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VADV32 Configuration: General

This window contains VADV32's general configuration options:

  • VADV Instance - You may run multiple copies of VADV32 on the same computer by assigning each instance an unique number. Default = 0
  • Starting Node - This is the node number you want to begin accepting telnet connections on. On an all telnet system, you would normally set this to "1". It is recommended that you do not change this value. Any dial-up nodes should be configured after the last telnet node.

    This option is disabled and managed by VADV32 if Telnet-Only System is enabled. Default = 1
  • No. of Telnet Nodes - This is the total number of telnet connections you want to allow. If you set this value higher than the maximum number of connections (in VConfig Main Configuration), then this value will be automatically scaled back. You must also have a valid registration for the number of connections you wish to allow. If you only have a 10 node registration and you set this value higher than 10, then any connections on node eleven or higher will be denied by the BBS. Default = 1
  • Telnet Port - This is the TCP port to listen for connections on. Default = 23
  • Interface Binding - If you have multiple network interfaces on the computer, you can select individual ones to bind the telnet port to. Enter the IP addresses of each interface seperated by a comma. Default = ""
  • Maximum Log Size - You can specify the maximum size of the VADV32.LOG (in bytes). Once the log has reached this size, the log will be saved as VADV32.OLD and then the log will be reset. Default = 10485760 (10MB)
  • Silently Log Blocked Connections - If enabled, any blocked connections will not be shown in the main form's textbox. Blocked connections will be logged in the VADV32 log. Default = Off
  • Logging Level - The amount of events to log. Default = Normal
    • Minimal - Logs events and connections.
    • Normal - Logs each connection step. VADV32 will create a DEBUGx.LOG in the DATA directory. This file will contain any errors that occur in the DOS window before Netfoss has loaded. This can be useful for debugging Netfoss errors.
    • Session - The entire DOS window session will be saved to DEBUGx.LOG in the DATA directory. When this is turned on, you cannot "spy" on users since the console window output has been redirected.
  • Automatic Error Log Submission - If enabled, any error messages generated by VADV32 will be emailed to support for examination. This is used to eliminate bugs. You must have Internet email configured and operational in order for this to work. Default = Off
VADV32 Configuration: Nodes

This window contains VADV32's node configuration options:

  • Node Windows - When a user connects, the BBS node is loaded into a DOS window. You can specify what state this window should be started in: Normal, Minimized or Hidden. Default = Minimized
  • Telnet-Only System - Enabled by default and recommended if you only have telnet nodes (no dial-up). VADV32 will automatically manage several parts of the configuration. Default = On
  • Internal Node Handling - This determines whether VADV32 will load the BBS nodes, or if the LOADBBS.BAT will load the nodes. If enabled, then LOADBBS.BAT will NOT be used to load the BBS session. VADV32 will load NetFoss using the settings you specify. Generally you do not need to modify the values.

    If you use the internal node handling, then VADV32 will use the value for LOGOFF.BAT in VConfig to determine if LOGOFF.BAT should be executed after a user logs off. This option is in Virtual Advanced Main Configuration.

    Versions prior to 2.1 do not have this option and must use LOADBBS.BAT to load NetFoss and the BBS. Default = On
  • Automatic Node Configuration - If you enable this then when a user connects, the node's settings will automatically be changed to work with VADV32. This will prevent any channel configuration errors. Default = On
  • Reset All Nodes at Startup - If enabled, all nodes will be reset to the defaults when VADV32 is loaded. This cleans up any potential data left from a prior session that may have ended unexpectedly. Default = On
  • Enable NetSpy for Local Display - If enabled, NETSPY.EXE will be used to load the local display. You are still able to fully interact with the node but are not at risk to accidentally close the connection by closing the window. If disabled, you view the node's actual console window. Default = On
  • Enable PCANSI.COM - This will use PCANSI.COM for local ANSI decoding. Default = On
  • Enable LOGOFF.BAT Fix - This tells VADV32 to run LOGOFF.BAT itself and not rely on VADV to handle it. There is a VADV bug which causes a logoff error when logged in locally. This option should be disabled if you run any dial-up nodes. Default = Off
  • Resolve User Hostname - If this is enabled, when a user connects, VADV32 will attempt to resolve the user's hostname. This may take a few seconds if the hostname cannot be resolved. The hostname is logged and is also accessible in the TCPIP.CFG file. Default = Off
  • Refuse Duplicate Connections - If enabled, VADV32 will check the IP address of an incoming connection to see if it is already online. If the IP is already using a node, a message will be displayed to the user and then be disconnected. Default = Off
  • Max. Duplicate IP Connections - You may set the number of duplicate connections to allow before blocking. Default = 3
  • Active Node Status Requires Online User - This performs an additional check when calculating active minutes. If enabled, VADV32 will check to verify a user is logged in to the BBS in order to count it as "active". Default = Off
VADV32 Configuration: Netfoss

