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VIRC32 Documentation

Welcome to the online documentation for VIRC32. The following pages contain information on the configuration and usage of VIRC32. It is accompanied by screenshots to help guide you. If you notice any errors or have suggestions on making the documentation better, please let me know.

The current documentation is for VIRC32 v1.3.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
    1. Table of Contents
  2. Setting Up VIRC32
    1. Requirements
    2. Initial Setup and Configuration
  3. Using VIRC32
    1. Main Window
      1. Text Box
      2. Statistics
    2. File Menu
    3. View Menu
    4. Settings Menu
      1. VIRC32 Configuration: General
      2. VIRC32 Configuration: Miscellaneous
      3. IRC Servers
    5. Help Menu
      1. VIRC32 Home Page
      2. VIRC32 Support
      3. VIRC32 Documentation
      4. Check for Updates
      5. Submit Error Log
      6. Report a Bug
      7. Donate
      8. About
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