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Message   Outpost BBS Filebot    All   New Files at Outpost BBS   December 16, 2023
 12:32 PM *  

              __       ___  __   __   __  ___     __   __   __  
             /  \ |  |  |  |__) /  \ /__`  |     |__) |__) /__` 
             \__/ \__/  |  |    \__/ .__/  |     |__) |__) .__/ 
                            Johnson City, TN, USA

                          New File(s) Announcement

PB_230.ZIP   1778520  Area: MIN_BBS   Origin: 618:618/1
    ProBoard v2.30 - Professional BBS System
    Includes: Full multi-line support (255
    Nodes), Squish, Hudson, JAM, and *.MSG
    support, Support for 10,000 message/
    file areas, Unique development kit (SDK)
    included, Language support, TTY/ANSI/
    AVT/RIP, CD-ROM support, Runs most
    doors, UL Scan support, Internal QWK,
    Alias support, and lots lots more!
    (c) 2021-2023+ Jason Bock.

The above file(s) is (are) available via:
  + Telnet to
  + FREQ to the network address listed above
  + Some files are available via anonymous FTP at

Magic names available:
  ALLFILES: Daily ALLFILES listing at Outpost BBS
  MININFO : Latest Micronet Information Network infopack and nodelist
  MINLIST : Latest Micronet Information Network weekly nodelist
  NEWFILES: Daily NEWFILES listing at Outpost BBS
  POLICY4 : Fidonet Policy 4.07
  UUUTILS : UUencode/UUdecode utils for DOS, OS/2, and Win32

Problems?  Please contact Sean Dennis via netmail at the above FTN

--- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
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