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Message   Jas Hud    Nick Andre   Re: backup for windows pc?   September 21, 2023
 10:18 PM *  

  To: Nick Andre
  Re: Re: backup for windows pc?
  By: Nick Andre to Arelor on Thu Sep 21 2023 04:04 pm

 > I'm one of those people... the habit of having replacement parts, identical
 > things stuck with me a lonnnnnng time ago. Am using a laptop which is a
 > very common model; all the parts are cheap. If its totally destroyed or
 > stolen or whatever its really not a big deal... easily replaced, nothing
 > fancy.
 > My images can be restored to different hardware. I tested this with a backed
 > up image of a desktop which got restored to Vsphere.

so how awesome is your windows xp system that you have all these irreplaceable
programs that you don't want to run setup.exe on and apparently spend a lot of
time setting up?

 > What happened were the typical Windows quirks like re-activating Windows etc
 > but all of the apps and profile settings were spot on. I do agree with you
 > that disaster-recovery seems to be an afterthought in Windows.

windows has got that shit down pat now though.  if something goes wrong system
restore can pretty much deal with it.  I had a weird issue last week and i
figured fuck it, give it a shot instead of wasting time investigating it.
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