This window contains VADV32's Netfoss configuration options:

  • Buffer - The maximum amount of outgoing data to buffer before sending the TCP/IP packet to Winsock. Set to 0 for NetFoss default (1280). Default = 0
  • Buffer Delay - The minimum delay time that data was last received before writing out the buffer. Set to 0 for NetFoss default (100). Default = 0
  • Write Delay Time - The maximum amount of time to wait before sending the buffered TCP/IP packet to Winsock. Set to 0 for NetFoss default (350). Default = 0
  • Poll Delay - The number of status polls performed before a sleep delay. Set to 0 for NetFoss default (500). Default = 0
  • Force Close Delay - The number of milliseconds to wait before forcing a node's console close. Set to 0 for NetFoss default (0). Default = 5000
  • Output Speed - This controls the output speed. Lower values mean faster output. Set to 0 for NetFoss default (0). Default = 0
  • PD Zmodem - Used to tweak the speed of file transfers when using the PD Zmodem protocol. Set to 0 for NetFoss default (175). Default = 0
  • NetCom.ini - If enabled, NETCOM.INI will be used to pass parameters to NetCom. If disabled, command line parameters will be used. Some settings can only be changed by using NETCOM.INI. Default = Enabled
  • NetFoss Socket Handling - Requires NetFoss v1.0 or higher. This allows socket termination to be handled by NetFoss. Nodes are closed more gracefully and not forced closed. Default = On
VADV32 Configuration: Security

This window contains VADV32's Netfoss configuration options:

  • Enable Automatic Connection Blocking - VADV32 can be configured to automatically block IP addresses that are repeatedly connecting to the BBS. This is used to help control port scanners or malicious users from taking over your nodes. Default = Off
  • Number of Attempts - The number of connection attempts within the time period in order to become blocked. Default = 10
  • Time Period - The time period (in seconds) in which the connections must take place to become blocked. Default = 60
  • Block IP Addresses Causing Invalid Sessions - If enabled, any connection that causes an "invalid session" will be blocked for a duration. Invalid sessions can be caused by port scanning or any connection that closes very quickly after opening. Default = Off
VADV32 Configuration: Audio

This window contains VADV32's audio configuration options:

  • Logon WAV - A WAV file to be played when a user connects to the BBS. Default = ""
  • Logoff WAV - A WAV file to be played when a user disconnects from the BBS. Default = ""
  • Feedback WAV - A WAV file to be played when new SysOp email is detected. Default = ""
  • Beep When a User Connects - If enabled, VADV32 will emit a "beep" when a user connects. Default = Off
VADV32 Configuration: Notifications

This window contains VADV32's notification configuration options:

  • Email Notification - You can specify an email address and network to send a notification message when new SysOp feedback is received.
  • Pager Notification - If the interval is greater than zero, VADV32 will check for a flag file named VA32PAGE.FLG. If found, VADV32 will read the first line and do one of three actions:
    • Audio - VADV32 will play the specified WAV file.
    • Video - VADV32 will show a small notification in the lower right corner of the primary monitor alerting that a user has paged.
    • Both - VADV32 will play the WAV and show the visual notification.
    See the section in Other VADV32 Features and Information for more information.
  • Update Notification - You can choose to have VADV32 look for program updates on a regular basis. If a newer version is available, then you will be notified and provided a direct link to the update. This feature now uses the V32 Update application.
VADV32 Configuration: Options

This window contains VADV32's options:

