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Message   Arelor    Nick Andre   Re: backup for windows pc?   September 21, 2023
 9:07 AM *  

  Re: Re: backup for windows pc?
  By: Nick Andre to Arelor on Wed Sep 20 2023 10:15 pm

 > My personal laptop I do everything on is Windows 11 with a mountain of apps
 > configured to my satisfaction... registry tweaks and having things exactly t
 > way that I like it. There's just no way I'm ever reinstalling the OS and all
 > the apps I use. Not practical and some apps cannot be reactivated anymore.
 > So in my case image-backups solved all of these problems and can be restored
 > to different hardware if necessary. If my apartment gets ripped off, burned
 > down, laptop destroyed, whatever, I'm back in business relatively painless.

My point is:

At work I might have multiple spare servers sitting on the warehouse with
identical hardware specs than servers running in production, so if a production
server gets toasted I can just load a backup image in one of the blanks and
keep rocking.

How many people keeps identical laptops or desktops so they can take one and
pipe a backup image taken from an identical machine into a blank one? Not many.
Chances are domestic consumers go to the store and pick whatever they happen to
have there for a computer replacement, which will likely have a modern OS which
is not really compatible with whatever you have backed up out of the box.

I have very complete backups of my domestic machines but I don't expect to
perform a full restore but for special cases (such as when only the HDD of a
achine dies, and replacing the HDD is enough to go back to functional
hardware). Realistically, by the time one of my computers has a crash it might
be 10 years old already so it makes sense to upgrade unless the repair is

In that regard Windows sucks harder than a weaning foal because you can do a
bit copy from a hard drive and transfer it to a newer machine, and it won't
work because "reasons" whereas most modern BSDs or Linuxes won't really notice.

--- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
 * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (618:250/24)
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