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Message   US 99 File Ticker    All   New Files at US 99 BBS Today   November 5, 2023
 2:00 AM *  

System Name     US 99 BBS
Sstem Operator  Ray Quinn
System Location Visalia, California USA
Network AKA's   1:214/22, 9:91/2, 24:160/1, 24:160/22, 64:500/22, 
                110:214/1, 111:6100/1, 314:314/45, 432:1/108, 
                510:291/7, 801:1/22, 900:104/3176
Internet Addr.,,
Software        Synchronet for Linux			

This is a listing of files uploaded or received through various File 
Distribution Netowrks (FDN's) over the past week. This new files
list was generated:


Fidonet         NASA: Earth & Space Science Material     Files: 3131
AP231104.ZIP 147.5K NASA Astronomy Picture of the
                  | Day (plus published report)

German File Dis OS/2 Compilers, Interpreters, tools etc  Files: 49
GIT-2420.ZIP  30.6M git v2.42.0 for OS/2. Git is a free and open source
distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to
very large projects with speed and efficiency. Git is easy to learn and has a
tiny footprint with lightning fast performance. It outclasses SCM tools like
Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and ClearCase with features like cheap local
branching, convenient staging areas, and multiple workflows. Additional
requirements: LIBCn v0.1.12, Perl v5.16.0-k2, Python v3.9.17(r
pm), curl v7.75.0-DEV(rpm), expat v2.2.9(rpm), OpenSSL v1.1.1q(rpm). This port
was done by: KO Myung-Hun.

German File Dis OS/2 GNU Tools                           Files: 6
DDRES126.ZIP 228.3K GNU ddrescue 1.26. Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Antonio Diaz
Diaz. GNU ddrescue is a data recovery tool. It copies data from one file or
block device (hard disc, cdrom, etc) to another, trying hard to rescue data in
case of read errors. Ddrescuelog is a tool that manipulates ddrescue logfiles,
shows logfile contents, converts logfiles to/from other formats, compares
logfiles, tests rescue status, and can delete a logfile if the rescue is done.
Ddrescuelog operations can be restricted to one o
r several parts of the logfile if the domain setting options are used.
Additional requirements: GCC Core (1.3.1), GCC runtime (0.6.6). This port was
done by: Gianfilippo Cimmino.

German File Dis OS/2 Multimedia Apps                     Files: 5
VLC-3019.ZIP  41.9M VLC media player v3.0.19 Vetinari for OS/2. The
cross-platform open-source multimedia framework, player and server VLC media
player is a highly portable multimedia player and multimedia framework capable
of reading most audio and video formats (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, DivX, MPEG-1,
mp3, ogg, aac ...) as well as DVDs, Audio CDs VCDs, and various streaming
protocols. Additional requirements: kLIBC v0.6.6, Qt 4.7.3GA2. This port was
done by: KO Myung-Hun.



All files can be downloaded or FREQed from the address below or one from
the list at the top of the message. You may also be able to download them
by logging in via SSH, Telnet, RLogin, or HTTP(S). It is my intention to
allow file downloads on the first login. US 99 BBS does not allow "Guest"
logins, except the file areas via HTTP(S)
--- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
 * Origin: US 99 BBS - Visalia, CA - (618:300/18)
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