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Message   VRSS    All   Concords disastrous launch reportedly leads to its director   September 19, 2024
 4:55 PM  

Feed: Engadget is a web magazine with obsessive daily coverage of everything new in gadgets and consumer electronics
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Title: ConcordΓÇÖs disastrous launch reportedly leads to its directorΓÇÖs

Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 21:55:16 +0000

The ripples from ConcordΓÇÖs seismic implosion are still fanning out since
Sony decided to take the game offline earlier this month. Now, the gameΓÇÖs
director has reportedly decided to bow out gracefully. Kotaku reported that
game director Ryan Ellis of Firewalk Studios told staff members that heΓÇÖs
stepping down from his position. Ellis, who cofounded Firewalk after a stint
as the creative director of Destiny 2, will remain with the studio but only
in a support role.

Meanwhile, the staff at Firewalk are still waiting to hear what Sony plans to
do with their underperforming game. Just two weeks after ConcordΓÇÖs release,
Sony pulled the team shooter offline on September 6 and issued refunds to
everyone who bought the game for the PlayStation 5 or PC from Steam and the
Epic Games Store. Sony said in a statement that it pulled the game in order
to ΓÇ£explore options, including those that will better reach our players.ΓÇ¥
Naturally, Kotaku reports that a lot of FirewalkΓÇÖs staffers are worried
about the status of their jobs in the wake of ConcordΓÇÖs disappointing

The extremely poor sales of Concord make it one of the biggest bombs in
industry history. Analysts estimate that it only sold 25,000 copies on Steam
and for PS5 in its first six days.

This article originally appeared on Engadget at

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