MP3 information.
+ If you are viewing a MP3 file in the file area or attached to an email,
its information will now be displayed in the long description.
+ Updated the spider listing in DetectSpider().
+ Changed how random quotes were retrieved. It now retrieves the three lines
individually like it should. It retains compatibility though from prior
+ Update the Post-It! Network script to mimic version 2.4, which will now show
the originating BBS name.
! New user accounts cannot be numeric - there must be atleast one non-numeric
character in the username.
! When sending email, if you sent email to ALLFIX or something similar,
it wouldn't let you since it was looking for 'all' to send to all users.
To send to all users now, you must address it to 'all users'.
! Fixed a problem with the ConvertDateTime() function. It didn't have a default
'tz' value.
! Fixed another problem with the ConvertDateTime() function. It was only
processing timezone abbreviations and not the numeric representation.
! Fixed a problem with VADV-PHP not recording the user's last call time.
+ Added a new option to display a text message at the top of the new user
registration form. Create a text file named NWEBUSER.TXT in the \VA\TXT
directory with the message. (Steven Reeves)
+ Added a new script called editdesc.php, which allows you to edit file
database descriptions. (Steven Reeves)
+ Added a new function called CompressUserfile(), which will compress the
userfile.dat to its smallest state.
+ Added a new script named viewimage.php, which allows thumbnail support for
any image files being served in the file area. This requires the GD2 library
to be installed. (Steven Reeves)
+ The userlist.php script now allows sorting to be done by clicking on the
headers. (Tina)
+ Added a new function to called GetDbNetworks(), which
will return the network information for the database.
+ Added some new icons, and forums will now show if the database is local or
+ Added a new script named subscribe.php, which will allow users to join or
ignore subs when doing a new message scan.
+ The SysOp is notified if there are any messages that need to be validated.
+ Database records now use the timezone of the web server instead of the
SysOp inputted one in VConfig.
+ Added the System News link to the home page.
+ The UpdateWhosOnline() function now allows you to set a different timeout
value for users.
+ was updated to allow for a different timeout value to be set
by setting the variable $TIMEOUT before the script is included.
+ post-email.php and post-message.php have been given a new timeout value of
30 minutes.
+ Added a javascript file to handle client side md5 hashing.
+ Modified the login form and login.php to utilize md5 on the client side to
protect passwords being transmitted.
+ Session handling was worked on so that the session cookie would update
each time the session started (it was timing out).
+ Removed the code that was stripping C-Net codes. This might be fixed and
added in the future if needed.
+ The hit counter will only record one hit per session now, and will record
a hit on any page instead of just index.php.
+ Threading now works for those posted in VADV-PHP. Currently, threads can
only be viewed in the BBS.
+ Added file listing style to the SysOp user editor.
+ Added new user option of setting their timezone. This will affect times
displayed to the user.
+ Added a new function to called UserDate(). This
function is exactly like the PHP date() function except it factors in the
user's timezone.
+ Improved the HTMLEncode() function in Also added a
new enhanced mode option which will encode various unregistered url types.
+ Added a new script called search.php, which is the search engine for the
VADV databases.
+ The GetMessage() function has been given an additional paramater to pass
the filestring to it if you are retrieving multiple messages.
+ Worked on the ConvertDateTime() function.
- Removed functions FindTopicInfo(), FindDbInfo() and FindMessageInfo() from They are replaced with the existing GetTopicInfo(),
GetDbInfo() and GetMessageInfo() functions, which have been given an
additional paramater for the filestring.
! Fixed a file downloading problem which was unexplained, but seems to be
working fine.
! Fixed a problem with the FindNewAcct() function.
! Fixed a problem with the user's birthday when registering if the birthday
is not required.
! When viewing the Post-It! Network messages, the message pointer is now
! Fixed a problem with msginfo.php when viewing the info from email or sent
! Fixed a JavaScript problem found in the systemlogin.php script.
! Added a fix if the access flag parameter was left off in the networks.lst
configuration file. (Steven Reeves)
! Fixed a few problems with the data types and added some new entries.
! Fixed a problem with mail being deleted in the DeleteUser() function and
register.php script.
! Fixed a timestamp problem with the databases.
+ Added a new function to called WMLSpecialChars(), which
will take a string and convert it to a WML compatiable format.
+ Made improvments to who.php. You can now view all web users.
+ Added a new "action" feature. Each script contains a variable that explains
what the script is doing, therefore you can see what the user is doing.
