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   Networked Database  General Announcements (New files...   [956 / 2001] RSS
 From   To   Subject   Date/Time 
Message   HTick Spy    All   New files fileechoes!   March 28, 2024
 12:00 AM *  

 DAILYUTF.Z88     39287 Daily UTF8-list ZIP
 39287 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : FSX_ARTS : ANSI Art - Groups, Individuals etc.
                2641679    godzilla / skyscraper
                           / playing chess (?!?!)
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                         ������۲ ���� ��     ��� �۱����߱���� ������   �
                        ��������----------------------------       blender
                          trzeci blender roku 2023
                3272524     robbery / arrakis /
                        ������ ���� ������� ߰��������������   ����� �����
                         ������۲ ���� ��     ��� �۱����߱���� ������   �
                        ��������mighty morphin power rangers--------------
                         pierwszy blender roku 2024
                        ----------------------------     187415               �            �
                           �  �    �   ��  ��  ����   ��  �
                           � ��   �� � ��  ��ܲ��    ��  ��    n!
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                         fire warning : combustable package 03/2024      12.21M            �� ����  ���� �        �\
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                        ���Hermanas del Perro Magn�tico #3���
                        �������� 570P 64Z4 63N0C1D3 �������ν   7290648          'ss.
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                          MiSTiGRiS                       MIST0523   9934031 ���������������������������������������M
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                                                   apres schultz
                        ����������������������������������������     210786 ANSI and ANSIMation art file compilation
                        Artist: Tank
                        Spanning years 1989 to 1994.
                        Assembed March 16, 2024
                        The ANSis contained in this pack were
                        reviewed in ACiDView 3.53, written by
                        Tank and SAUCEd using Spoon 2 by
                        Tasmaniac. Any errors are the sole
                        responsibility of Tank, apologies!
                        All files (excluding the BBS log dump
                        containing art by an iCE artist ) were
                        produced by Tank and to the best of my
                        knowledge, were not included in any
                        previous packs.
                        Apologies in advance as my earlier works
                        were rough to put it kindly. Loss of vision,
                        nausea, shortness of breath, and other
                        symptoms may occur while browsing this
                        pack. Please consult a doctor if symptoms
                        Works SAUCEd as ACiD Productions may not
                        be officially recognized group releases.
                        However, they were created while I was an
                        official member of ACiD Productions.
                        All artwork is copyright their respective
                        -Ryan Schuermann aka Tank
 76.69M bytes in 9 file(s)

>Area : FSX_IMGE : Image Files (Various)
 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------    196733 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
                        Day (plus published report)
 196733 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : NASA
 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------    196733 NASA Astronomy Picture of the
                        Day (plus published report)
 196733 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Area : Z2DAILY
 Z2DAILY.088     124856 Z2DAILY for today
 124856 bytes in 1 file(s)

>Total 77.22M bytes in 13 file(s)

 * Origin: Freq at (618:500/14)
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Execution Time: 0.0178 seconds

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