- Main Configuration
- Main Configuration - Screen 1
- Main Configuration - Screen 2
- Main Configuration - Screen 3
- Channel Configuration
- Database Configuration
- Message Databases
- File Databases
- Custom Databases
- Optimize Databases
- Compile Network Info
- Automatic QWK Numbering
- Make NEWS.LST for NNTP
- CDROM/HardDrive Auto-Setup
- Configuring and Editing Databases in VCONFIG
- Paths Configuration
- Download/Upload Protocols Configuration
- Networks Configuration
- Events Configuration
- Control Panel Configuration
- Doors Configuration
- Voting Booth
- Random Messages
- Text Sections
- Multi-Feedback
- Quick-Validation
- Door Set-Up Hints
- Preparation Installation and Execution of Doors
- Games That Look in Their Own Directories
- Games That Examine a Configuration File
- Games That Use a Command Line Parameter
VCONFIG.EXE is the main Virtual Advanced (VA) configuration
utility, and you will more than likely spend alot of time with it.
It was designed to be simple to use and yet powerful enough to let
you manipulate configuration settings at the "low level" if desired.
VA Installation INSTALL.EXE will set most essential configuration
settings to proper default values when you set up the program for the
first time. With the possible exception of COM port settings, you may
not need to make any changes to the configuration in order to execute
the software for the first time. However, you will want to use VCONFIG
to customize your system before officially bringing your BBS online.
You may use VCONFIG at any time to make changes as needed.
The VCONFIG Main Menu:
1) Main Configuration
2) Channel Configuration
3) Database Configuration
4) Paths Configuration
5) Download Protocols
6) Upload Protocols
7) Network Configuration
8) Events Configuration
9) Control Panel Configuration
A) Doors Configuration
B) Voting Booth
C) Random Messages
D) Text Sections Configuration
E) Multi-Feedback Configuration
F) User Quick Validation
G) Heart Code (Ctrl-C) Colors
H) Diagnostics
The "Main Configuration" portion of the set-up actually
consists of several settings spread over three screenfuls. Each
screen is devoted to a particular function. Screen 1 is the screen
for alphanumeric data inputs such as BBS Name, Sysop Name and
the like. Screen 2 is composed of several toggle switches, most
of the On/Off or Yes/No variety. Screen 3 deals with security
issues such as security levels to be assigned to new users and
so on.
What follows is the name and description of each field:
> BBS Name
The name of your BBS.
> SysOp Name
The name of the SysOp of System Administrator. Whether you
enter your real name here, or an alias is up to you. If you have
multiple system operators then this field should contain the name
of the primary operator.
> Local Time Zone
This field should contain a description of the time zone
your BBS is located in. For US SysOps, there are pricipally
four time zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific.
The proper abbreviation depends on the time of year:
Zone Standard Time Daylight Savings Time
(Winter) (Summer)
Eastern EST EDT
Central CST CDT
Mountain MST MDT
Pacific PST PDT
> New User Password
In this field, you may specify your system's new-user
password. Leaving this field blank disables the new-user
password. The presence of a password in this field will
require that a first-time remote caller know the password
to create an account.
> System Password
This field contains your system password and is an optional
level of security. All users with a security level (SL) of
255, or sysop security, will be prompted for the system password
when logging in.
> Waiting-For-Call Screen Drive List
This is the list of hard drives you want displayed on the
WFC (Waiting-For-Call) screen. The drive letter, size, free
space, and percentage of space free will be displayed. If free
space drops below a particular percentage, that display line
will change color.
> Phone Number Format
This setting lets you customize the entry format for phone
numbers as prompted during new user account creation.
United States systems, for example, should set this field to
###-###-####. Non-US systems should set this field as
appropriate for their local calling region.
> Net Low Time
> Net High Time
These two settings let you specify a period of time for
network transfers. During net time, users calling the BBS
will receive the text message as configured in the external
string file and be logged off. This is a way to open up a busy
BBS for network calls, typically late at night. Use of this
feature may be required in some networks. The "net low time"
is the beginning of the net period; the "net high time" is the end
of the net period. The times must be entered in HH:MM format using
military time; if both are set to 00:00, the feature is disabled.
> QWK Packet Filename
This is the name you wish to give to QWK packets being
sent from your system. It is recommended that you give
this field a unique six-character alphanumeric name.
> Tossing Options
The possibilities for this switch are:
Direct Incoming network posts written directory to
destination database, skipping LOCAL.NET
and increasing system efficiency.
Background Instructs mail tossers to toss mail in the back-
ground, if possible, after completing network
transfers with other systems.
Note: VA-OS2 and OS/2's "START" command supported
at this time. Future support to include
VA-DOS and Win95's "START" command.
LoadSense Allows mail tosser to sense when users are online.
When users are online, a small amount of CPU time
is yielded by the mail tosser so that the system
is more responsive to users, while only slightly
slowing the pace of mail tossing. When no users
are online, the mail tosser goes at full speed.
Note that the switches Direct, Background, and LoadSense may
be used together in any desired combination.
Standard This indicates that all three switches are disabled.
> New Upload Scanner
If set to Scan & Warn, VA will automatically scan uploaded
files for viruses, alert you, and keep the file for your
inspection. If set to Scan & Delete, a suspect upload will
be automatically deleted. If set to Disabled, VA will not
check uploaded files at all.
