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Message   Jas Hud    Nick Andre   Re: backup for windows pc?   September 20, 2023
 11:46 PM *  

  To: Nick Andre
  Re: Re: backup for windows pc?
  By: Nick Andre to Arelor on Wed Sep 20 2023 10:15 pm

 > So in my case image-backups solved all of these problems and can be restored
 > to different hardware if necessary. If my apartment gets ripped off, burned
 > down, laptop destroyed, whatever, I'm back in business relatively painless.
 > Its interesting convo that backups are really different for everyone which
 > is why I said there are many good solutions discussed here.

whatever works for you, and if it's proven to work that's good.
just don't be the guy who lost it all in 'a crash' because we all should
know better.

i like linux but there's many aspects of it which can be a pain in the ass;
mostly 3rd party developer related.  there's some stuff that has multiple
versions, old and new that are being actively developed. they are still working
on old versions of various shit and it's insane.  that's part of the reason why
my linux setup that runs my irc and other junk is in a vm.
it's very easy to just backup the container files and run old shit until
it wont run no more.
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