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Message   Nick Andre    Sean Dennis   Re: Fun with domain cont   August 15, 2023
 1:24 AM *  

On 14 Aug 23  18:57:16, Sean Dennis said the following to Nick Andre:

SD> A design flaw.  If MS took some ideas from Linux, Windows could be so, so
SD> much better.

Looking back now I wished in the 90's that Windows NT was pushed over Windows
95 and especially 98. NT wasn't perfect but was farrrrrrrr superior to 95/98.

MS should of left things totally alone with 3.1, never got involved with IBM
OS/2 and instead just told the world that NT is the future Windows... yes
people would of been upset to adopt with having to buy better hardware to run
NT but it would of been an effective cut-off from 3.1-design to NT-design.

With 95/98 ending up being more popular than NT, that stupid flawed 3.1-era
cooperative-tasking single-user mentality influenced a lot of authors to write
software in a halfassed way. Then we all saw MS chasing its tail trying to
fix later on in the 2000's what NT was able to do from the beginning.... ie.
reliable OS kernel, seperate profiles, user/directory permissions etc etc.


--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (618:500/24)
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