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Message   Jas Hud    Nick Andre   Re: backup for windows pc?   September 18, 2023
 4:40 PM *  

  To: Nick Andre
  Re: Re: backup for windows pc?
  By: Nick Andre to August Abolins on Mon Sep 18 2023 01:41 am

 > now terabytes of family pictures, videos, legal documents, finances etc.
 > While the solutions others mentioned are good... theres something of peace
 > of mind with a very simple Windows program that takes a raw image of the
 > entire system, OS and programs included. Drive snapshot has the
 > functionality of professional grade software in one executable file and just
 > works.
 > It has ran here for many years now, backing up everything to local NAS and

i used to think like that.  but then you get a bad raw image and you are fucked.

i prefer to archive my files and password protect them and  have them backed up
up at home and online.  I'm the king of backups. so many sysops 'lost it all in
a crash'.   they talk about how they have tape backup systems and other shit
they never use.   here i am copying shit and doing better than most other people
in the hobby.
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