  • Perform Message Tossing - If enabled, VADV32 will monitor the BBS for any network messages that need to be processed. If you are running node one at the WFC for whatever reason, you may want to turn this off since node one will perform this monitoring. If you are running an all telnet system, then enable it. Default = On
  • In-Use Flag Check - This option checks for the B*.FLG files used to specify that network tossing is currently active. Options are:
    • Enabled - If the flag is found, tossing is aborted.
    • Disabled - Message tossing will execute even if the flag exists.
    • Disabled w/ Delete - If the flag is found then it will be deleted and message tossing will be performed.
    Default = Enabled
  • Duplicate Msg Scan - This option determines what level of duplicate message scanning to perform before tossing messages:
    • Disabled - No scanning performed.
    • Loose - Check message headers only.
    • Moderate - Check message headers and message content.
    • Strict - Check message headers, message content and VADV system information.
    Default = Moderate
  • Maximum Scan Size - If the size of messages exceed this amount, duplicate message scanning will not be performed. This option was added because performing duplicate message scanning on an excessive amount of messages would bog down the system and take too long to finish. Default = 1048576 (1MB)
  • Optimize & Compile - This option controls what action to take after editing databases within VADV32:
    • Disabled - No action occurs.
    • Ask - VADV32 will ask if you want to optimize databases and compile network information.
    • Always - VADV32 will automatically optimize databases and compile network information.
    Default = Always
  • Execute VADV Events - If enabled, the scheduled events in VConfig will be executed. Multiple events scheduled at the same time will be run one after the other. "Hard" events are treated as "soft" events (no user booting). Default = On
  • Make VADV32 Offline During Hard Events - If enabled, VADV32 will go into offline mode while it is performing a "hard" event. Default = On
VADV32 Configuration: RTBBSList

This window contains VADV32's RTBBSList configuration options:

  • Enable RTBBSList - Allows Real-Time BBS List functionality and enables the fields below. Default = Off
  • RTBBSList URL - The full URL to the update page for the BBS List service.
  • RTBBSList Username - Your username for the Real-Time BBS List service.
  • RTBBSList Password - Your password for the Real-Time BBS List service.
  • Interval - The number of minutes to pass before updating the BBS List entry. Default = 5
  • Enable Information Display - If enabled, the RTBBSList status will be shown on the main VADV32 window. If disabled, memory information will be shown.
VADV32 Configuration: Maintenance

This window contains VADV32's maintenance configuration options:

  • Perform Daily Maintenance - On an all telnet system, normally this is enabled. Each night at midnight, the BBS statistics are reset and logs are rotated. This needs to occur each night. If you are running node one as a dial-up node or it is at the WFC screen for whatever reason, then this option should be disabled (node one does this maintenance). Default = On
  • Perform Daily Diagnostics - Each night during daily maintenance, a diagnostic test will be performed searching for invalid paths and common networking errors. If any problems are found an email will be sent to the SysOp. Default = On
  • Daily BBS Config Repair - Each night during daily maintenance, various configuration files will be scanned for common errors and fixed if needed. Default = On
  • Daily Network File Repair - Each night during daily maintenance, various network configuration files will be scanned for common errors and fixed if needed. Default = On
  • Auto-Update Time Zone - If enabled, VADV32 will automatically update the timezone setting in VADV's main configuration. It checks for any changes at the program start and every 30 minutes. It is recommended that you keep this enabled since it is important that the timezone be accurate. Default = On
  • Perform Daily Backup - Each night during daily maintenance, configuration and data files will be archived into the path configured below. Default = On
  • Backup Path - The location to store the archives. Default = .\DAILYBAK
  • Days to Keep - The number of backups to keep before deleting the oldest file. Default = 30
VADV32 Configuration: Caches

This window contains VADV32's caching options.