The included scanner program automatically identifies the
archive format (ZIP, ARJ, LZH, and ARC) and also tests uploaded
archives for integrity. In addition, it automatically adds
your archive comment (ZIPCOMNT.TXT) and reads file descriptions
provided in FILE_ID.DIZ format.
The default virus scanner software supported by the upload checker
is McAfees SCAN software for DOS and OS/2. A log file, UPLOAD.LOG
is created for your review. Alternate virus scanners can be
configured through SCANNER1.CFG and SCANNER2.CFG files.
If you desire to configure alternate virus scanning software,
you must create two text files: SCANNER1.CFG and SCANNER2.CFG.
SCANNER1.CFG/SCANNER2.CFG should contain one line of ASCII
text describing the desired DOS or OS2 command line.
The command line configured in SCANNER1.CFG is used for scanning
a single file. The command line configured in SCANNER2.CFG is used
for scanning a whole directory of files. %1 may be used on the
command line as a replacable parameter to mean either filename
(SCANNER1.CFG) or directory name (SCANNER2.CFG).
> Log Detail Level
This defines the level of detail that VA maintains in
its BBS.LOG file. There are two settings: Normal, which
shows the typical actions of a user (login time, door calls,
etc.), and Extended, which also shows the individual key-
strokes the user makes at the various menus within the system.
The Extended level is useful for tracking the users use of
the BBS; it can be particularly helpful in identifying users
who head straight for the Game or File Transfer sections.
There are three possible settings for this option: No, Channel 1
Only, and All Channels. This option allows you to configure
utilities (archive converters, information updates, etc.) to be
run when a user logs off.
Parameters passed to the batch file are:
%1 Channel Number
%2 COM Port
Note: VA for DOS executes LOGOFF.BAT
VA for OS2 executes LOGOFF.CMD
> MultiTasker
This switch lets you optimize program execution depending
on which multitasker (Desqview, Windows 3.1, Windows 95,
Windows NT, or OS/2) you may optionally be using to multitask
two or more sessions of VA.
> Allow Handles
If this setting is set to No, then users will be required to use
their real name as their Account or Login ID. If this setting
is set to YES, then users are free to use either their real name,
or an arbitrary "handle" identification for their Login ID.
> Sys PW/WFC SysOp
If this is set to Yes, then the system password is re-
quired to access certain functions from the WFC screen.
It is useful if your BBS needs to be secure locally; if you
have a lot of your users dropping by, or if you have
small children lurking about the computer, for example.
> Ignore Extensions
VA automatically checks for duplicates when a caller uploads a
new file to the system. With this option enabled, VA will treat
filenames with the same name (but different extensions) as being
the same, and therefore, duplicates of each other.
> Req. Filename Entry
If set to No, the user is given the choice between entering
filenames and descriptions prior to upload or after the upload.
If set to Yes, the user is required to enter filenames and
descriptions before the upload. When filenames and descriptions
are entered before the upload, the user is also given the option
of automatic logoff when the upload is complete.
It should also be noted that once the file has actually been
received, the BBS will check for the existance FILE_ID.DIZ
within the archive, and make use of that description data also.
> Inverse Bar
If set to Yes, an inverse-color bar will be drawn on certain
input fields, to show the user how much space he/she has to
enter the information. If set to No, the bar is not displayed.
> Display Networks
If set to No, minimal network information is displayed
when the user does an online database listing. If set to
Yes, then full network information is displayed.
> Force Feedback
If set to Yes, then external string #397 is displayed to the
new user, and they are prompted to leave feedback to the sysop.
> Auto-Check Polls
If set to On, VA checks to see if there are voting questions
the user has not answered yet. If new questions are found,
the user is prompted to vote.
> Allow DIRECTmail
If set to On, DIRECTmail is enabled. This is necessary for
DIRECTmail FREQ ability.
For DIRECTmail to pass between two VA systems, this feature
must be enabled at BOTH ends of the connection.
> Secure Uploads
If set to On, then all new uploads are pathed to the \SYSOP
directory, where they sit until the sysop manually moves
them to their proper directories. If set to Off, uploads
go directly into the directory in which they're uploaded.
When enabled, you have the ability to check over each file
before it is made available to the users of your BBS.
> SysOp F-Key Lockout
When set to Yes, the SysOp Function Keys normally available
to a SysOp when he/she or a user is online, are disabled.
You would use this option if you are using VA as a multi-user
mail system on a local area network with many people using
the system locally (ie not via modem).
> Detect FIDOnet
If set to On, VA internal FIDOnet detection is enabled. The
included VFIDO.EXE is called upon to handle the remainder of
the call if an incoming FIDOnet call is detected.
> Allow Remote SysOp
If set to Yes, Virtual Advanced will allow remote sysop logins
( security level >= 255 ). If set to No, then VA will allow
the caller to login, but at only 254 SL.
>> Security Levels:
> Autopost
This setting is the minimum security level (MSL) needed
to write an autopost on the system.
> Email Others
This setting is the minimum security level (MSL) needed
to write email to other users (other than the SysOp).
