Virtual Advanced | Features | Download | Documentation | Support
  1. Script
  2. Script Files
  3. Basic Syntax
  4. Simple Variables
  5. Global Array Variables
  6. a) Functionals
  7. b) System
  8. c) Colors
  9. d) User Record
  10. e) Database Access
  11. f) Caller ID
  12. String Literals
  13. String Expressions & String Parameters
  14. Numeric Expressions
  15. Command Reference
  16. - Data Output Commands
  17. - Program Control Commands
  18. - Data Input Commands
  19. - String Commands
  20. - General File I/O Commands
  21. - Miscellaneous Commands
  22. - Database Manipulation Commands
  23. - Email-Related Commands (Usually Used in FBs)
  24. - File-Related Commands (Usually Used in FBs)
  25. - Message-Related Commands (Usually Used in FBs)
  26. - Database Selection Commands (Used in MESSAGE.FB/FILE.FB)
  27. How to Launch a Script
  28. Tips
                This document explains how to create script files and
         describes the available set of script commands and functions
         available when programming script for your system.  Throughout
         this document, script code fragments (examples) are preceeded
         by the characters ">>".
                Scripts are one of the many ways in which you can modify
         or customize the look, feel, and functionality of your BBS.
         Script files are simple ASCII text files.  They must have a
         .V filename extension, and they reside in the Script Directory,
         usually C:\VADV\V, although this will differ if you installed
         to a different drive and/or directory.  Script files do NOT require

                It is recommended that you use a plain text editor to create
         and modify scripts, such as MS-DOS EDIT or similar.  If you wish
         to use something fancier, such as Word for Windows, make sure
         you save your script file in Text Format.  (Other word processors
         may refer to this as ASCII or Plain Text format.)

                It is also recommended that you not attempt to edit a script
         which is in-use (being executed).  If needed, copy the script to
         another directory and work on it there.
                A script file is basically just lines of text.  A line may
         be blank, or contain a comment, a label, or a command with
         accompanying keywords and/or arguments.  Here is an example
         showing a blank line:

     >>  cls
     >>  ? "Hello World!"

         The "'" character at the start of a line denotes a comment.
         Here is an example showing a comment:

     >>  cls
     >>  'Now This is a comment
     >>  ? "Hello World!"

         The ":" character denotes a label.  Note the placement of
         the ":" at the END of the label.  Here is an example showing
         a label:

     >>  cls
     >>  gosub printmsg
     >>  exit
     >>  printmsg:
     >>  ? "Hello World!"
     >>  return

         Notice that the ":" is left off when the label is actually
         used in a GOTO or GOSUB command.
                260 simple variables are available for use by your script.
         Variables names are limited up to two characters; the first character
         must be a character from "A" to "Z", and the second character must
         be a digit from "0" to "9".  (That means you have variables
         A0 to A9, B0 to B9, and so on up to Z0 to Z9.)

         Note that if you use a single-character variable name, as in:

     >>  let a = 10

         Thats the same as writing:

     >>  let a0 = 10
                You have one global array to use.  It has slots 0 to 255.
         You indicate that you want to access the global array by using
         the "$" character.  You may access a slot by using a number or
         a variable.  This is an example using a number:

     >>  print $12

         It prints out the contents of whatever was in slot 12.  This
         is an example using a simple variable:

     >>  let y1 = 10
     >>  print $y1

         This is an example showing how to clear out the global array
         using a DO-LOOP structure:

     >>  do i,1,100
     >>   let $i = ""
     >>  loop
                The "!" character indicates access to the special values,
         and works similarly to the global array variable.  Here are two
         examples that both do the exact same thing:

     >>  print !12

     >>  let z = 12
     >>  print !z

         !12 happens to be the current channel number.

         The special values are divided into six groups based on their
         function.  Those groups are a) Functionals, b) System, c) Color,
         d) User Record, e) Database, and f) Caller ID.

         a) Functionals

                Functionals take values from the simple vairables x, y, and
         z, as shown below.  You must use the LET command to set the x
         (and sometimes y and z) variable(s) before trying to use the
         function.  While the example show here primary use the PRINT
         command to illustrate usage, it is important note that you
         can freely use functions in string and numeric expressions.

         0  chr(x)  -  Character Function

     >>  let x=65
     >>  print !0

         The above example would print the character "A", since "A"
         is the character represented by the ASCII code 65.  Valid
         values for x the standard ASCII codes, 0 to 255.

         1  asc(x)  -  ASCII Code Function

     >>  let x="A"
     >>  print !1

         The above example would print the number 65, since 65
         is the ASCII code for the character "A".

         2  sqr(x)  -  Square Root Function

     >>  let x=4
     >>  print !2

         The above example would print the result 2, since 2 is the square
         root of 4.

         3  int(x)  -  Integer Function

     >>  let x=5.5
     >>  print !3

         The above example would print the result 5, chopping off
         the fractional part of the number.

         4  abs(x)  -  Absolute Value Function

     >>  let x=-4
     >>  print !4

         The above example would print the result 4.

         5  ucase(x)  -  Upper Case Function

     >>  let x="Hello World!"
     >>  print !5

         The above example would print the string "HELLO WORLD!".

         6  rnd(x)

     >>  let x=1
     >>  print !6

         The above example would print a random floating-point number
         from 0 to 1.  To generate a random number between 1 and some
         given limit, for example 100, use some arithmetic:

     >>  let x=1
     >>  let x=!6*100        <------ get random number, multiply by
     >>  let x=!3+1          <--     100, and store result back in x.
                               ----- use int(x) function to truncate any
                                     remaining fractional part and add 1.

