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Message   Arelor    Kurt Weiske   Re: Snowflakes at Apple   May 30, 2022
 6:23 PM *  

  Re: Re: Snowflakes at Apple
  By: Kurt Weiske to Ford Prefect on Mon May 30 2022 08:05 am

 > -=> Ford Prefect wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
 >  FP> Sean, without a doubt I see a lack of critical thinking and reasoning
 >  FP> skills be rampant in the IT industry (multi-discipline).  What kills me
 >  FP> are those who "say minimal", meaning "saying nothing", and those who
 >  FP> "say a lot", meaning "saying nothing".  It's determining early on who
 >  FP> actually has a clue and who doesn't.
 > Let's talk about the lack of decorum in corporate meetings. I'm tired of
 > being in meetings where everyone talks, no one listens. Been in too many of
 > those recently.
 > The only people not talking are on their phones.
 > ... Overtly resist change

That is because lots of those meetings are useless, everybody but the managers
knows they are useless, and therefore they get disrespected accordingly.

I hadn't noticed how bad it was until I watched a patient walk into the clinic
with a videoconference running in his phone. He spent ten minutes in the
waiting room with the phone on his lap while he read a magazine. Then he walked
into the Doctor's office and got half an hour of consultancy. WHen he walked
out the videoconference was still going and he wasn'tpaying ANY attention to

With representatives ot prothesics, equipment et all it is just the same. I
have heard it mentioned that the boss signed some agreement with two
representatives while each one of them was "attending" a remote meeting nobody
was paying attention to. THe fun fact is that had they been paying attention to
the meeting they would not have been signing a supply contract worth many

We need to get rid of the dead weight in society and remember the goal of a
company is to provide services for profit, not to lock employees up in

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