You might use this to screen out problem users who misuse
the email functions of your BBS.
> Email SysOp Att File
This setting is the minimum security level (MSL) needed
to write email to the sysop with attached file.
> Email Other Att File
This setting is the minimum security level (MSL) needed
to write email to other users with attached file.
> MultiMail
This setting is the minimum security level (MSL) needed
to be allowed to use the system's multi-mail (Mail List)
> Email Carbon Copy
This setting is the minimum security level (MSL) needed
to be allowed to use the carbon copy feature.
>> New User Defaults
> Security Level
This setting specifies the security level which is assigned to
new users who call your BBS.
> Time Limit
This setting specifies the time limit which is assigned to
new users who call your BBS.
> Credits
This setting specifies the number of credits which are given to
new users who call your BBS.
>> Credit Accounting
> Cost/Minute
This setting specifies the number of credits deducted per
minute of online time used by the caller. A setting of zero
disables this feature.
> Cost/Download KB
This setting specifies the number of credits deducted per
kilobyte downloaded by the caller. A setting of zero
disables this feature.
> Given/Post
This setting specifies the number of credits awarded per
message posted by the caller. A setting of zero disables
this feature. Note that if a user posts a message and deletes
it, they lose the credits they were awarded. This keeps callers
from posting nonsense just to get credits.
> Given/Upload KB
This setting specifies the number of credits awarded per
kilobyte uploaded by the caller. A setting of zero disables
this feature.
>> Call-Back Verifier
> Security Level
This setting specifies the security level assigned to new
users who successfully pass call-back verification. A setting
of zero for this field disables the call-back verifier.
> Time Limit
This setting specifies the time limit assigned to new users who
successfully complete call-back verification.
>> Auto-SysOp Validation
> Security Level
This setting specifies the security level assigned to new users
who request auto-sysop validation. A setting of zero for this
field disables auto-sysop validation.
> Time Limit
This setting specifies the time limit assigned to new users who
who request auto-sysop validation.
>> Miscellaneous
> Inactivity Timeout
This numeric value determines how long a user may remain
inactive (not typing anything) before being automatically
logged off the BBS. The value is expressed in seconds,
and the user will receive a "beep" warning at the midpoint
of the interval. For example, a setting of 360 seconds would
allow for 6 minutes of inactivity. The user would receive an
audible warning after 3 minutes, and be logged off after 3
more minutes of inactivity.
> Blank WFC Screen
This setting configures the VA automatic WFC (Waiting
For Call) screen blanker. Like the "Timeout" option,
this value is expressed in seconds; a value of 300 seconds in
this field would blank out the WFC screen after 5 minutes.
A value of 0 in this field disables screen blanking.
> Reserve Space
This setting, expressed in kilobytes (KB), instructs VA
to reserve some of your hard-drive space so that suffi-
cient space to operate the BBS is always available on your
hard drive. When the free space on your upload drive
drops below this value, uploads will not be allowed onto
the board; this is for your protection. A value of 0 in
this field disables this feature.
> # Active Channels
This setting lets you optimize VA for the number of
simultaneous online users (active ports) that you will be
running on your multi-user VA installation. If you have two
lines running into your multi-user VA, set this to 2; if
you have four lines, set it to 4, and so on. Single-line
VA installations should set this value to 1.
> Network Poll Delay
This setting configures how often VA checks to see if
it needs to perform some type of automatic network dial-
out. It is expressed in seconds (i.e., a value of 600
would represent 10 minutes).
> UL/DL Ratio
This is the place for the desired upload to download ratio.
This setting specifies the optional system upload/down-
load ratio. If enabled, it requires that users upload
files in order to be able to download them. A setting of 0
disables ratio's entirely. To calculate the value to enter
in this field, use the following formula:
decimal ratio = (required uploads) / (allowed downloads)
For example, to require that a user upload 1K for every
5K downloaded (a ratio of 1:5), you would convert the
fraction 1/5 into a decimal and enter the value .2 in
the ratio field. Other values are possible; some of the
more common ones are:
.1 (1:10 ratio) .05 (1:20 ratio)
.25 (1: 4 ratio) .5 (1: 2 ratio)
> QWK Message Limit
This setting defines the maximum number of QWK messages
to put into one QWK packet.
Suggesting a good number to enter in this field is dif-
ficult to do. If you have a large number of active net-
worked message bases, you will probably want to set this
high (say, 500 or so). This is a trial-and-error setting,
but easily changed.
> Mail Hold Time
This specifies the time, in days, that E-mail should be
kept active on the system. When an E-mail reaches the
age limit, it is automatically purged from the BBS. A
value of 0 disables this feature, although this is not
> Max Time Bank
This specifies the maximum number of minutes that a user
may deposit into their time bank. A setting of zero will
disable the built-in time bank feature.
> Redial Attempts
This specifies the number of network redial attempts VA's
network utilities should make for each try.
> Rings To Answer On
This setting defines how many times the phone will be
allowed to ring before VA answers. For most installa-
tions, a setting of 1 is proper. If you have Caller ID
on your system, you may want to set this to 2 to give your
equipment time to "capture" the originating phone number.
> VCONFIG Colors
These allow you to set the screen colors used by VCONFIG.