         7  len(x)  -  String Length Function

     >>  let x="Hello World!"
     >>  print !7

         The above example would print the result 12.

         8  instr(x,y)  -  InString Function

     >>  let x="ABCD"
     >>  let y="C"
     >>  print !8

         The above example would print the result 3, since the substring
         "C" is in the third position of the mainstring "ABCD".  If the
         substring cannot be found the result is zero.

         9  left(x,y)  -  Left String Function

     >>  let x="ROLAND DE GRAAF"
     >>  let y=6
     >>  print !9

         The preceeding example would print the string "ROLAND".

         10 mid(x,y,z)  -  Mid String Function

     >>  let x="ABC"
     >>  let y=2              <---- set position
     >>  let z=1              <---- set number of characters to retrieve
     >>  print !10

         The above example would print the string "B".

         11 right(x,y)  -  Right String Function

     >>  let x="ROLAND DE GRAAF"
     >>  let y=8
     >>  print !11

         The preceeding example would print the string "DE GRAAF".

         27 lower(x) - Lower Case Function

     >>  let x="Hello World!"
     >>  print !27

         The above example would print the string "hello world!".

         b) System

         12  Channel Number
         13  Carriage Return
         14  Date
         15  Date/Human Format
         16  Time
         17  Highest NetworkID #
         18  NetName(x)
         19  BBS Name
         20  SysOp Name
         21  YN<cr>
         22  Global Result Code
         23  Current Video Mode, Working Stroage Value (see also #53)
         24  Baud Rate (0=Local console)
         25  Text Directory Path
         26  Data Directory Path
         28  COM Port #
         29  SysOp Available  (0=No, 1=Yes)

         c) Colors

         30  Normal Color
         31  Red
         32  Green
         33  Yellow
         34  Blue
         35  Magenta
         36  Cyan
         37  White
         38  Bold
         39  Base Color
         40  Prompt Color
         41  Input Color
         42  Reserved
         43  Reserved
         44  Reserved
         45  Reserved
         46  Reserved
         47  Reserved
         48  Reserved
         49  Reserved

         The following two examples both accomplish the same effect:

     >>  print !31, "Red", !32, "Green"

     >>  print !31 % "Red" % !32 % "Green"

         Note that "%" is the string concatenation operator.

         d) User Record

                The user record variables let you have access to the user's
         account data.  The ones marked with an asterisk "*" are also

         50  User Number
         51* User Handle
         52* User Name
         53* User Video Mode, Long-Term Storage Value (see #23)
         54* User Security Level
         55* User Time Limit
         56* User Access Flags
         57* User Flags
         58* User Credits
         59* User Expiration Date
         60* User Page Size
         61* User Extra #1
         62* User Extra #2
         63* User Extra #3
         64* User Extra #4
         65* User Extra #5
         66* User Extra #6
         67* User Extra #7
         68* User Extra #8
         69  User Total Number of Calls
         70  User Total Mins Online
         71  User Time On (Current Login)
         72  User Time Left (Current Login)
         73  User Date Last On (YYMMDD Format)
         74* User # of Files Downloaded
         75* User # of Kilobytes Downloaded
         76* User # of Files Uploaded
         77* User # of Kilobytes Uploaded
         78* User # of Emails
         79* User # of Posts
         80* User Address
         81* User City
         82* User State
         83* User Zip Code
         84* User Phone #1
         85* User Phone #2
         86  User Age
         87* User Birthdate - Month
         88* User Birthdate - Day
         89* User Birthdate - Year

         This is an example showing how to set the security level:

     >>  let !54 = 100

         This is an example showing how to increase a user's credits by 500:

     >>  let !58 = !58 + 500

         e) Database Access

                The first 3 values, 90 through 92 are set by your use
         of the script DBGROUP command, which selects a topic group:

         90  Current Topic Group Letter
         91  Current Topic Group Description
         92  Number of Databases in Group

         The values 93 through 99 are set by your use of the script
         DB command, which selects a database within the current
         topic group:

         93  Current Database Number
         94  Current Database Description
         95  Number of Entries in Database
         96  Next-New-Message Read Pointer
         97  Database Filename (no extension)
         98  Database Attached-File Storage Path
         99  Database Maximum

         The values 100 through 117 are set by your use of the script
         LOAD command, which loads data one entry from the currently
         selected database:

         100 Subject
         101 From field, Handle or Name
         102 From field, User number (0=Not Applicable)
         103 From field, Network Address
         104 From field, NetworkID
         105 To field, Handle or Name
         106 To field, User number (0=Not Applicable)
         107 To field, Network Address
         108 To field, NetworkID
         109 Date/Time Stamp (String)
         110 Count
         111 Attached Filename (If Any)
         112 Attached File Size (0=None)
         113 Attached File/Full Path Format (If Any)
         114 Offset into BIN file of text component
         115 Length of BIN file text component
         116 Date/Time Stamp (Numeric)
         117 Flag field

         f) Caller ID

         140 CID Name
         141 CID Phone Number

         NOTE: For most modems, the command to turn on Caller ID is AT#CID=1
               and you must set the BBS to answer on at least 2 rings, since
               CID info is sent by the telco between ring 1 and ring 2.
                A string literal is just a sequence of characters, enclosed
         in double quotes, such as "string literal".  Here are some examples
         using string literals:

     >>  print "Hello World!"

     >>  let x="ABCD"

     >>  exit "main"

     >>  if a="Y" goto yes
                A STRING PARAMETER is a literal string ("hello"), a
         variable possibly containing string data (x1), or a special
         value (!51, for example).