+ Added support for the AT2k System News script on the index page.
+ Added a news script called system_news.php, which lets users view system
notices that are created using the AT2k script by the same name.
+ Added many new help files for various forms. A new directory was created
called "help", which contains these files. The current help files were moved
into this directory as well.
+ Added a help file for the Main Configuration screen in VConfig. This file
is named vconfig_main_help.php.
+ Added a new function to called PutDbInfo(), which will
add a new database entry to database.cfg.
+ Added two new functions to called GetSentEmailCount(),
and SetSentEmailInfo(). These were created to work with a new database
called SNTEMAIL, which will contain a copy of sent email messages. (Tina)
+ Added a new script named, which contains functions that work
with AT2k scripts and programs. It contains GetNewsListConfig(),
GetPostItConfig() and GetSysNewsConfig().
+ Added a script called post-email_help.php which gives help information on how
to send local and network email.
+ The email display script email-dispmsg.php now is seperated into pages of
25 messages.
+ The GetEmailCount() function in now will return the
actual message numbers in an array.
+ When viewing emails as the SysOp, you can now click on the from user handle
(if local) to enter the user editor. (Lee Wilson)
+ Added new functionality to the WAP pages. Added login.php, email.php and
post-email.php. The rest of the pages received 'back' links. The index.php
page was redone to include login options and mail notification.
+ Added a new script named topten.php, which displays the top ten users in a
variety of categories.
+ Added a new function to called UserStats(). This function
will retrieve and sort user stats in a number of categories. Easily make a
top ten list.
+ The GetMessageCount() function has been changed a bit. If the parameter
$includeDeleted is set to FALSE, then any messages marked as deleted will not
be counted.
+ Added a new function to called EditMessage(). This allows
you to change the subject and/or body of a message, file or email.
+ The GetControl() function in was rewritten. It works the
same as before if you specify a node number, but if you do not pass a node
number, then it will return information for all nodes.
+ Added a new function to called ParseANSI(). This will
take a string and create a 80x25 ANSI screen out of it.
+ Added new functions to GetUserVote() and PutUserVote(),
which aid in manipulating the VADV voting booth.
+ Added a new function to called GetVoteStats(), which will
get the statistics for any voting question.
+ Added a new script named vote.php, which is the web version of the VADV
voting booth.
+ Added a new script named sysinfo.php, which displays system information and
statistics to the user in the VADV way.
+ When a file is downloaded, a oneliner is now sent to the uploader of that
file stating that the user retrieved it.
+ The GetHourStats() and GetConnectionStats() functions in now
contain a new element named 'total' which tallies up all of the values.
+ Added the option for SysOps to be able to email all local users at once. You
can also specify security levels to send emails to.
+ Added a new function to called GetOnelinerCount(), which
will count the number of oneliners addressed to that user.
+ Added a new function to called MakeUserfile_IDX(),
which creates a new index file.
+ The function SetOnelinerInfo() now requires the user number to be passed.
+ VADV-PHP now checks the allow handle setting when new users register.
+ The FixHeartColors() function has been rewritten to create better HTML.
+ Added a new statistic called webmaxusers. This now tracks the maximum number
of web users online at once. It displays this amount on the system stats
+ The home page will display a random quote now if there are no other user
notices to display.
+ The home page has been modified to better display the today's callers and
who's online.
+ Added new configuration option in vadv-php_config.php. You may now require
the system password to be entered when executing the VConfig scripts.
+ Added new configuration options in vadv-php_config.php. You can now enable or
disable certain AT2k scripts.
+ Added the new options to vconfig_vadv-php.php, vconfig_vadv-php_process.php
and vconfig_vadv-php_help.php.
+ $CONFIG['fileupload'] is now a boolean value instead of an integer.
! Worked on the RedirectUser() function. WAP support was added into it.
! Fixed a major problem when deleting messages.
! Worked on the HTMLEncode() function to do mailtos and www addresses better.
! Fixed a problem in Found the missing information from
! Fixed a problem with the GetEmailCount() function not reading the first email
in the database.
! Fixed a problem when a user's password was changed in the SysOp user editor.
! Fixed a problem with the DeleteMessage() function not correctly updating the
data file. It also now updates the user message pointers.
! Fixed a problem with invalid logins.
! Fixed a problem if you were logging in using bbslogin.php.
! Fixed a problem with the VConfig Main Configuration screen not updating
two entries. vconfig_main_process.php had an error.