In this section of VCONFIG you can configure the multi-user
communications aspects of VA. You can define the COM port, baud
rate, modem initialization string and so on for each CHANNEL (line)
you will be running.
When you bring up the CHANNEL configuration screen, you
will see a long list of channel numbers and their current
characteristics. To edit a particular line, use the arrow keys
to move the highlight bar to the channel you want to edit, then
press [Enter]. This will bring up a second screen with the
following information:
> Serial Port
This setting can range from COM1 to COM8 for "standard"
communications ports, DigiPort 1 to DigiPort 64 for DigiBoard
ports, Fossil Device 0 to Fossil Device 15, or Local (no COM
port used). Whichever port you specify here is what this channel
will use. (By using the Local setting, VA could be used as an
inter-office mail system on a LAN.)
> Base Address (Hex)
> IRQ (Hex)
For unique addressing, you may configure the port base address
and IRQ directly. Both entries should be entered in hexadecimal
> Baud Rate
This field sets the baud rate of the COM port.
Valid ranges for the DOS version are 300 to 115200 baud,
and for the OS/2 version, 300 to 57600 baud.
> Locked Baud Rate
If you are using a standard 2400-baud modem without error
correction, this should be set to No. If you are using a
high-speed modem, or a modem with error correction, this
should be set to Yes.
> Hardware (RTS/CTS) Handshake
If you are using a standard 2400-baud modem without error
correction, this should be set to No. If you are using a
high-speed modem, or a modem with error correction, this
should be set to Yes.
> Minimum Baud Rate Allowed
This feature can be used to "lock out" users using slower
modems, should you desire to do so. This can be config-
ured independently for each active channel. For example,
a sysop running a single-channel installation may wish
to lock out 300-baud callers and would enter a value of
1200 in this field. A value of 0 in this field disables
the minimum-baud-rate feature.
If you are running more than one channel, one of which
uses a high-speed modem, you may wish to use the minimum-
baud-rate feature to reserve the high-speed channel for
the exclusive use of high-speed callers.
> Init String1
> Init String2
> Init String3
Up to 3 modem initialization strings of up to 40 characters
each may be entered here.
> Off-Hook String
The string configured here is sent the modem when the BBS
needs to take the phone off-hook, as when processing netmail
or some other offline event or task. If you do not want to
modem to busy out the phone line, then leave this field blank.
This field is typically set to ATH1, but can be altered to suit.
> Answer String
The string configured here is sent the modem when the BBS
needs to answer an incoming call. This field is typically
set to ATA.
> Dial String
The string configured here is sent the modem when the BBS
needs to dial an outgoing call. This field is typically set
to ATDT.
Modem strings may optionally contain the following special
characters, which VA will filter out and act upon accordingly:
~ 2 Second Pause
{ Carriage Return
VA uses a sophisticated database structure for storage
of message bases and file listing directories. It can also be
used for custom script-based applications.
There are three basic types of databases: message databases,
file databases, and other databases. All databases may be set
up and grouped into Topic Areas. Each topic area needs its own
DBGROUP identifier, which may be any letter, number or symbol
from ASCII characters 33 to 255.
When you enter the DATABASE configuration screen, you are
presented with a scrolling menu of choices:
Message Databases
File Databases
Custom Databases
Optimize Databases
Compile Network Info
Automatic QWK Numbering
CDROM/HardDrive Auto-SetUp
Message bases, also known as "message subs" or simply "subs,"
are databases in which messages are stored. Subs may be about
a specific topic, or they may simply be "chat"-type subs in
which people can write messages, or "post", about whatever is
on their minds. Selecting this option will let you edit the
Message Base set-up.
The file databases work in much the same way as the message bases,
except that they store file descriptions instead of messages.
The major difference between the way file and message databases
are set up is that each file database requires a unique, specific
sub-directory to store the actual files your users will be download-
ing from your BBS. The file directory must be manually created by
the SysOp, and existing file downloads placed there.
To upload these files locally, the SysOp uses the /UPL command on
the Transfer Menu where he will be prompted to add descriptions.
Like message databases, file databases may be grouped into topic
areas by giving each topic a unique letter DBGROUP identifier.
Selecting this option will let you edit the File Area set-up.
Custom databases may be set up to work in conjunction with
script-based applications. Selecting this option will let
you edit Custom Database set-up.
Compresses and reorganizes the DATABASE.CFG file so that
database groups and databases can be accessed most quickly.
Recompiles the data which establishes the "connection"
bewteen a database and a networked message area or file area,
so that network interface programs like VUUCP and VFIDO
can run most quickly.
Automatically assigns QWK conference numbers to all un-numbered
(QWK conference number=0) message bases.
Create the ASCII file NEWS.LST, for use by VISK's NNTP software.
VISK = Virtual Internet Survivial Kit.
Allows the SysOp to automatically set-up file directories
in VCONFIG. The directories can be on either hard-drive
or CDROM. This program works by seeking out directories
containing FILES.BBS, and setting those directories up
After this step is completed, login to the BBS as SysOp, and
do a sysop upload (/UPL) on the newly set-up directories, and
select Automatic Upload. Files will be uploaded automatically
with minimal sysop intervention required.
This process should handle most BBS-ready CD's without the need
for any external utilities.