                When working with any of the script commands that
         take parameters, you may use any of the three types of
         STRING PARAMETER types listed in the previous paragraph.

         The following example shows how a STRING EXPRESSION
         is used in the LET statement, but that a STRING PARAMETER
         is used in the LOG statement:

     >>  let z = "User #" % !50 % " completed the questionnaire"
     >>  log z

                A STRING EXPRESSION is when you use the "%" character
         as the "string append" operator, to combine strings together.
         STRING EXPRESSIONS can only be used in LET statements.

         The following example shows how a STRING EXPRESSION
         is used in the LET statement, but that a STRING PARAMETER
         is used in the PRINT statement:

     >>  let a = "Your Name is " % !51
     >>  print a

         In addition to the % operator, the relational operators
         <, >, <=, >=, =, and <> can be used to test for string order.
                The following mathematical, bitwise, and relational operators
         are available for use in numeric expressions:

         ^ Exponentiation
         + Addition
         - Subtraction
         * Multiplication
         / Floating-Point Division
         \ Integer Division
         # Modulo Arithemtic

         | Bitwise OR
         & Bitwise AND

         >  Greater Than
         >= Greater Than Or Equal
         <  Less Than
         <= Less Than or Equal
         =  Equal
         <> Not Equal

         Numeric expressions maybe used anywhere.  In LET statements,
         and as parameters in the other script commands.
                As you read the COMMAND REFERENCE, bear in mind that
         the following commands may be used in a SCRIPT or as an
         internal command in a FUNCTION BLOCK.  Commands marked with
         an "!" only make sense within the context of a script, and
         therefore, should only be used in scripts.  All other commands
         can be used either from a script or from a function block.
**** !   CLS

           Clears the screen.  This command takes no parameters.

           If the user is non-ansi, this entails having the BBS
           send an ascii code 12, which is the TTY clear screen
           command.  If the user is ANSI, then the sequence
           <Esc>[2J is used instead.

     >>    CLS

**** !   PRINT <param1>, <param2>, ..., <param31> [;]

           Display text, variable data, or expression results.
           From zero to 32 parameters may be given.
           An optional semi-colon on the end of the line inhibits the
           automatic sending of a CRLF (carraige return-linefeed) sequence.
           Also abbreviated as ?.

           The following example simply prints a blank line:

     >>    PRINT

           The following prints some text, and some data from a variable:

     >>    let a = "Your Name"
     >>    PRINT "Hello ", a

           This one prints 1 to 10 on a single line:

     >>    do i,1,10
     >>      ? i; " ";
     >>    loop
     >>    ?

**** !   EF <path and file spec>

           Display a file on the screen, and to the remote caller.
           The file could be a text file, an ANSI file, or whatever
           is generally viewable.

**** !   MENU <menu filename>

           Displays a menu file, in a similar manner to the way
           menus files are displayed for FUNCTION BLOCKS.  The
           <menu filename> is an extension-less filename of 8
           characters or less, and the system will by default
           look for this file in your TEXT DIRECTORY, and supply
           an extension of either ASC, ANS, MNU, RIP, or VWC,
           depending on file availability and user video mode selection:

           User Video Mode:                Progression:

           0 (plain text)                  .MNU -> .ASC

               .MNU files are looked for first, and if found
               are displayed with the heart code color suppressed.
               If no .MNU file exists, then the system tries .ASC.

           1 (ANSI)                        .MNU -> .ANS
           2 (Enh ANSI)

               .MNU files are looked for first, and if found
               are displayed with the heart code color.  If no .MNU
               file exists, then the system tries .ANS.

           3 (RIP)                         .RIP -> .MNU -> .ANS

               .RIP files are looked for first, and if found
               are displayed verbatim. If not found then
               .MNU files are looked for second, and if found
               are displayed with the heart code color.  If no .MNU
               file exists, then the system tries .ANS.

           4 (VWC)                         .VWC -> .MNU -> .ANS

               .VWC files are looked for first, and if found
               are displayed verbatim. If not found then
               .MNU files are looked for second, and if found
               are displayed with the heart code color.  If no .MNU
               file exists, then the system tries .ANS.

**** !   ANSIC <numeric expression>

           Transmits Ctrl-C (heart code) color.  Allowable values
           are 0 to 35 for <numeric expression>.

     >>    ansic 0

     >>    ansic a

**** !   LOC <row>, <column>

           Position the text screen cursor at the position given.
           <row> and <column> are numeric expressions.


           Turn off page-break checking.


           Turn page-break checking back on again.

**** !   NEWPAGE

           Resets the internal page-break line coutner to 0.

**** !   PAUSE <prompt string>

           Displays the pause prompt string, and waits for the caller
           to press any key.  If the string parameter <prompt string>
           is omitted, the default system prompt (external string #19)
           is used instead.
**** !   GOTO <line label>

           Go to the line label specified, and continue execution
           from there.

     >>    GOTO nextentry

**** !   GOSUB <line label>

           Execute a subroutine.  Program control passes to the
           line label specified.  A matching RETURN statement
           in the subroutine returns control to the calling routine.

     >>    GOSUB docalculation

**** !   RETURN

           Return control back to the calling routine, which executed
           the GOSUB.

     >>    RETURN

**** !   DO <var>, <start>, <end> [, <increment>]

           Form the beginning of a DO-LOOP structure.  <var> must be
           a variable; <start>, <end>, and <increment> must be numeric
           expressions of some sort.  Note that the <increment> field
           is optional, and if omitted, defaults to 1.

