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Message   Nick Andre    Candycane   Re: Fun with domain controllers   August 14, 2023
 11:44 AM *  

On 14 Aug 23  08:44:36, Candycane said the following to Nick Andre:

C>  NA> 2tb portable hard drives for computer and server images.
C>  NA> Two Dell R510's each with 64 terabytes of storage for media.
C> You REALLY got burned that time, huh?

Years ago I got tired of "stupidity".... thats all I will say.

In the beginning I was backing up to Travan, then Dat72, then LTO2 tapes. As
time went on the size of the backup sets grew bigger and hard drives got
cheaper. It made sense to go with an image-based hard drive backup.


--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (618:500/24)
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