! Fixed a default user problem in
! The DeleteUser() function now will remove address book and irc files as well
as resetting any user votes in the voting booths. It has also been fixed so
it deletes any emails and oneliners addressed to that user.
! Register.php has been updated to remove any existing oneliners when reusing
account numbers.
! Fixed a problem with user accounts in
! Fixed new message notification from being displayed to guests if the
guest account is being used.
! Fixed a problem with message information from not being displayed to guests.
! Fixed the message information window's title.
! Fixed a problem that occurred if gpc_magic_quotes_gpc was turned on.
! Worked on the HTMLEncode() function. Got rid of a double quotation and it
should not make links out of email addresses that do not have a top level
! Worked on the StripANSI() function. It now only will strip valid ANSI codes.
Before it was case insensitive, which is not part of the ANSI standard.
! All functions have been modified for better variable type handling and all
function comments have been completed with parameter information.
! A lot of minor html and php code tweaks.
+ Added a new script named, which contains functions to
retrieve the heart code information in the color.cfg file.
+ Added new functions to called GetColors(), PutColors(),
ReadColors(), and WriteColors().
! Fixed a problem in the msginfo.php script if the message was from a non-
configured network.
! Fixed a problem in register.php which was not letting new users register.
+ forum-dispmsg.php now shows the number of unread and total messages in the
+ forum-viewmsg.php now shows the message number and total message number in
the header.
+ The GetMessage() function in no longer strips the routing
+ When viewing emails or messages, you have the option to show or strip the
routing information.
+ Added the ability to go back to the database or topic pages in the message
forums or file area. This was added to the viewmsg and dispmsg pages.
! Fixed some issues with the 'Get' and 'Put' functions in the inc.php files.
Several of the functions were returning the wrong information, and a few
of the functions were not complete.
+ Added a new script called upload.php. This script allows a web user to upload
a file from their computer to the BBS.
+ Added a new function to called WriteFile(), which will
write a new file entry to a file database.
+ Added a new function to called SetUploadInfo(), which
creates a $dbInfo variable containing the information needed for the new
upload database.
+ Added a new configuration option in vadv-php_config.php. You can enable or
disable the file upload capability.
+ Added a new configuration option in vadv-php_config.php. You can now set a
minimum security level to upload files.
+ Added a new function to called DeleteUser(), which does
what it says. It will delete a user of your choice.
+ Fixed some security issues within download.php.
+ Added a new script called displog.php. This script will display the
VADV-PHP log to the sysop.
+ Added a new function to called VA_Die(), which will
display a passed message and then attempt to redirect the page to an index
+ The PutString(), PutChar(), PutInteger(), PutLongInt() and PutSingle()
functions will now lengthen the string to put data in a position beyond the
string's original length.
+ Added a new script called This script contains functions
that allow you to read and modify the arcs.cfg file.
+ Added new functions to called GetArcs(), ReadArcs(), and
+ Added an option to the UpdateMessagePointers() function. By default now, it
does not reset any ignored subs.
+ When listing topics, it now shows which topics contain unread messages.
+ The forum-disptopics.php, forum-dispdb.php and forum-dispmsg.php pages now
have an option to update all message pointers.
+ If there are no message/file topics configured, it will now inform the user
that there are no topics instead of displaying a blank form.
+ Added a new function to called GetNetworkCallers(), which
breaks down the netcalls.lst file and stores it into an array.
+ Completed the GetSingle() function. Finally learned how floating point
numbers work. This function only works with small values at this time.
+ Completed the MakeSingle() and PutSingle() functions.
+ Rewrote the GetNetworkInfo() function.
+ When sending email, it now checks the user's flags to see if they have
access. These flags are set in the networks.lst file and the user account.
+ When forwarding email, it now checks the user's flags to see what networks
they have access to.
+ The SysOp user editor has been updated so it only allows forwarding of the
user's email to networks that the user has access to.
+ Changed a few items in who.php and todays_callers.php.
+ Updated various image files.
+ Improved the email file attachment feature.
+ Improved upload security for attached files and file area uploads.
+ Log files are now backed up when the max filesize is reached.
+ More user logging is performed.
+ Added index.php files to all directories to redirect to the main page.
+ The GetEmailCount() function will return the number of deleted messages as
well now as $array['deleted'].
+ The email display page now contains a box that allows you to check or
uncheck all messages for easy deletion.
+ Added a new script called msginfo.php. It displays information about
+ When viewing messages, emails or files, you can view the message
information by clicking a link on the bottom of the page.
