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Tools Menu

User Editor

This window contains a basic editor for your users. You can select a quick-validation profile to make common changes easily.

An optional batch file (ACTCLNUP.BAT) may be created to do custom cleanup processes when a user account is deleted. The user number is sent to the batch file as a parameter.

Function Block Editor

The function block editor allows you to create, deleted and edit function blocks.

Script Editor

The script editor displays a listing of all scripts installed. If you choose to edit a script, the file will be opened in notepad for you to modify.

Language Options

This menu contains options to customize languages (string files).

  • Language Configuration - Edit the language.cfg file which determines which languages are available for users to choose from during the logon process.
  • Language Editor - The editor allows you to manipulate the actual language files. You can create new languages, delete languages, edit languages or compile languages. You must compile the language file before it can be used by the BBS.
Database Tools

This menu contains utilities to make managing the databases easier.

  • Cleanup Databases - This will execute VCLEANDB.EXE in a DOS prompt. If a user is online then it will ask you if you wish to force its execution.
  • Purge Databases - You can wipe out all messages contained in the chosen database type. You will be asked for confirmation because this is not reversable.
  • Check For Duplicate Filenames - This will scan all configured databases and search for duplicated filenames. It will then give you a report of its findings. Each database must have a unique filename.
  • Check for Orphaned Files - This will allow you to scan the database files of your BBS and find any files that have been left behind (orphaned). These files are only taking up space on your hard drive and can be safely deleted.
  • FIDOnet Areafix Report - This creates a listing of FIDOnet-type echos configured and presents it in a format that can easily be copy/pasted into a netmail destined for areafix.
  • FIDOnet Echo Report - This allows you to view all configured FIDOnet echos and what databases they are configured for. It also checks AREAS.BBS and TICS.BBS to see if they are found.
  • Gated Database Report - This allows you to view every database configured and see each network it is setup for. This report also lists any errors that it finds in your setup. This is very useful to check for basic errors in your networks.
  • Message Activity Report - This will give you a report of all configured message databases and the number of days since each has received a new post. This can be useful in determining which databases are "dead".
  • Networked Database Report - This will allow you to choose a network and then get a detailed report of all databases configured to use that network.
  • Create File Area List Report - This will create a list of all files in your file areas and save it as BBSFILES.TXT in your main VADV directory. You can view this file right after it is created.
Network Tools

The network tools is a set of utilities to help manage your networks.

  • Compile Nodelist - You can select a network's nodelist to compile from this menu.
  • Toss Network Packets - This will execute VME.EXE and perform any network tossing that is needed.
  • Create HANDLES.FID - This will create the HANDLES.FID file in your FIDOnet directory. This file is used when receiving FIDOnet netmail.
  • Create HANDLES.UIP - This will create the HANDLES.UIP file in your main VADV directory. This file is used when receiving Internet email with VISK.
  • Internet TWIT.LST Filter - Edit the words or phrases to filter out of Internet messages. Internet email filters using the email address and Internet newsgroups use the subject line.
  • Mailing List Configuration - You can edit the VADV mailing lists. This feature does not work properly with Internet email addresses.
BBS Diagnostics

This will check all system paths and database paths and validate that they exist. A report will be given once it is completed.

Repair Configuration Files

This will repair BBS and Network configuration files from common errors.

Update RTBBSList

This will force a manual update of the Real-Time BBS List service.

V32 Programs

This menu contains other V32 programs. If the program is not installed then it will not appear in the list.

  • VIRC32
  • VSMTP32
  • VFileSyn
  • VMail
  • VRSS
VADV Programs

This menu contains DOS utilities that are often needed with the BBS.

  • VConfig
  • VMB
  • VString
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