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Message   August Abolins    All   session for win7   September 9, 2023
 9:55 PM *  

I've been using Session desktop on Win7 quite satisfactorily  
for a while now. Update notices come along and prompt you to  
accept them or opt for "Later".  The lastest operating version  
for me was 1.11.0.

An update notice arrived yesterday. I accepted it.  1.11.2  
failed.  Error message was "DiscardVirtualMemory could not be  
located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll"

Well.. apparently, Win7 does not support DiscardVirtualMemory.  
There was no clue of this at the Session blog.

So.. just a heads up to any other Win7 users out there,  
apparently Win7 support has ended at 1.11.0.

I was able to re-install Session 1.11.0 from the releases  
available on the Github development site.

The only annoying thing is that Session now prompts for the  
upgrade every few minutes.

--- OpenXP 5.0.57
 * Origin: (} Pointy McPointface (618:250/1.9)
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