+ Added a new function to called ReadNetworksLst() which
will read the networks.lst file and extract all of its information.
+ Added a new script called which contains functions to
manipulate the vadv-php.dat file. This new data file contains user settings
and preferences regarding VADV-PHP.
+ Added new functions to the script: GetUserSettings(),
PutUserSettings(), ReadUserSettings, and WriteUserSettings().
+ You may now hide deleted emails from view.
- Removed the FormatNumber() function. It was not needed since the internal
function number_format() does the same job.
! Fixed the GetInteger(), GetLongInt(), MakeInteger() and MakeLongInt()
functions so they operate correctly with negative values. You must now also
specify anytime you wish to use an unsigned integer.
! Fixed the IIS problem that occurs when creating cookies and then redirecting.
! Fixed problems associated with a user (Sysop) having a SL of more than 255.
! Fixed a problem with the Array_StripSlashes() function.
! Fixed a few problems with the ConvertLongFilename() function.
! Fixed a lingering problem of double logins and/or double invalid logins. Had
to do with the RedirectUser() function.
! Fixed a problem in the script. The $_COOKIES variable was
causing a problem on some systems because it wasn't being created.
! Fixed a problem in the GetMessage() function. If the message's msglength was
zero, then an error would occur.
+ Added a new script called webuserlist.php which will display to the sysop
the current online users and their information. This page is accessible
from index.php.
+ Added new configuration option. You can now specify the life span of the
'remember me' cookie.
+ Added the ability to show the color codes and ANSI codes in messages.
+ You can now select multiple email messages for deletion at a time.
+ The StripBBSCodes() function has been rewritten. It will also now strip out
pipe codes, PcBoard codes, Wildcat codes and Celerity codes.
+ Changed the GetUserCount() function. It does not actually read the userfile
any longer which makes it faster to execute.
+ The VConfig pages will log any unauthorized attempts to access them.
+ The online user listing now tells how many guests are online.
+ Added a hit counter which is stored in STATVBBS.DAT. It counts hits only on
the index.php page.
+ Added a new function to called FormatNumber() which will
take a number and format it with commas for easier reading.
+ Added a new function to called DetectSpider(), which
determines if the current user's client is a known search engine spider.
+ The UpdateWhosOnline() function now checks to see if the current user is
actually a search engine spider. This was implemented to reduce the number
of false guests users being reported.
+ Changed a few options in so that the sessions remain active
for 15 minutes before ending.
+ Added more information when reviewing files to download.
+ Added better error handling. It now will trap fatal errors if they occur.
Also a bug report of the error is automatically emailed to (If
+ When sending email, the message body is not required any longer. Also when
sending a network email, the recepient email address must be in the proper
+ Improved the encoding in the HTMLEncode() function.
! Optimized a few functions in
! Fixed a login issue that occurs sometimes when a wrong password is entered.
! Fixed (hopefully) the UpdateWhosOnline() function so it now correctly returns
the users who are logged in and the guests. Current online users are now
calculated by 15 minute sessions.
! Fixed the oneliners trying to display heart codes.
! Fixed an email security problem with userinfo.php.
! Fixed the banned account field in the VADV-PHP configuration. It adds the
guest account number to the list on purpose but shouldn't display it in the
! Fixed the ip address spacing in the logs created with WriteLog().
! Fixed error that occurs when you posted in an anonymous message sub.
! Fixed an error in ReadHourStats() that prevented it from working.
! Fixed a problem in the GetMessage() and QuoteMessage() functions that
prevented quoting messages properly.
! Fixed ANSI from being displayed in subjects for email, messages and files.
! Fixed a problem if the filename is blank when looking at the file section.
! Fixed a problem if a non existant database was tried to be accessed.
! Fixed a problem if topic names or database names were blank.
! Fixed a problem when a message reply's fields were not completely filled in.
+ Added WAP support, so you can view who's online and today's callers from
your mobile device.
+ Added a sysop user editor.
+ Added a new function in called GetUserCount(), which
will return the total number of accounts in the userfile.dat file.
+ Created a function called GlobalFooter() which is a common footer for all
+ Added a new configuration option called PurgeTime, which is the number of
days an account may be inactive before a new user account will overwrite it.
+ Added a new configuration options called PurgeMinLevel and PurgeMaxLevel,
which are the minimum and maximum security levels that are allowed to be
purged by VADV-PHP when a new user registers.
