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   Networked Database  General Announcements (New files...   [440 / 2006] RSS
 From   To   Subject   Date/Time 
Message   Andrew Leary    All   New Files   November 16, 2023
 2:09 PM *  

System name  Phoenix BBS
Sysop        Andrew Leary (
Location     Groton, CT
Remark       Home of MBSE BBS for Linux/*BSD
Network aka  618:100/2@micronet
Running      MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 on Linux-x86_64

Conn. Phone number         Maximum speed        Fidonet Flags
----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
Inet   256000               IBN:24555,IFC,ITN:60177,XX,CM
Modem 1-860-446-6118       33.6 kbits           H16,V34,VFC,V32T,V42b,XA,CM

Area DAILYLIST - FidoNet Daily Nodelists
Z1DAILY.Z20       44 Kb. Fidonet Daily Nodelist (Z1/ZIP) for day 320
1 file, 44 KBytes.

Area FWFONTS - FW: OS/2 fonts & font manipulation utility
INSFNT10.ZIP      21 Kb. InstFont 1.0 - Utility that simplifies adding
1 file, 21 KBytes.

Area FWPROG - FW: OS/2 general programming
AGENA351.ZIP   10299 Kb. Agena v3.5.1 - A procedural programming
1 file, 10299 KBytes.

Area FWUTILS - FW: OS/2 high-level utilities
VN231023.ZIP    3039 Kb. VNC Client & Server for OS/2 Presentation
1 file, 3039 KBytes.

Area FSX_NODE - fsxNet Nodelists
FSXNET.Z21        11 Kb. Weekly nodelist for fsxNet
1 file, 11 KBytes.

Area FILELIST - Phoenix BBS File Lists
ALLFILES.ZIP    2939 Kb. All Files Available from Phoenix BBS
                         Magic request: FILES
NEWFILES.ZIP      12 Kb. New Files Available from Phoenix BBS
                         Magic request: NEWFILES
2 files, 2951 KBytes.

Area MIN_MISC - Micronet Miscellaneous Files
TWITLIST.ZIP       9 Kb. Latest Twitlist
1 file, 9 KBytes.

8 new files, together 16374 KBytes of fresh stuff.

With regards; Andrew Leary.

... An Elephant;  A Mouse built to government specifications.

--- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.4 (Linux-x86_64)
 * Origin: Phoenix BBS * (618:100/2)
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