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Message   MIKE POWELL    ALL   Call Moe's Tavern BBS!   July 7, 2024
 9:10 AM *  

M O E 'S  T A V E R N  B B S


A retro-style 80's/90's BBS running GT Power 19/20
Online since 1988!

Dial-up: 1-502-875-8938  300-9600
telnet : port 27

Over 100 classic doors online!

Registered/Freeware Door Games include: Yankee Trader, Operation Overkill II,
           DoorMUD, LORD, LORD 2, TradeWars 2002, Darkness 2, the Clans, TEOS,
           Netrunner, Arrowbridge, Colonies, Lost in Space, Quest for Nora,
           Pentasim, Stickman, and DogWorld 2!

Other Door games include: Arrowbridge 2, BRE, Mudman, Meldon, BBS Vaders,
           Checkers, Casino Games ...

InterBBS games include: LordNet League 1, InterLord 618, and BRE 21/618.

NEW CALLERS now have AUTOMATIC access to most doors, after completing New
User Questionaire!!!

Message networks include: Fido, Micronet, ILink, FSXnet, Dovenet,
                          GT Power Network, Developernet, SFnet

* If you are on Telnet, and have issues with "double carriage returns," try *
* changing your "Connection Type" to "Raw," or you may try Port 26 instead. *

Dial-up: 1-502-875-8938  300-9600
telnet : port 27

The older sister board to Capitol City Online -
                      and Possum Lodge South  -

 * SLMR 2.1a * The first myth of management is that it exists.

 � BgNet 1.0�12 � moe's tavern * 1-502-875-8938 *
 * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
SEEN-BY: 100/1 200/1 22 28 32 34 36 48 52 54 56 250/0 1 2 21 23 24 25 26 27
SEEN-BY: 250/32 35 36 37 39 41 42 185 300/1 400/1 500/1 510/1 520/1 618/1
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