+ Changed the FindNewAcct() function so it now looks for accounts with zero
total calls that are more than a week old and it will find idle accounts
over the set time period.
+ Added more information to the user information screen. You can view some
extended information about yourself that is hidden from other users.
+ Added the ability to email a user from the user information screen.
+ Added more information in the new user email that is sent to the sysop when
a new user registers.
+ Added a new script called userlist.php which will display a listing of all
users of the BBS.
+ Expanded the function of the dispnet.php script. It will display multiple
screens for long listings and allows movement between pages now.
+ The email network listing is now sorted alphabetically and also shows the
type of network it is.
+ Added sysop feedback link to the index.php page.
! Fixed a problem with the webcallers.lst file.
! Fixed a problem that occurs when you reply to a message or email that
contains special HTML characters.
! Fixed a problem of new user accounts reporting an incorrect total number of
calls to the system.
! Fixed a problem when you email a user from the user information page.
! Fixed a problem with guest account user access flags. It wasn't working if
you used lowercase letters.
! Fixed a problem with database access using access flags.
+ Added a new script called userinfo.php which will display information about
any user.
+ Added two new scripts called edituser.php and edituser_process.php which
allow the current user to edit his/her account information and settings.
+ Changed the GetUser() function to return a blank entry if the user number is
+ Rewrote the today's callers script to use a table to display the information.
+ Index.php now detects if the Post-It! Network script is installed and disables
that link if not.
+ Today's callers and who's online users can now be clicked on to see the user's
+ Added a configuration option to allow certain pages to be refreshed after
a number of seconds.
+ The BBS telnet address is now a hyperlink.
+ The StripBBSCodes() function now strips Cnet type color codes.
! Fixed a URL redirection problem that is caused by PHP v4.3.2. This problem
did not seem to occur with previous versions.
! Fixed a display issue of a nntp username in the forums.
! Fixed several minor bugs.
+ Added a new configuration option, named 'guestacct'. If you set this
variable to an account number of your BBS, then web-bbs guests will be
given the security level, access flags, age, and all other settings of
that account. The other guest settings in the configuration file are
then void. This is optional and normally you'd just leave it set at 0. If
this is set, then that account number is automatically banned from being
logged into.
+ When you read an email in VADV-PHP it will now send a read receipt.
+ The SendFile() function from download.php was moved to
so it could be used in more scripts.
+ When a user downloads a file now, it will update the user's information
(number of downloads and downloaded KB), it will update the file's
information (number of downloads), and it will update the BBS's statistics
(downloads today and downloads total).
+ has been renamed to A new file
has been created that contains common settings that are set for each VADV-
PHP page. These settings were previously set at the beginning of but are now included.
+ Buffering has been turned back on to increase speed.
! Fixed a url problem when you login from the forums.
+ Implemented a new user registration process.
+ Added a new configuration option to determine what information is required
during the new user registration process.
+ Added an option when reading messages to strip any HTML tags out of the
+ Finished writing the WriteConfig() function in This
function will allow the vadv-php_config.php file to be changed inside a
+ Renamed StripHeartColors() to StripBBSCodes(), which now looks for several
different BBS codes to remove.
+ Added to the vconfig menu an option to configure VADV-PHP.
+ Added a new function to called RegistrationBox(), which will
display a new user registration form.
+ Added a new function to called DeleteMessage(), which
will permanently delete a message from a database.
+ Added a new function to called UpdateMessagePointers(),
which will update all of the user's message pointers to the most current
+ Added a new function to called FindNewAcct(), which
finds and returns the first blank or deleted user account.
+ Added new functions to GetUser_IDX(), PutUser_IDX(),
ReadUserfile_IDX(), and WriteUserfile_IDX(). These functions all work with
the userfile.idx file, which is basically a user index.
+ Added new functions to GetUserEmailInfo() and
AddUserEmailInfo() which deals with handles.uip.
+ Added a new function to called GetTodaysCallers(), which will
read the callers.lst file and store the today's callers information into an
+ Changed the GetMessage() function so you can now specify whether to strip
HTML tags or to display them. It will now also only return the text portion
of a message if it is in MIME format.
+ Added a new option to the ConvertLongFilename() function. You can now
pass the filename's directory to it and it will detect files with the same
name and change the new filename accordingly.
+ Added a new function to the script called
Array_StripSlashes(), which is used to remove slashes from arrays. Also added
was code to prevent magic quotes from messing things up.
