VMB command line syntax is as follows:
VMB (no parmaters)
Runs VMB in interactive mode, so that you can select/deselect subs.
The remaining VMB command line options are commands that you
might run once in a while, once per week, or once per day, depending
on the command and your needs. These commands apply only to
VirtualNET-type networks, and you must supply the NETWORKID=
parameter on the command line when manipulating networks other then
VirtualNET. An example of this would be InterGATE, where NETWORKID=8
would be required.
Additionally, you may use the optional parameters /SUN, /MON,
/TUE, /WED, /THU, /FRI, /SAT to specify that an operation should
only be completed if running on a specific day of the week.
This allows you to set the command up as a daily event, and
the executable will be run every day, but the operation will
only be allowed to proceed on the day specific on the VMB
command line. If the current day is different than specified, the
executable exits without doing the requested action.
As is the standard in displaying command line syntax, []
shows optional modifers (stuff that can be omitted), | means
"OR," and "x" should be replaced with the appropriate network
slot number as listed in the DATA\NETWORKS.LST file.
Used by sub-hosts to send up flow reports to the Arealist Coordinator.
Used by sub-hosts to remove nodes from the "V" files (distribution
lists) that no longer exist in the BBSLIST. (ie removes nodes
which are down from your subs' distribution lists.)
Used by sub-subscribers to re-send ADD requests of the subs they are
currently set-up for, to the respective hosts of each sub. In other
words, if you find you are not receiving any messages in one
or more message areas for a really long time, you may want to try
this. One or more sub-hosts may have had some accident and lost
their distribution list.
This bring up an important point for BBS SysOps to consider:
Its pretty easy to go to a DOS command line and accidentally delete
needed files when trying to free up space on a crowded hard drive.
Please make backups from time to time, or at least, be extra careful
when deleting files. Its no fun re-installing things like Win95
or OS/2 because of accidental deletion.