     >>    DO c,1,100
     >>      ? c
     >>    LOOP

**** !   LOOP

           Form the end of a DO-LOOP structure.  This command takes no
           parameters.  Note that DO-LOOP structures may be nested up to
           10 levels deep.

**** !   IF <string relational expression> GOTO <label>

           This command can be used to compare two string paramaters
           to each other, and make a decision based on the result.
           If the relationship is true, then the <label> specified
           is found and program execution resumes there.  If the
           relationship is false, then execution continues normally
           on the next line.

**** !   IFVAL <numeric expression> GOTO <label>

           This command is exactly like the IF command, except it
           is more suited to working with numeric values.  If the
           <numeric expression> evaluates to ZERO (false), then
           execution continues normally on the next line.  If the
           <numeric expression> evaluates to NON-ZERO (true), then
           the <label> is found and execution continues there.

****     LOGOFF

           Proceed to the log-off sequence -- LOGOFFYN gives the
           caller a chance to change their mind, LOGOFF does not.

**** !   EXIT <function block>
         END <function block>

           End the current script, and transfer control to a function
           block.  <function block> is a string parameter, and should
           specify an eight-character or less extension-less function
           block filename.  If <function block> is omitted, the most
           recent function block is referenced.  (This reference
           is cleared by execution of the LINK command, so therefore
           it is recommended that you use the full form everytime.)

           NOTE: DO NOT use EXIT or END in cases where the script
                 is being CALLed from another script, unless ending
                 script execution altogether is your desired effect.

**** !   LINK <script name>

           End the current script, and transfer control to another script.
           <script name> is a string parameter, and should an eight
           character or less filename, without an extension.

**** !   CALL <script name>

           Saves the execution position of the current script, and loads
           and executes another script.  When the CALLed script runs out
           of lines to execute, control returns to the old script at the
           position where the interpreter left off.

           NOTE: Script invoked by external string (ie. DEFAULT.S) are
           always automatically executed as though they were CALLed,
           so as not to disturb any script which may be running at the time.

           CALLs may be nested up to 20 levels deep, and recursion
           ATTEMPT THIS.

           NOTE: The "CALL stack" is LOST if VA for DOS must "shrink out"
                 to run a door, or if the script DOOR command is used.

**** !   SHELL <DOS or OS2 command line>

           Executes, by way of the resident operating system,
           the DOS or OS2 command line given, as a string

     >>    shell "dir /p"

     >>    let f = "ADVAUX " % !12 % " TELECON"
     >>    shell f

**** !   DOOR <DOS or OS2 command line>

           Execute a door program, batch file or other application.
           <DOS or OS2 command line> is a string parameter.
           DOOR differs from shell in that:

           1) Dropfiles (CHAIN.TXT, DOOR.SYS, DORINFO1.DEF) Created
           2) Virtual Advanced for DOS "shrinks out" of memory
              to open up maximum space for the application
           3) If the <DOS or OS2 command line> is omitted or null,
              then the built-in door selection menu is presented.

           The DOOR command is usually preceeded by either a RETURNSCRIPT
           or RETURNFB block command.  Since the DOS version of Virtual
           Advanced "shrinks out," continuation of the script past
           the DOOR command is not possible.  But execution of the
           script under Virtual Advanced for OS2 does continue.
           So, how to handle the difference?

           When your desired destination is an FB:

     >>    returnfb "myfb"
     >>    door "doorgame.bat %1"
     >>    exit "myfb"

           When your desired destination is a script:

     >>    returnscript "myscript"
     >>    door "doorgame.bat %1"
     >>    link "myscript"

           In either of the above situations, whether DOS or OS2,
           the result is the same.

**** !   RETURNFB <function block name>
         RETURNSCRIPT <script>

           RETURNFB/RETURNSCRIPT control how the DOOR command behaves.
           They allow your script to specify the action to be taken
           after the DOOR command returns.  In the case of RETURNFB,
           it allows you to specify a function block as the destination
           after the door call is complete.  In the case of RETURNSCRIPT,
           it allows you to specify a script as the destination after
           a door call completes.  (Often, RETURNSCRIPT is used to
           return control to the script that called it.)
**** !   INPUT [<prompt1>, <prompt2>, ..., <prompt30>,] <var>
         LINEINPUT [<prompt1>, <prompt2>, ..., <prompt30>,] <var>

           Input data from a user into variables.  Up to 30
           optional parameters may be specified to form the
           optional prompt for the input.  Note that the user
           must hit ENTER for the input to be accepted by the

**** !   RH <var>

           Scan the input queue for keystrokes (local or remote),
           and return the next keystroke in <var>, if one is available.
           If no data is available, <var> comes back as empty ("").
           Does not wait for ENTER.  Does not wait for input to
           become available.

**** !   RW <var>, <prompt>

           Display optional <prompt>, and input data from the user.
           Data format is 80 cols per line, with automatic WORD-WRAP.

**** !   RS <var>, <prompt>

           Display optional <prompt>, and input data from the user.
           Data format is 80 cols per line, max.

**** !   RF <var>, <prompt>

           Display optional <prompt>, and input data from the user.
           Data format is limited to conventional 8.3 filename
           syntax, and wildcards are not allowed.

**** !   RI <var>, <prompt>

           Display optional <prompt>, and input data from the user.
           Data format is limited to conventional 8.3 filename
           syntax, and wildcards are allowed.

**** !   RN <var>, <prompt>

           Display optional <prompt>, and input data from the user.
           Data format is limited to numeric digits, and a maximum value
           of 999999999.