+ Added a new function to the script called
UpdateWhosOnline(), which maintains a listing of who is currently using the
web-bbs. This function is automatically called by
+ Now, will be included directly from the script, so all VADV-PHP scripts have the user variables.
+ Emails with attached files now display the filename, original filename and
a short message explaining compatibiltiy at the bottom of the message.
+ Changed the GetCurrentUrl() function so you can tell it to return the url
with or without the query string attached.
+ Changed all scripts so they use a include_dir.php file to determine the
relative location of the include directory. This way you do not have to add
the directory to your php.ini file and so I can maintain multiple sub-
directories to help organize the scripts.
+ I removed two functions: ConvertDate() and ConvertTime() from I rewrote the ConvertDateTime() function so it is much
more efficient and more compatiable with weird date formats.
+ I made some optimizations to a few functions.
! Optimized some of the database functions.
! Fixed problems concerning the FindHandle() and FindRealUser() functions.
! Displayed messages now are displayed correctly.
! Fixed an age calculation problem in the CalcAge() function. It *should*
calculate the correct age in years now up to a day.
! Fixed a problem when guests attempt to download files.
! Fixed a problem with the ConvertLongFilename function.
! Fixed a problem with downloading attached files (email).
! Fixed a problem with sending emails if network 1 (vnet) was not configured.
! Fixed the textarea when posting messages. It will now wrap like it is
supposed to. Also html tags are not removed in posted messages anymore.
! Fixed a login authentication problem.
+ Added a user notice section to the index.php page which will inform the user
of new email, and display oneliners.
+ The SysOp and/or the forum moderator can now mark messages for deletion. The
regular users now cannot view deleted messages.
+ Added the ability to attach a file to outgoing email.
+ Added a new configuration option to lock out certain user accounts from being
able to login the web-bbs.
+ Added a new function to called RedirectUser(). This is
a simple function that will redirect the user to a new page.
+ Added a new function to called StripANSICodes(), which
does just that. Any ANSI escape codes are removed from the string.
+ Added a new function to called ConvertLongFilename(),
which will truncate longer filenames to a 8.3 format.
+ Added a new function to called MakeAccFlags(), which
will convert a compressed string representation of user access flags into an
integer suitable for writing to userfile.dat.
+ Added a new function to called MakeFlags(), which
will convert a compressed string representation of user flags into a 26
character representation that is writable to userfile.dat.
+ The user access flags variable has been changed now to a string representation
of the flags instead of as an integer. When writing new values now to the
userfile, you pass a string format and it will calculate the integer to
write. This should make it easier to check the flags and to write/update them.
+ Added a new function to called SetOnelinerInfo(), which
will setup the database entry to access the oneliner database.
+ Enabled the ability to change a user's password with the PutUser() function.
If the passed password is longer than eight characters (md5 is 32 chars),
then it will not write it to the file. This is to allow the ability to change
the password, but not corrupt the userfile.
+ Enabled the ability to change the new-user password in It
follows the same rule as the user password above. The system password is still
disabled for writing and I do not see any reason to allow it to be changed
using VADV-PHP at this time.
+ The credit system is now in place (if used). Users may received credits when
they post in the message area, or be deducted credits if they download files.
They could also be denied the download if they do not have sufficient credits.
! After an invalid login, it will reset the login variables so the "invalid
username or password" message will not appear on every login page.
! Fixed the remember me option on IIS servers.
! Fixed a problem regarding database access using access flags in
! Fixed a problem in regarding user flags and access flags.
! Fixed a problem downloading local file attachments.
! Fixed a problem when saving the userfile.dat.
+ New feature: Users can now post and reply to messages and emails. Emails may
currently receive attached files but not send them yet. Email to local users
is forwarded to the correct location if that option is set in VADV.
+ Email may be deleted by the user, and unlike VADV, you may also undelete
them as well. Any file attachments are permanently deleted though and cannot
be restored.
+ Added a new script named post-message.php which displays a form to write
a new message post or a reply and then process it.
+ Added a new script named post-email.php which displays a form to write
new email messages or to reply and then process it.
+ Added new email notification to main page.
+ Changed the GetEmailCount() function so it now returns an array consisting of
the total number of emails in the user's box (msgno) and the total number of
emails that have not been read (unread).
+ Added new functions to GetMessagePointer(),
WriteMessagePointer(), GetTotalMessageCount(), WriteMessage(), WriteEmail()
and QuoteMessage().
