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Message   Nick Andre    Arelor   Re: Fun with domain controllers   August 18, 2023
 8:20 AM *  

On 17 Aug 23  17:34:51, Arelor said the following to Nick Andre:

 > 2tb portable hard drives for computer and server images.
A> I used to do just that for smaller deployments, but I found out doing it tha
A> way is a pain in the ass.

The problem here at home is not the computers or the VM's. The problem is
backing up 64 terabytes of personal NAS files externally off-site. What good 
is a single NAS if a fire or theft happens at my apartment. Then its all gone.

Right now I have a second 64tb NAS server which mirrors the first, same model
same drive config etc... everything. I suppose it could be parked at a
friend's place and maybe set up some kind of VPN tunnel to push backups when


--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (618:500/24)
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