VADV32 Configuration: Miscellaneous

This window contains VADV32's miscellaneous configuration options:

  • Theme - You can change the color theme of the main VADV32 window by changing this option. Default = Blue & Gray
  • Refresh Interval - You can set the number of minutes for VADV32 to update the BBS statistics, hard drive list and alert icons. Default = 1
  • Minimize if Closed - If enabled then when you press the "X" to close the window, it will only minimize it instead of terminating the application. Default = Off
  • Minimize to Dashboard - VADV32 can be minimized to a very small window by using this option. This will keep VADV32 visible but out of the way. Default = Off
  • Minimize to Tray - You can minimize VADV32 to the system tray by enabling this option. This saves space on the taskbar and also allows you to right click the tray icon for quick options. Default = On
  • Save Daily Log - If enabled, VADV32 will remember the daily log and restore it when VADV32 is loaded. Default = On
  • Save Window Position on Exit - If enabled, the window coordinates will be saved when VADV32 is exited. When VADV32 is loaded, it will use these coordinates to position the window. If disabled, then the window will always be centered on the screen when loaded. Default = On
  • Show Event Windows - If enabled, when daily maintenance and message tossing is performed, the windows that are processing these event will be visible and accessible. Occasionally there is a sharing violation and with the windows visible you are able to exit the event cleanly. Default = Off
Virtual Advanced Configuration

VADV32 has portions of the VConfig utility built-in to make it more convenient to configure your BBS. Each option is briefly explained below. For more detailed information about these options, consult the VConfig documentation file.

  • Main Configuration - Contains the general options for your BBS.
  • Channels - Configure the communications aspects of VADV. VADV32 can automatically handle this portion of your BBS, but you may choose to manually control it if you have special requirements such as dial-up nodes.
  • Paths - Edit the path settings for your BBS.
  • Databases - Configure the message base and file directories of your BBS.
    • Message Bases - The "message subs" or simply "subs" of your BBS.
    • File Directories - The file directories that contain the files your users download from your BBS.
    • Custom Databases - Special databases created to work with script-based applications.
    • Optimize & Compile - This will optimize databases and compile network information.
    • Optimize Database Configuration - This compresses and reorganizes the DATABASE.CFG file so that database groups and databases can be accessed most quickly.
    • Compile Network Information - Recompiles the data which establishes the "connection" between a database and a networked message area or file area.
    • Database Auto-Setup (HDD/CD-ROM) - VADV32 can scan a specified directory and sub-directories to create databases. Use this along with VFileSyn to quickly setup databases and add files.
    • Make NEWS.LST for NNTP - This creates the ASCII file NEWS.LST which is used by VISK's NNTP software. The file is created in your main VADV directory, but must be moved to your Windows directory in order for VISK to use it.
    • QWK Numbering - Options to handle QWK numbering easier.
      • Auto-Number Message Bases - This will automatically assign all messages bases an unique QWK number. Existing QWK numbers will be reset and reassigned.
      • Reset (Turn Off) All QWK'd Message Bases - All databases' QWK number will be reset to zero.
  • Network Configuration - Configure the networks used by your BBS.
    • VirtualNET - Allows you to configure VirtualNET (network #1) for your BBS.
    • VNET Networks (Type 1) - This will lists all available VirtualNET networks and allow you to configure them for your BBS.
    • Virtual LIVE (Type 2) - Install or uninstall Virtual LIVE for your BBS.
    • Internet (Type 3) - Configure the Internet (UUCP) for your BBS.
    • FIDOnet (Type 4) - Configure FIDOnet type networks for your BBS.
    • QWK Networks (Type 5) - This will list all available QWK networks and allow you to configure them for your BBS.
    • Edit Available Networks - This allows you to edit your NETWORKS.LST file.
  • Doors Configuration - Configure the external programs listed in the BBS's door menu.
  • Events Configuration - You can configure up to 48 timed events per day, such as your external daily maintenance routine and door maintenance.
  • Multi-Feedback Configuration - Configure the feedback capabilities of your BBS. This allows users to E-Mail you or any Co-SysOps quickly and easily.
  • Protocols - Transfer protocols:
    • Download Protocols - Edit the transfer protocols used by your users to download files.
    • Upload Protocols - Edit the transfer protocols used by your users to upload files.
  • Random Messages - Configure VADV's "random messages" function, which can display one-, two-, or three-line messages right before the user initially sees the main menu.
  • Text Sections - Configure text files available for your users to view. Common files include game scoreboards and rules for your BBS.
  • User Quick Validation - Configure the nine profiles that allow you to change users' security levels, time limits and access flags from the user editor.
  • Voting Booth - Configure survey's in which your users can vote.
  • Archive Configuration - Configure the file archivers used by the BBS. You must know the hex identifier for the archiver to add new ones.
  • Autoresponder Configuration - Configure the autoresponder function of the BBS, which allows automated responses to be sent to those who email your BBS at a special address.
  • IRC Servers - Configure the IRC servers your users can access while in teleconference. VISK is required.
  • Teleconference Actions - Configure custom actions your users can perform while in teleconference.
  • Teleconference Rooms - Configure the name and moderator of the different rooms available in teleconference.
  • FIDOnet Text Configurations - Various text file configurations for FIDOnet.
    • TICS.BBS
  • VADV Text Configurations - Various text file configurations.
    VADV32 uses the following:
    • All Nodes in Use (BUSY)
    • Duplicate Connection (DUPECONN)
    • Offline Message (OFFLINE)
    These are the various TXT files that VADV uses for certain features:
    • Call-Back Verifier (CBV)
    • Free Downloads (FREEDL)
    • Network-Only Message (NETONLY)
    • New User Email (NEWUMAIL)
    • New User Welcome (NEWUSER)
    • Restricted Uploads (EXCLUDE)
    • Restricted Usernames (TRASHCAN)
    • Zip Comment (ZIPCOMNT)
Virtual Internet Survivor Kit Configuration