+ Added new function to called SendOneLiner(), which will
send a one liner to either all nodes or the specified node.
+ Added new icons used with deleted messages and new messages.
+ The email and message areas will now display a 'new message' icon if there
are unread messages.
+ Deleted messages are still displayed to the user, but are now clearly shown
that it is marked for deletion.
+ The message area now updates the new scan pointers for subs that are not
ignored on the BBS.
+ Added a link to all forum/file/email pages to return to the main page.
+ Added a login option from the forum, file and email screens. The login screen
will return the user to the page he/she entered it from.
+ Added more error checking to download.php.
! Fixed a link error in the forum-viewmsg.php and files-dispmsg.php scripts.
This was caused from a copy/paste operation I did in the previous release.
! Fixed a problem when retrieving and saving a user's access flags.
! Fixed a problem when there is a user has selective access to a database that
is not the first one listed. Before it would check that first one and decide
that the user had access to none of them even though the topic page would
show the correct number of available databases.
! Fixed a problem with the login authentication routine. It wouldn't remember
your login unless you refreshed the page. This was due to a session error.
! Fixed some issues with the image sizes on the forum pages.
! Fixed phone format length in
! Fixed two variable type errors in
! Fixed system message count error in
! Fixed the issue with the vconfig_paths.php script displaying the paths
! Fixed a problem in the FindHandle() and FindRealName() functions in the script in which they would return the user number of a
deleted user.
! Fixed a problem with the GetCurrentURL() function, where it did not append
the query string (if any) to the end.
! Fixed a major miscalculation error in the MakeInteger() and MakeLongInteger()
functions in Also, for both of these functions there is
a new argument named $long. If you set $long to 1, then the MakeInteger()
function has a maximum value of 65535, and the MakeLongInt() function has
a maximum value of 4294967295. These are the maximum values that can be
stored in the CFG and DAT files, but VADV itself is still limited to the
standard maximums of 32767 and 2147483647.
+ Added support for the extended VADV32 user information (ip address and
hostname) to the script. This information is read-only.
If a BBS is not using VADV32 then blank values are returned.
+ Added new script of bbslogin.php which is a simple login page.
+ Added a new function to called VA_LoginError() which
simply displays a notification page to the user if he/she tries to access
a page which requires a login first. The user can load the bbslogin.php
script from this page.
+ Added the ability to read BBS email. Two new scripts to make this possible:
email-dispmsg.php and email-viewmsg.php.
+ Changed name of GetEmailInfo to SetEmailInfo which better describes the
function ( Added function of GetEmailCount() which will
get the number of messages in a user's email box.
+ Made changes to download.php so attached files to emails can be downloaded.
+ Added a new function to named WriteMessageInfo() which
allows you to change the saved information of a certain database.
+ Added login option to remember the user (using a cookie), so they do not
have to login every time they visit your site. The cookie is set to expire
after a week.
+ Post-It! Network script will now filter messages if the filter is turned on
in the config file.
+ Continued optimizing the code for faster execution.
! Fixed a problem that occurs when you create a new message/file sub in
VConfig and it has not had any posts yet.
+ The config.php file has been renamed to vadv-php_config.php in order to
prevent it mistaking another PHP script's config file for VADV-PHP's. This
was also done so when configuring VADV-PHP, it would not overwrite another
program's config file by mistake.
+ Added a new function to called WriteConfig(), which will
write a new vadv-php_config.php file based on the passed array.
+ Added three new functions to to help increase the speed
of searching the same databases multiple times. The new functions are called
FindTopicInfo(), FindDbInfo(), and FindMessageInfo().
+ Optimized the code a bit to run faster.
! Fixed a bug in the file forums.
! Fixed a bug in the download.php script.
+ Added new functions to the script. These include:
WriteCfgFile(), PutString(), PutChar(), PutInteger(), PutLongInt(),
MakeChar(), and VA_Error(). These functions are used to write to the
configuration files.
+ Added a new function to called ConvertUnc(), which will
convert the UNC type path into a local path. (Opposite of the ConvertDir
function). Also added the ReadSysPaths() function.
+ Added a new function to called HTMLEncode(), which will
take a line of text and add any href entries to it if it contains valid
Internet addresses.
+ Added new functions to the script. These include:
PutControl(), ReadControl(), and WriteControl().
+ Added new functions to the script. These include:
GetEmailInfo(), SearchMessagesTo(), and SearchMessagesFrom().
