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Message   Sean Dennis    Kurt Weiske   Test   August 2, 2023
 11:50 AM *  

Hello Kurt,

Wednesday August 02 2023 06:56, you wrote to me:

 KW>  SFF or USFF? I'm looking for a USFF box for my home lab that'll take
 KW>  32GB of RAM. Most of the smaller systems seem to max out at 16GB.

USFF.  Tiny little box.  Great for my tiny apartment.

 KW>  I have a SFF 3050 with an i5, 32GB of RAM and a NVMe drive. Nice
 KW> little box. I ran it on Windows 10 for an hour before loading proxmox
 KW> on it, and it was a fast little system.

I put a new SSD in the 7010 and it was like a whole different and much faster
computer.  Can't wait to stuff 32GB in it and see the results.  I'm running
Devuan Linux 4 (Chimera).

-- Sean

... A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap.
--- GoldED/2 3.0.1
 * Origin: Micronet World HQ - (618:618/1)
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