**** !   RX <var>, <prompt>

           Display optional <prompt>, and input data from the user.
           Data format is limited to 8 characters maximum, and "X"
           characters are echoed back to the caller instead of
           the actual character typed.  This is useful for passwords.

**** !   RC <var>, <prompt>

           Display optional <prompt>, and wait for one keystroke
           to be returned in <var>.  This differs from RH in that
           RH does not wait for a keystroke and will return empty
           if necessary.

**** !   RR <var>, <allowed keys>, <prompt>

           Display optional <prompt>, and wait for one keystroke
           to be returned in <var>.  Keystrokes are limited to
           the ones allowed in <allowed keys>.

**** !   RL <var>, <allowed keys>, <max numeric>, <prompt>

           Display optional <prompt>, and wait for user input to
           be returned in <var>.  Allowed input are the single
           characters as specified by <allowed keys>, and the numbers
           1 to <max numeric>.  This is a multi-purpose input command.

           You might use RL when allowing a user to access a list of
           choices, say for example, text files to look at:

     >>    displist:
     >>    cls
     >>    do i,1,10
     >>      ? i,". Text File #",i
     >>    loop
     >>    ?
     >>    rl k1, "?Q", 10, "Your Choice: "
     >>    if k1="?" goto displist
     >>    if k1="Q" goto quit
     >>    let f="c:\text\text" % k1 % ".TXT"
     >>    ef f
     >>    pause
     >>    goto displist
     >>    quit:
     >>    exit

**** !   GETYN <var>, <prompt>

           Display optional <prompt>, and wait for one character
           (keystroke) from the user.  Input characters allowed is limited
           to Y, N, and ENTER.  In the case of GETYN, pressing ENTER
           defaults to Y.

**** !   GETNY <var>, <prompt>

           Display optional <prompt>, and wait for one character
           (keystroke) from the user.  Input characters allowed is limited
           to Y, N, and ENTER.  In the case of GETNY, pressing ENTER
           defaults to N.
**** !   JR <var>, <width>

           Justify the text or numeric contents of a variable <var>
           to the RIGHT, using the <width> specified.

**** !   JL <var>, <width>

           Justify the text or numeric contents of a variable <var>
           to the LEFT, using the <width> specified.

**** !   JC <var>, <width>

           Justify the text or numeric contents of a variable <var>
           to the CENTER, using the <width> specified.

**** !   LEFT <var>, <string parameter>, <number of chars>

           Take the leftmost <number of chars> from <string parameter>
           and put them into <var>.  This is an alternative to the !9

**** !   MID <var>, <string parameter>, <position>
         MID <var>, <string parameter>, <position>, <number of chars>

           Take <number of chars> from <string parameter>, starting
           at <position>, and put them into <var>.  If <number of chars>
           is omitted, then the rest of the string is taken.  This is an
           alternative to the !10 function.

**** !   RIGHT <var>, <string parameter>, <number of chars>

           Take the rightmost <number of chars> from <string parameter>
           and put them into <var>.  This is an alternative to the
           !11 function.
**** !   FINDFIRST <path and file spec>, <var>

           Start a directory search for a particular path and file
           specification - may contain wildcards.  Results returned
           in <var>.  <var> returns empty ("") when there are no
           files matching the the filemask.

**** !   FINDNEXT <var>

           Find next filename in a directory search.  This command must
           be used in conjunction with the FINDFIRST command.

**** !   XFERTIME <var>, <filesize>

           Calculates the estimated download transfer time and
           returns this value in <var>, given the <filesize>.
           The time value returned is expressed in minutes.

**** !   CHECKFILE <var>, <path and file spec>

           Performs a file check for a particular path and file
           specification - may NOT contain wildcards.  Results returned
           in <var>:

             <var> = -1    Path given does not exist

             <var> = 0     Path is OK, but file does not exist

             <var> > 0     Path and File are OK, and <var> indicates
                           file size

**** !   DOWNLOAD <path and file spec>

               This command is useful for sending a file to the caller.
               The user is prompted to choose a transfer protocol, and the
               file specified is sent.  <path and file spec> is a string

**** !   UPLOAD <path and file spec>

               This command is useful for receiving a file from a caller.
               The user is prompted to choose a transfer protocol, and the
               file specified is received.  If a path is specified with the
               filename, then the file is received into that directory.
               <path and file spec> is a string parameter.

**** !   KILL <path and file spec>

           Delete a file.  <path and file spec> is a string
           parameter, and wildcards are not allowed.

**** !   OPEN <path and filename>, <file mode>

           Open up an ASCII file for manipulation with the READ and
           WRITE script commands.  Both parameters are string
           parameters, with <file mode> being either "A"
           for append, "O" for output, and "I" for input.

           If a file is already open with the OPEN command when
           your script tries to execute this command, the message
           "File already OPEN." will appear in your BBS.LOG, and
           the operation will fail.

           If you try to open a non-existant file for input,
           the message "File or Path OPEN/INPUT does not exist."
           will appear in your BBS.LOG.

**** !   CLOSE

           Close the file currently opened with the OPEN command.
           This command takes no parameters.

**** !   WRITE <data to be written>

           Writes data (string parameter) to the currently OPEN
           file.  File must be open for either input or append

           If the file is not open when this command is encountered,
           the message "File not OPEN." will appear in BBS.LOG.  If
           the file is OPEN, but for the wrong file mode, then the
           message "Bad File Mode." will appear in the system log.

**** !   READ <var>

           Reads the next line of data in the currently OPEN file
           to a variable, <var>.  If there is no more data available,
           then the string "!EOF!" is returned in <var>.