+ Added new functions to the script. These include:
PutDoors(), ReadDoors(), and WriteDoors().
+ Added new functions to the script. These include:
PutDownload(), ReadDownload(), and WriteDownload().
+ Added new functions to the script. These include:
PutEvents(), ReadEvents(), and WriteEvents().
+ Added new functions to the script. These include:
PutMainConfig(), ReadMainConfig(), and WriteMainConfig().
+ Added new functions to the script. These include:
PutMultiFBX(), ReadMultiFBX(), and WriteMultiFBX().
+ Added new functions to the script. These include:
PutQuickVal(), ReadQuickVal(), and WriteQuickVal().
+ Added new functions to the script. These include:
PutRandom(), ReadRandom(), and WriteRandom().
+ Added new functions to the script. These include:
PutTextSect(), ReadTextSect(), and WriteTextSect().
+ Added new functions to the script. These include:
PutUpload(), ReadUpload(), and WriteUpload().
+ Added new functions to the script. These include:
PutUser(), ReadUserfile(), and WriteUserfile().
+ Added new functions to the script. These include:
PutVote(), ReadVote(), and WriteVote().
+ Changed the way it handles errors for all of the .inc files.
+ Changed the directory structure of the PHP scripts. There is now a specific
include directory for all inc.php files.
+ Added a new script named This script contains functions
useful when dealing with the configured networks.
+ Added new functions to the script. These include:
GetNetworkInfo(), and GetVnetInfo().
+ Added a new script named This script contains functions
to retrieve statistical information about your BBS.
+ Added new functions to the script. These include:
GetStats(), PutStats(), ReadStats(), WriteStats(), GetHourStats(),
PutHourStats(), ReadHourStats(), WriteHourStats(), GetConnectionStats(),
PutConnectionStats(), ReadConnectionStats(), and WriteConnectionStats().
+ Added a new script named This script contains miscellaneous
functions, such as ones to read and write to the today's callers, who's
online, etc files.
+ Added the vconfig.php script. This is the online VConfig menu. From this
page you can access the different configuration pages for VADV and VADV-PHP.
Added the vconfig_main.php, and vconfig_paths.php pages.
+ Changed the script, so it now writes an entry to the
callers.lst file when someone logs in VADV-PHP.
+ Config.php now resides in the /include directory along with all .inc.php
files. You MUST now edit your PHP.INI file and add the VADV-PHP include
directory to the include_dir setting.
+ Enabled output buffering for all VADV-PHP scripts (turned on with the script).
+ Session information is now encoded.
! Fixed a bug in the download.php script that could cause a problem if the BBS
setup spanned across a network.
! Fixed a bug in the MakeInteger() and MakeLongInteger() functions which
caused an error if the number zero was passed to them.
+ Added a new configuration option in the config.php file. You may now specify
your telnet address by setting the "telnet" variable.
+ Changed the newuserpw variable in the GetMain() function to use MD5
+ All passwords from the configuration files are now changed to upper case
before the MD5 encryption.
+ Added style-sheets for the web pages and changed current web to use them.
+ Added a default index.php page to the package.
+ Added the file, which contains useful functions to use with
html pages.
+ Added login scripts of va-loginauth.php and login.php to the package. Changed
the forum and file scripts to now use the login functions.
+ Added the global variable $USER which contains all of the information of the
web user. Updated the file to use this variable.
+ Added session code to the forum and file scripts.
+ Added the function WriteLog() to the script. This
function will log a string to a specified file which is stored in the BBS's
data dir.
! Fixed the user color preferences in the script.
+ Added the GetChar() function to This function will
return the values of ascii characters in the configuration files.
! Fixed the user's age calculate. It now doesn't die for people born before
1970. I renamed the GetAge() function to CalcAge(), and added a new function
named CalcDayNumber() which does just that.
+ Added the post-it_network.php script to the package. This script will display
the AT2k Post-It! Network posts if you have v2.x or higher setup on your BBS.
+ Changed the GetMessage() function so it does not strip the heart colors and
other codes out of the message.
+ Changed the files-viewmsg.php and forum-viewmsg.php to work with the above
GetMessage() change.
! Fixed the StripHeartColors() function to function correctly and shortened its
code up quite a bit.
! Fixed the GetMessageInfo() function to return the values of its to/from
network addresses.
First public release.
+ This feature has been added or changed.
- This feature was removed.
! Bugfix from a previous version.
() A name in parenthesis means that person suggested that feature.