Tip: This procedure can be used to auto-upload files on
hard drive also. If you are migrating from another BBS
software that used FILES.BBS, then your set-up and conversion
should be very easy. If you don't have FILES.BBS in your
directories, then create a "fake" one that consists of
one empty line -- this will allow VCONFIG to find the
directory and set it up for you.
Z) DB Group
This is a letter (A-Z), numeric digit (0-9) or any other
ASCII character from 33 to 255. This field designates
which database topic group this database
It is not necessary to create a new database group each
time you wish to add a new database. You may put up to 100
Databases into each Database Group.
1) File Name
This is the filename to be used by the database. Any legal
filename of 8 characters or less may be used, and may not
contain periods or spaces. Each database must be assigned
a unique filename.
The importance of giving databases unique filenames cannot
be overemphasized. Database entries that have the same
database filename specify the same database!
2) Files Path
Enter a path in this field only if you are creating a
file database or a custom database that uses messages or
files. If you are setting up a message database, leave
this field blank.
3) Long Name
This is the longer, more descriptive database name that
is displayed to the user, such as "General Discussion."
4) Private? (Y/N)
This switch is for special uses only. You should set this to
No when creating public-access message and file databases.
5) Max Entries
This defines the desired size of the database (in messages or
files, not bytes). A value of 0 in this field allows un-
limited message/file storage. A non-zero number in this field
sets a limit on the number of messages/files.
When VA runs daily cleanup, it will "pack" the database
by removing enough of the oldest messages, bringing the database
back to the specified limit.
For file databases, you should set the limit to 0.
Gauging the proper limit for a message database is largely
a matter of trial and error. For slow message bases, you
will want to keep the limit fairly low, to promote message
turn-over. For active subs, like large FIDOnet and Internet
conferences, you may want to set it somewhat higher.
6) Read SL
This is the minimum security level needed to access (read)
the database. If the user's SL is less than this value,
the database will not show up in their listing.
7) Write SL
This is the minimum security level needed to write (post)
in the database. If the user's SL is less than this
value, the database will not allow posts or uploads.
8) Access Flag
This setting defines which access flag, if any, must be
set in the user's account to access the database. This
value may be none, or a letter from A to Z. If set to a
letter, the user must have a matching access flag in his
account information in order to access the database. Access
flags are set in the user editor (see "The User Editor" for
Access flags are useful for restricting access to databases
to a particular group of users. For example, if you wanted
to have a sysops-only sub, you could enter an 'S' in
this field and give visiting sysops an 'S' access flag.
They would be the only users who could access the database.
9) Age Limit
This setting defines the minimum age required to access
this database. For example, a value of 18 in this field would
require that a user be at least 18 years old to have access
to the database.
A) Tagline
This setting optionally specifies a tagline file to be used
with this database. Contents of the tagline file are appended
to messages posted in the database. If set to zero or left
blank, no tagline is added (see "System Taglines" for
more information).
B) Random Titles
This setting specifies which random title file to use in
messages, and is disabled if set to 0. The range for
this value is 1 to 999; specifying a value here instructs
VA to look for the file RNDTITLE.xxx (where "xxx" is the
entered value, without leading zeroes) in your VA Text
Directory. Entries in RNDTITLE.xxx file may be made using an
ASCII text editor and should be one per line in this file.
C) Name Used
This setting defines the name used in the "From:" field
when a new message or file upload is saved in the database.
The possible settings are handle, real name, or anonymous.
D) QWK Conference
This setting defines the database's QWK conference number
as used by QWK-format offline mail readers. The range for
this value is from 2 to 255, and each QWK conference
assignment must be unique to the particular database.
E) Database Co-Sysop
Some sysops allow trusted users to moderate discussions on
local message bases. This setting defines the co-sysop,
sub sysop, or moderator for the database. Leaving this
field blank disables this feature; any nonzero value specifies
the user number of the moderator.
F) Req Net Validation
If you wish to review posts before they are transmitted
out to any networks, turn this option ON. Post validation
is handled via the [V] option from the Sysop Menu within VA.
G) Networks Configuration
Selecting this option allows you to directly edit the network
configuration for the database. This is not the recommended
approach; rather, VMB.EXE should be used for this purpose.
VMB.EXE makes it quick and easy and painless. Use of the VCONFIG
editor lets you access the low-level portions of the database
configuration and do things manually:
If you wish the database to be networked, you must configure
the network and network sub/conference identifier. VCONFIG
will prompt you for the network, then for the identifier.
The format of the identifier varies from network to network.
You can configure a database to be on one network or on several
networks. Configuring a database to be on multiple networks
creates a "gateway" between two or more networks. The common
term is "gating."
Prior to establishing a gateway connection, you should obtain
permission from any conference or message base host/moderator.
This part of VCONFIG configures the path settings for your
VA installation. These settings are set-up for you when you
install VA, but you may wish to change and/or optimize these
settings in the future.
1) Main Directory (\VADV)
The system executables (*.EXE) belong in this directory along with
your configuration (*.CFG) files. This should be your current
directory when you are executing the program. A typical path
might be "C:\VADV".
2) Scripts Directory (\VADV\V)
This is where VA expects to find script (*.V) and function-block
(*.FB) files.