           If the file is not open when this command is encountered,
           the message "File not OPEN." will appear in BBS.LOG.  If
           the file is OPEN, but for the wrong file mode, then the
           message "Bad File Mode." will appear in the system log.
**** !   CLEAR

           Clears all variables, and all slots in the global array.

**** !   RANDOM

           Displays a random message from the configuration file
           RANDOM.CFG.  RANDOM.CFG is modifiable through VCONFIG.

**** !   LOG <string parameter>

           Writes the string parameter to the log:

     >>    log "Hello There"

     >>    let x = "User Number " % !50
     >>    log x

**** !   ACTION <description>

           Modifies what is seen by the WHO command in terms of
           the action that the user is doing.  <description>
           is a string parameter.

**** !   DELAY <seconds>

           Delay for certain time period.  <seconds> is a numeric

**** !   BEEP

           Causes a BEEP to be sounded locally on the SysOp's computer.

****     PAGESYSOP

           This pages the sysop for chat, if the sysop is available.

**** !   ADDTIME <minutes to add>

           Temporarily grant additional time to a user during this
           call.  <minutes to add> is a numeric expression.

**** !   SETFLAGS <flag>, <on/off>

           Manipulate the 26 user flags (*not* the database access
           flags, which are a separate set of flags). <flag> is string
           parameter from "A" to "Z" and <on/off> is a string parameter
           of either "ON" or "OFF".  These flags go largely unused by
           the system and are therefore available for custom uses.
           The flags in use by the system are:

           F - Full Screen Editor
           X - Expert Mode (Menus Skipped)
           N - User Has Been Sent New-User Email
           I - Enable Internet Pass-Thru Access
           U - Enable UUCP Access

****     STACK <keystrokes to fake>

           Stack fakes keysrokes to the Virtual Advanced program.
           <keystrokes to fake> is a string parameter.

****     SYSINFO

           Displays the system current stats information screen.

****     WHO

           Displays who is online, and what they are doing.

****     VALIDATE

           Allows the sysop or co-sysop to validate outgoing
           network posts that are pending validation.

****     ONELINERS

           Displays the "one-line" messages awaiting the user (ie
           "Joe Public read your email...."), and then checks for
           waiting email.

****     AUTOPOST

           Displays the autoposts, and allows the caller to add
           a message of their own, if they have the sufficient security
           level as defined under VCONFIG Main Configuration.

****     LISTCALLERS <number of callers>

           Displays on the screen the last <number of callers>
           who have called and logged into the system.  If numeric
           expression <number of callers> is equal to zero, then all
           of the current day's calls are listed.

****     ACCOUNT

           Allows the caller to access the built-in account defaults
           modification routine, so that they may change some of their
           user account options, such as password, colors, etc.


           A convenience command to allow the sysop to edit small
           ASCII files (or ASCII files with heart-code) using the
           built-in editor.  This command should be restricted to
           SYSOP USE ONLY.


           A convenience command to allow the sysop to access the
           user editor locally or remotely, through the BBS.
           This command should be restricted to SYSOP USE ONLY.


           Displays the Local WFC Screen that the sysop can
           call upon when logged into channel 0.
**** !   DBGROUP <database group id>

           Sets the current database group, to the database group
           identifier in string parameter <database group id>.

           Executing the DBGROUP command sets special values
           !90 to !92.

           NOTE: DBGROUP should be executed before DB.

**** !   DB <database #>

           Selects a database from the currently selected DBGROUP.
           <database #> should be a numeric expression from 1 to !92.

           Executing the DB command sets special values !93 to !99.
           From there, you can determine which record number
           to be used with subsequent LOAD or SEARCH commands.

**** !   SETEMAIL

           SETEMAIL should be used, instead of the DBGROUP/DB command
           combination, when you want to use the database commands
           to manipulate/access the EMAIL database.

**** !   LOAD <record number>[, "/Q"]

           Loads the database <record number> given into the current
           special var workspace.  If the /Q option is included,
           the "new scan pointer" is not updated.

           <record number> should be between 1 and !95.

           NOTE: The LOAD command should not be issued until
           DBGROUP and DB commands have been issued, selecting
           a database to work with.

           !22 can be examined to determine the outcome of the
           LOAD command:

           "OK"   Record was successfully loaded

           "PRI"  Record was private and could not be loaded

           "DEL"  Record was deleted and could not be loaded

           NOTE: The LOAD command should not be issued until
           DBGROUP and DB commands have been issued, selecting
           a database to work with.

**** !   SEARCH <record number to start>, <search type>, <search string>

           Searches the currently selected database, starting
           at the record number specified, using the <search type>
           and <search string> given:

           <search type>                        <search string>

           1  Messages To User                  N/A
           2  Message From User                 N/A
           3  Subject Field                     Yes
           4  Filename FileMask                 Yes
           5  Filename Match                    Yes

           !22 can be examined to determine the outcome of the
           LOAD command:

           "OUT"        Data was not found

           "<number>"   Data Found !22 = Record Number

           NOTE: The SEARCH command should not be issued until
           DBGROUP and DB commands have been issued, selecting
           a database to work with.


           Optionally used after a LOAD or SEARCH command to display
           the message header information on the screen.

           NOTE: The DISPLAYMSG command should not be issued until
           DBGROUP and DB commands have been issued, selecting
           a database to work with, AND either a LOAD or SEARCH command
           to load a data record.

**** !   DISPLAYTEXT <record number>

           Display the text message associated with the database
           <record number> given.

           <record number> should be between 1 and !95.

           NOTE: The DISPLAYTEXT command should not be issued until
           DBGROUP and DB commands have been issued, selecting
           a database to work with.

