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Message   Sean Dennis    Nick Andre   Re: My Eee PC   April 14, 2019
 7:37 PM *  

-=> Nick Andre wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

 NA> I have a love-hate relationship with Asus. The Eee-PC's... Yes. Very
 NA> good.

While this Eee is 32-bit, it runs very well on an OLD 16GB drive.  I can get
a 200GB(?) upgrade for about $100 off of Amazon.

 NA> Their "normal" laptops. Meh...

Their desktop machines are very solid.

 NA> Their routers? Pretty solid, running embedded Linux.

I've not tried one of their routers yet.  I have been a fan of ASUS for
quite some time having used their motherboards back in the late 90s and
early naughties to build custom desktops.

For checking email, checking on the BBS, and light web surfing, the Eee 900
is just fine.  900 Mhz and 2GB RAM, IIRC.


... Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana.
--- MultiMail/Win
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (618:618/1)
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