3) Data Directory (\VADV\DATA)
This is where VA expects to find system data files:
4) System Text Files (\VADV\TXT)
This is where VA expects to find system text files:
5) CONTROL.DAT Directory
This specifies in which directory VA will maintain the temporary
system file containing the current user's information. It is
highly recommended that you use a RAMdrive for this directory.
6) Temporary Directory (\VADV\TEMP)
This is the directory VA will use for temporary storage
of incoming network packets and files. The directory you
specify here should not be used for any other purpose.
7) Database Directory (\VADV\DB)
This is the directory where VA will store all database
information, such as messages and file descriptions.
8) Upload/E-Mail Directory (\SYSOP)
This specifies the path for storage of E-mail attached files
and new uploads from users.
9) FDX Database Directory
This specifies the path for storage of the database files
.FDX components. These components are responsible for
fast filename searches. For optimum efficiency, this directory
should be a unique directory on your fastest hard drive, and
the directory should not be used for any other purpose.
It is also OK to use a RAMdrive for this directory, since
.FDX files are automatically rebuilt if missing.
Protocols are the means by which files are transferred to
and from your system. VA comes preconfigured to handle Xmodem,
Ymodem, Zmodem protocols using the included VXY protocol driver.
Other protocols may added at your discretion. Each protocol
is configurable by:
1) Which letter the user will press to select that protocol.
2) The name and description of the protocol.
3) Command line to run protocol. Parameters passed are:
%1 COM Port
%2 Baud Rate
%3 Filename
%4 Handshake
%5 UART Rate
%6 Port Base Address
%7 Port IRQ
%8 Channel Number
%9 Upload Directory
%C COM Handle (VA-OS2 Only)
4) Whether the protocol is batch compatible or not.
For most installations, the preconfigured protocols will
be more than sufficient. Should you wish to add other protocols,
consult the protocol's documentation for information on constructing
the proper command line.
For set-up of networking interfaces (VirtualNET, Internet,
FIDOnet, or QWKnet), plase see the appropriate DOC file devoted
to that particular interface.
VA allows up to 48 timed events per day. Possibilities for
these events include your daily external maintenance routine
(usually done through a batch file), network dialouts, online
game daily maintenance, etc. An event is basically nothing more
than the ability to execute a batch file or program at a certain
time every day.
1) Time
The time the event is to run, entered in HH:MM format
using military time. A time of 00:00 disables the event.
2) Command Line
The DOS command line or batch file to execute. For example,
you might enter:
for an external daily-cleanup routine. Complete pathnames
are not required if the batch files are located in your main
VA directory.
In addition to the commands already configured in the WFC
menu, VA allows you to assign the F1 through F10, alt-F1 thru
alt-F10, shift-F1 thru shift-F10, and Ctrl-F1 thru Ctrl-F10
keys to execute what programs or batch files you desire.
If you find yourself continually dropping to DOS to run
the same program over and over, it's probably a good idea to assign
a function key to handle it.
VA will run almost all modern doors and online games
created for use on BBSes, either straight from the command line
or through the use of an external door converter, such as DOORWAY
or DoorMaster. Doors can be called from function blocks or from
scripts, as well as this internal doors configuration.
VA-DOS shrinks out of memory for all external programs,
reserving only a small amount of RAM for its "hooks" that allow
the user to return to the BBS. VA creates the CHAIN.TXT, DOOR.SYS,
and DORINFOx.DEF "drop files" which contain user information for
use by the door program; most doors will accept at least ONE of
these formats.
When you access this configuration option, you will see a
scrolling window screen listing the door programs you have
installed, along with the SL needed to access them. Moving th
the highlight bar and pressing [Enter] selects that program's
configuration entry.
This section describes the input fields that VCONFIG
allows you to configure for each door. For more details on
door set-up, such as methods and batch files, please see
the end of this document.
When configuring a door program in VCONFIG, you will be
prompted for the following information:
1) Program Name
The name of the door program, as it will be presented to the user.
2) Command Line
The name of the batch file or command line to execute the
door program, along with any command-line parameters that
need to be passed to the door. Full pathnames are recommended
for better system security.
Also, there are a number of replacable parameters which may
be essential and/or conveneint to use:
%1 Channel Number
%2 COM Port
%3 Baud Rate
%C COM Handle (VA-OS2 Only)
The above "place-holders" can be used on the Command Line,
and VA will replace them with the proper values at run-time
before passing the Command Line to the operating system for
3) Security Level
The Minimum Security Level needed to access the door.
4) Access Flag
If set, allows only those users with matching access flags
to access the door. Access flags are set in the user editor;
for more information, see "The User Editor".
5) Single User
Indicates whether the game is playable on single nodes or
multi-nodally. Single-line installations should leave this
set to Yes.
6) Credit Cost
Allows sysops running a credit system to charge credits for door
program access. This is configurable for each individual game.
D) Delete This Entry
Removes this door from the configuration.
The importance of reading the door program's documentation
thoroughly, especially with regard to installation, cannot
be overstressed.
The VA Voting Booth allows you to present your users with
a perpetual survey in which they can "vote" on particular issues
you define. Frequently-asked questions deal with political
candidates, which online games should be registered/discontinued,
reasons for calling the BBS, how users first heard of your BBS,
how they like changes you've made, etc.