**** !   QS <new new-scan pointer>

           Alters the users "new-scan pointer" (ie. !96) for the
           currently selected database.  <new new-scan pointer> is
           a numeric expression.

           NOTE: The QS command should not be issued until
           DBGROUP and DB commands have been issued, selecting
           a database to work with.

**** !   DEL <record number>

           Mark a record for deletion in the current database.
           <record number> is a numeric expression.

           NOTE: The DEL command should not be issued until
           DBGROUP and DB commands have been issued, selecting
           a database to work with.

**** !   DBFLAG <record number>, <on/off>

           Sets or resets the database flag bit for the entry at
           the record given in numeric expression <record number>.

           NOTE: The DBFLAG command should not be issued until
           DBGROUP and DB commands have been issued, selecting
           a database to work with.

**** !   ADDCOUNT <record number>

           Adds 1 to the access counter for the database entry at
           the record number given in numeric expression <record number>.

           NOTE: The ADDCOUNT command should not be issued until
           DBGROUP and DB commands have been issued, selecting
           a database to work with.

**** !   SAVE <handle>, <user #>, <node address>, <network #>, <subject>,
              <attached file size>, <attached filename>

           Save a new record to the currently selected database.  <handle>,
           <node address>, <subject>, and <attached filename> are string
           parameters; <user #>, <network #>, and <attached file size>
           are numeric expressions.

           If saving a record to a NETWORK # that doesn't use user #'s
           such as the Internet or FIDOnet, then <user #> should be set
           to zero.

           If there is no file to be attached, then <attached file size>
           should be set to zero, and <attached filename> should be set
           to empty ("").

           NOTE: The SAVE command should not be issued until
           DBGROUP and DB commands have been issued, selecting
           a database to work with.


           Clears the current text buffer workspace.  This workspace
           is saved as the message text with the SAVE command described

**** !   BUFFER EDIT

           Use the line editor to edit the buffer worksapce.

**** !   BUFFER LIST

           Display the current contents of the worksapce buffer.

**** !   BUFFER APPEND, <data string>

           Appends the string parameter <data string> onto
           the current work space buffer.
****     SENDEMAIL

           This calls upon a complete routine which handles the task
           of allowing a user to send local or networked electronic
           mail.  This command is called from the default EMAIL.FB.

****     FEEDBACK

           This calls upon a complete routine which handles the task
           of allowing a user to send feedback to the sysop or any
           address in your multi-feedback list, as configured in VCONFIG.
           This command is called from the default EMAIL.FB.


           This calls upon a complete routine which handles the task
           of allowing a user to read mail that is addressed TO them.
           This command is called from the default EMAIL.FB.

           The user is given the option of reading mail based on:

           (A)ll       All Email Messages To User
           (N)ew       All New Email Messages To User
           (S)earch    Search the From: and Subject: Fields
           (E)xt Srch  Extended Search Includes Message Text
           (L)ocal     Email Written Locally


           This calls upon a complete routine which handles the task
           of allowing a user to read mail that is addressed FROM them.
           This command is called from the default EMAIL.FB.

           The user is given the option of reading mail based on:

           (A)ll       All Email Messages From User
           (N)ew       All New Email Messages From User
           (S)earch    Search the To: and Subject: Fields
           (E)xt Srch  Extended Search Includes Message Text
           (L)ocal     Email Written Locally

****     QUICKMAIL

           This accesses the complete routine which handles the
           automatic sending of email using multiple mailing lists.
           This command is called from the default EMAIL.FB.


           This command should be executed by the SYSOP ONLY.
           This command is called from the default SYSOP.FB.
           It allows the sysop access to the entire email database.
****     LISTFILES

           This command executes a complete routine which takes
           a filename or filemask (wildcards allowed) from the user
           and lists all matching entries in the current file base.
           This command is called from the default FILE.FB.

****     SEARCHALL

           Like LISTFILES, this command executes a complete routine which
           takes a filename or filemask (wildcards allowed) from the user
           and lists all matching entries for all file area databases within
           the current TOPIC GROUP or all file area databases on the BBS.
           This command is called from the default FILE.FB.

****     NEWFILES

           This command executes a complete routine which lists all new
           entries for all file area databases within the current TOPIC GROUP
           or all file area databases on the BBS.  This command is called
           from the default FILE.FB.

****     FINDFILES

           This command executes a complete routine which takes a text
           string input from the user and lists all matching entries for
           all file area databases within the current TOPIC GROUP or all
           file area databases on the BBS.  Entries are matched based on
           the description.  This command is called from the default FILE.FB.


           This command executes a complete routine which takes a filename
           from the user and automatically tags these entries for
           download.  All file area databases are searched for the matching
           file entry, starting with the current database.  This command
           is called from the default FILE.FB.


           This command executes a complete routine which allows the
           caller to upload one or more files.  The caller has the option
           of entering descriptions before or after the upload.  In
           addition, after the upload the routine will automatically
           try to detect the FILE_ID.DIZ from any ARCS.CFG supported
           archive type, and use that information for the description,
           if possible.  This command is called from the default FILE.FB.


           This convenience command lists the top 50 downloads in
           the current TOPIC GROUP.  This command is called from
           the default FILE.FB.


           This convenience command allows users to review files
           sequentially (from the current file area database).
           This command is called from the default FILE.FB.

****     RATIO

           This convenience command simply display the caller's
           upload/download ratio.  This command is called from the
           default FILE.FB.


           This convenience command allows the user to download a
           custom-generated masterlist of files.  This command is
           called from the default FILE.FB.


