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Message   Nick Andre    Jas Hud   Re: backup for windows pc?   September 22, 2023
 3:44 AM *  

On 21 Sep 23  22:18:05, Jas Hud said the following to Nick Andre:

JH> so how awesome is your windows xp system that you have all these irreplacea
JH> programs that you don't want to run setup.exe on and apparently spend a lot
JH> time setting up?

Pretty awesome the XP BBS been running for 21 years without shit happening... 
and mine is a system that has always sat on port 23, routinely clobbered by
scriptkid scans. But never crashed and never "hacked" like others loved to
proclaim... others who would often run stock Linux boards that they couldn't
keep up longer than a few months or years before vanishing.

When the decision was made to migrate away from 15 years on IBM hardware to
a Vmware server, XP was simply imaged and restored. It just worked.

If I really HAD to rebuild it you ask... theres only three tiny Windows
programs and those are portable exe's started by scripts. The rest is all
pure DOS stuff... really XP is just the multitasker.

It only gets a reboot once or twice a year because of a buffer flaw in the
network stack where eventually all outgoing connections fail but this is
likely caused by the telnet server app.

That reboot is scripted too... 


--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (618:500/24)
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