When you select this option from the VCONFIG Main Menu, you
will see a scrolling window containing the questions themselves.
To select a question for editing, move the highlight bar
to the correct entry and press [Enter]. The question and its
responses will then be available for editing.
To add a new voting question, press [F1] at the scrolling
window screen. You may then type in a question and supply up to
eight responses from which your users may choose.
The poll results are displayed as the number of users choosing
a particular answer, along with the percentage of the total number
of votes each choice received.
Automatic check for new voting questions upon login is
optional. See VCONFIG Main Screen 2 for this switch.
VA features an optional "random messages" function that can
display one-, two-, or three-line messages right before the user
initially sees the Main Menu. Random messages are commonly used
for quips and quotes or friendly advertisements for other BBSes
in the area; you may, of course, use them for whatever purpose
you wish (or not use them at all, if you so desire).
To add a random message, press [F1] at the scrolling window
initial screen and type in your message. DO NOT press [Enter], as
that will delete the currently-highlighted random message.
Random messages are displayed by including the RANDOM command
from anywhere within a script or function block.
Text files from within various directories on your system may
be configured here for display. Types of text files commonly
configured here include (but are not limited to) game scoreboards,
general information about your BBS, standard operating procedures
and rules for your BBS, advertisements, and so on.
To add a new entry to the text section configuration, press
[F1] at the scrolling window screen. You will be prompted for
the following information:
1) Name
The name of the text section, as it will appear to the user.
2) Path
The full pathname to the directory in which the text file(s)
is located.
3) Security Level
The Minimum Security Level needed to access this text section.
4) Access Flag
The access flag needed to access this text section.
To edit an entry, move the highlight bar to the desired entry
and press [Enter]. You will have a chance to edit the above
In VCONFIG, you can define any directory on your system as
containing text for a defined subject area. Text directories may
be networked by using a script maintaining a database for text
Here you can configure the feedback capabilities of your VA
installation. This will allow users to E-mail you or any co-sysops
quickly and easily.
To add an entry into the multi-feedback list, press [F1] at
the scrolling window screen. You will then be prompted for the
following information:
1) Description
The name/title you want your users to see, like "The Great
and Powerful Wizard of Oz", "Sysop", or whatever.
2) Handle
The addressee's user handle. If your system does not allow
handles, put the addressee's real name here.
3) User #
The addressee's user number. For most sysops, this will be "1".
4) Net Address
The addressee's node number, regardless of network. For
example, my net address would read '2056', without a
user number or an '@' symbol in front. Since most feedback
is to a local sysop/co-sysop, most sysops will only need
to enter their OWN node number here.
5) Network #
The network on which the addressee will be receiving his
feedback. The network number corresponds to the list in
the NETWORKS configuration screen.
You may delete an entry by selecting it and pressing [D]. You
will NOT be prompted for confirmation.
The Quick-Validation feature allows the system operator to
preset up to nine validation 'Profile' levels. These are used
to quickly enter pre-established Security Levels, Time Limits, and
Access Flags into the new user's account from the User Editor screen.
The idea is to let you validate something with as little effort
required as possible.
The following screen appears when you choose to edit this option:
Profile 1
1) Security Level
2) Time Limit
3) Access Flags
Simply choose the appropriate option and enter the respective
When editing a user account via the User Editor, the various
profiles may be called up by pressing the (Z) Q-Val key as indicated
at the bottom of the User Editor screen.
The Internet Pass-Thru feature allows your BBS to serve
double-duty as both a BBS, and a possible access point for real,
direct Internet access for your callers. Simply put, this
mechanism allows you to share an Internet SLIP, CSLIP, and/or
PPP account with others, under controlled conditions, while
"metering" and/or restricting the amount of time used by
the caller.
This text describes the set-up parameters in VCONFIG
for this feature. For a more detailed description of how
it does what it does, see BBS.DOC.
ISP Phone Number
The phone number to be dialed to reach your Internet provider
for SLIP and/or CSLIP and/or PPP. Which of the three connect
modes (SLIP, CSLIP, PPP) you'll be able to offer depends entirely
which ones are supported by your chosen ISP. NOTE: THE ISP
MUST NOT REQUIRE PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) OR
CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol).
Max Session (mins)
The maximum time a user can spend doing SLIP/CSLIP/PPP in
one session. Setting this value to a non-zero value enables
this feature, and over-rides the normal user time limit
as necessary. Setting this value to zero disables this feature
and is NOT recommended.
Max Monthly (mins)
The maximum time that can be used in one month. Useful in cases
where your Internet account is limited to a specific number
of hours per month. Setting this value to zero disables
the monthly limit -- something you could do if you aren't
concerned about the amount of Internet connect time used.
Dropfiles are the link between the BBS and the game itself.
A dropfile contains all of the required info for the game to
operate properly. This includes the user's "handle" (so he al-
ways uses the same slot in the game), the user's COM port & speed
(so the game knows where to send the data), and other miscellan-
eous info - the BBS name, sysop name, user's time remaining (on
the BBS), etc.
Here is a list of the common dropfile formats that Virtual Advanced
The dropfile is created just before invocation of the door.