           This command lets the user sets the "days back" pointer
           for their new file listings.  This command is called from
           the default FILE.FB.


           This command executes a complete routine which allows the
           sysop to "upload" one or more files; that is, enter
           the descriptions necessary to put files online and make
           them available for download by callers.  The routine will
           automatically try to detect the FILE_ID.DIZ from any ARCS.CFG
           supported archive type, and use that information for the
           description, if possible, saving the sysop lots of time and
           typing.  This command is called from the default FILE.FB.


           If you have VCONFIG Main Option "Secure Uploads" set to "Yes"
           then this command lets the sysop review the new files that have
           been uploaded by users, before the file is accessible to
           all users of the BBS.  From this routine, the sysop can easily
           move the file (and description) to the desired destination

           Accesses a complete routine that allows the caller to
           manipulate their new-scan pointers for the public message
           bases.  User can choose to ignore message areas entirely.
           This command is called from the default MESSAGE.FB.


           Accesses a complete routine that will allow the user to
           read messages sequentially, with an optional searching
           capability, from the currently selected message base.
           This command is called from the default MESSAGE.FB.


           Read all new messages in all databases selected (as per
           SETQUICKSCAN).  This command is called from the default


           Read only new messages in all databases selected (as per
           SETQUICKSCAN), which are addressed TO: the user.  This command
           is called from the default MESSAGE.FB.

****     SCANMSG

           Scan the current message base 10 messages at a time,
           and allows user to switch into read mode at any time.
           During a message base scan, the Title, From, and To
           fields of a message are displayed.  This command is
           called from the default MESSAGE.FB.

****     POST

           Execute a complete routine which allows the user to post
           on the current message base.  This command is called from
           the default MESSAGE.FB.
****     LISTBASES

           This command lists all of the databases available in the
           current TOPIC GROUP.


           This command lists all of the databases available in the
           current TOPIC GROUP, and allows the user to choose a new
           database for the current database.


           This command lists all of the available topic groups,
           and allows the user to select a new TOPIC GROUP for
           the current topic group.

****     PREVBASE

           The PREVBASE command moves to the previous database within the
           current TOPIC GROUP.

****     NEXTBASE

           The NEXTBASE command moves to the next database within the
           current TOPIC GROUP.
                START.V is executed automatically when a user logs
         into your BBS.  To get other scripts to execute, one of three
         methods can be employed:

         1) From a Function Block

            The first two lines of each function block file specify
            the menu used (line 1) and the database TOPIC GROUPs
            enabled, if any, (line 2) for this menu.  Lines 3 onward
            are used to define commands, and this is how to define a
            command (/SCRIPT) which runs a script (SCRIPT.V):

            /SCRIPT1 001 2 script1

         2) From START.V or other Script

            To end execution of the current script, and transfer control
            to another script, use the LINK command, referenced elsewhere
            in this document.

         3) From the DEFAULT.S String File

            You can embed references to Script files in most of
            the external strings in the DEFAULT.S string file.
            Strings which cannot be replaced are:
            #19, 422, 423, 424, 425

            How to execute script file SCRIPT2.V:

                You have up to 260 simple variables for use.  If you should
         run out, feel free to use slots in the global array as simple
         variables (ie. $0, $1, $2, and so on).  The only limitation
         is that global array slots cannot be used as the index variable
         in a DO-LOOP structure.

                Simple Variables and the Global Array Variable are NOT
         automatically cleared when a script is started, or when the LINK
         command is used to branch to another script.  Therefore, you must
         explicitly use the LET command to clear or zero any variables
         which you want cleared.

     >>  let a = ""

     >>  let b = 0

         This also means that you may pass information or data values
         from one script to another.

                Two important parts of each user's account record are
         the "access flags" (!56) and "flags" (!57).  The "access flags"
         are used primarly for access-control to DATABASES and DOORS, as
         configured through VCONFIG.EXE Database Configuration or
         Door Configuration, or VMB.EXE set-up functions.  You can
         manipulate the access flags by manipulating !56, ORing (|)
         or ANDing (&) a value to give the desired result. The
         values for the flags A through Z are:

         A       1 (2^0)    J     512 (2^9)    S   262144 (2^18)
         B       2 (2^1)    K    1024 (2^10)   T   524288 (2^19)
         C       4 (2^2)    L    2048 (2^11)   U  1048576 (2^20)
         D       8 (2^3)    M    4096 (2^12)   V  2097152 (2^21)
         E      16 (2^4)    N    8192 (2^13)   W  4914304 (2^22)
         F      32 (2^5)    O   16384 (2^14)   X  8388608 (2^23)
         G      64 (2^6)    P   32768 (2^15)   Y 16777216 (2^24)
         H     128 (2^7)    Q   65536 (2^16)   Z 33554432 (2^25)
         I     256 (2^8)    R  131072 (2^17)

         The total of all flags added together is 67108863.

         For example, to turn on the I flag, use OR:

     >>  let !56=!56 | 256

         To turn off the I flag, use AND:

     >>  let t=67108863 - 256
     >>  let !56=!56 & t

         The other set of "flags" specify information about the user's
         account, and govern access to network email (via NETWORKS.LST),
         UUCP access, and Internet Pass-Thru access.  These other flags
         can be manipulated as !57, though a much easier way is to
         use the SETFLAGS command documented earlier in this text.

         The "flags" in use by the system are:

         F - Full Screen Editor
         X - Expert Mode (Menus Skipped)
         N - User Has Been Sent New-User Email
         I - Enable Internet Pass-Thru Access
         U - Enable UUCP Access
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