You can configure VISK directly from VADV32. In order for this to appear in VADV32, you must have VISK installed.

Country Restrictions

You may restrict certain countries from connecting to your BBS. When a user connects, VADV32 will determine if the caller is from a blocked country by the connecting IP address.

DNSBL Configuration

If you enable the DNSBL (DNS Blackhole List) feature, then you can specify blackhole databases to query when an incoming connection is created. There are various blackhole databases available for use for different purposes. What it does is query the blackhole database for the IP address of the connecting server. If the IP address exists in the database then the connection is refused. If the IP is not present, then VADV32 allows the user to connect normally.

If caching is enabled then any IP addresses that are rejected are cached. This speeds up lookups and reduces the stress on the databases.

Hostname Restrictions

This is an extension of the IP restrictions below. You can specify hostnames to blacklist or whitelist. Each hostname will be resolved to their IP address and internally added to the appropriate IP restriction list. This is useful when you need to allow or block domains which may have dynamic IP addresses.

IP Restrictions

You can make VADV32 block certain IP addresses from connecting, or you can only allow certain IP addresses to connect. The netmask can also be modified to allow or block a range of IP addresses.

Whitelisted IP addresses bypass all filters and are allowed to connect even if found on the blacklist.

You can specify wildcard IP addresses by using an asterisk in the IP address. For example, if you blacklist *.*.*.* then no one is allowed to connect except IP's found in the whitelist. Note: If a wildcard is used, the netmask will automatically be set to 32.

Message Filters

You can filter certain messages from entering your system. This filtering takes place before message tossing is performed. You must have message dupe protection enabled in VADV32's configuration for filtering to work.

You do not need to enter information in all of the areas of the form. Just enter the minimum amount of information and leave the other fields blank.

Custom Shortcuts

You can configure up to nine VADV32 shortcuts. These are programs you wish to have easily accessible from within VADV32. They will appear in a new menu as well as each shortcut having its own hotkey.

File Triggers

VADV32 supports file triggering. What this means is that you can specify a certain file for VADV32 to keep a watch out for. If this file exists then VADV32 will execute an application that you configure. Examples of uses for this feature is to automatically run message tossing software after message packets are received. VADV32 checks for the existance of the trigger once each minute.

Startup Events

You can setup events that will be executed when VADV32 is loaded. These events will be executed everytime that VADV32 is loaded so you need to be careful what you configure. If you enable it, VADV32 will try to detect if the program is already running and if so it will not try to load another instance. This only works for Windows programs. Console or DOS programs will be executed everytime since they cannot be detected.

Automatic VADV32 Node Setup

This is a very useful option when configuring VADV32. When you have changed VADV32's starting node number and/or the maximum number of telnet connections, then it is a good idea to use this. It starts from the starting node and changes each channel configuration to the optimum settings for VADV32. This saves you the work of editing each channel individually!

This is disabled if you have automatic node configuration enabled.

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