The dropfile is written in TWO places on your harddrive:
(a) In the Main VADV Directory
(b) In a Private Node Directory
Channel 0 C:\VADV\TEMP\N0
Channel 1 C:\VADV\TEMP\N1
Channel 2 C:\VADV\TEMP\N2
..and so on...
Which copy you decide to use is up to you. On a single-user site,
using copy (a) from the VADV directory is always safe, and makes
game set-up easy.
On a multi-user system, it may be necessary to use the private copies
(b) which are segregated by channel.
Carefully read and follow the Door vendor's instructions
when installing the door. You may have to modify one or more
of the door's configuration files.
Typically, you will use batch files to execute the doors
on your system. Most doors in existance run from their own
directories. There are three basic methods doors use to find
the dropfiles. Each will be discussed in turn.
Most games look in their home directory for one of the
dropfiles mentioned above. Your batch file, then must take a
few steps before actually starting the door. Here is an example
VCONFIG door set-up and batch file for Trade Wars 2002, with VA
installed on Drive C, and Trade Wars installed on Drive D:
TW.BAT (1)
D: (2)
cd \TRADEWAR (3)
copy C:\VADV\CHAIN.TXT (4)
tw2002 -wwiv (5)
C: (6)
cd \VADV (7)
(1) Execute TW.BAT.
(2) Log to Drive D.
(3) CD (CHDIR) to the TRADEWAR directory.
(4) Copy the CHAIN.TXT file from C:\VADV.
(5) Execute the game.
(6) Return to Drive C.
(7) Return back to the Main VADV Directory.
TW.BAT %1 (1)
D: (2)
cd \TRADEWAR (3)
tw2002 -wwiv (5)
C: (6)
cd \VADV (7)
(1) Execute TW.BAT, %1 replaced at run-time with channel number.
(2) Log to Drive D.
(3) CD (CHDIR) to the TRADEWAR directory.
(4) Copy the CHAIN.TXT file from C:\VADV\TEMP\N%1. %1 is the
first prarameter passed to the batch file, which is the
channel number. So, the expression evaluates as C:\VADV\TEMP\N0
for channel 0, C:\VADV\TEMP\N1 for channel 1, and so on.
(5) Execute the game.
(6) Return to Drive C.
(7) Return back to the Main VADV Directory.
Some doors use a configuration file to determine where
to look for dropfiles. They will have a line where you can specify
a drive/directory where the BBS writes the dropfiles. On a single-
user system, set-up is easy. You can just point the game's config
file to look in C:\VADV (for example) and you're ready to go:
D: (2)
cd \EXAMPLE (3)
C: (5)
cd \VADV (6)
(1) Execute EXAMPLE.BAT.
(2) Log to Drive D.
(3) CD (CHDIR) to the EXAMPLE directory.
(4) Execute the game.
(5) Return to Drive C.
(6) Return back to the Main VADV Directory.
On a multi-user system, however, you may need to create multiple
configuration files. For example, if the door calls for a GAME.CFG
file which contains the path to the dropfiles, you might create 3
or 4 files called GAME0.CFG, GAME1.CFG, GAME2.CFG and so on, one for
each channel. GAME0.CFG would point to C:\VADV\TEMP\N0, GAME1.CFG
would point to C:\VADV\TEMP\N1, and so on. The batch file that you
use to run the door would then copy whichever GAMEx.CFG file is
is appropriate to GAME.CFG before starting the game:
D: (2)
cd \EXAMPLE (3)
copy GAME%1.CFG GAME.CFG (4)
C: (6)
cd \VADV (7)
(1) Execute EXAMPLE.BAT, %1 replaced at run-time with channel number.
(2) Log to Drive D.
(3) CD (CHDIR) to the EXAMPLE directory.
(4) Copy the GAME%1.CFG to GAME.CFG. GAME%1.CFG evaluates as
GAME0.CFG for channel 0, GAME1.CFG for channel 1, and so on.
(5) Execute the game.
(6) Return to Drive C.
(7) Return back to the Main VADV Directory.
Yet another method employed by some doors to determine the
location of the dropfiles is to pass this information on the
command line:
D: (2)
cd \EXAMPLE (3)
GAME.EXE /dropfile=C:\VADV (4)
C: (5)
cd \VADV (6)
(1) Execute EXAMPLE.BAT.
(2) Log to Drive D.
(3) CD (CHDIR) to the EXAMPLE directory.
(4) Execute the game, with the proper command line:
GAME.EXE /dropfile=C:\VADV
(5) Return to Drive C.
(6) Return back to the Main VADV Directory.
D: (2)
cd \EXAMPLE (3)
GAME.EXE /dropfile=C:\VADV\TEMP\N%1 (4)
C: (5)
cd \VADV (6)
(1) Execute EXAMPLE.BAT, %1 replaced at run-time with channel number.
(2) Log to Drive D.
(3) CD (CHDIR) to the EXAMPLE directory.
(4) Execute the game, with the proper command line:
GAME.EXE /dropfile=C:\VADV\TEMP\N0 for channel 0,
GAME.EXE /dropfile=C:\VADV\TEMP\N1 for channel 1, and so on.
(5) Return to Drive C.
(6) Return back to the Main VADV Directory.