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Message   Kurt Weiske    Nick Andre   Re: Love to hate, or hate to love?   July 13, 2023
 8:23 AM *  

-=> Nick Andre wrote to All <=-

 NA> Why can't it just run my programs. Why does it insist on being my
 NA> friend, my buddy, talking to me with the personification language...
 NA> halfassed updates, hidden tasks, bloatware, gigabytes of crap that
 NA> cannot be disabled or deleted and a convoluted solution to DLL hell.

 That's why I loved running TinyXP for so long. Windows XP with
 everything possible stripped out. It was not much more than a OS with a
 GUI, a CLI and a network stack. Need a browser? Install one. Firewall?
 Install one. (Remember when we tried plugging our PCs directly into our
 DSL modems and ran software firewalls?)

Without any installed cruft, I hoped it had less of an attack surface. I
never got hacked with it, so there's that.

 NA> I guess it would just be nice if Windows just went back to being a
 NA> basic OS again that just runs my freaking programs and doesn't try to
 NA> be my friend.

 Or require a Microsoft account to do anything. Or remind me to use
 Edge. Or ignore my preferences and load Edge, anyway.

... Mary being complete the job bazooka.
--- MultiMail/Win v0.52
 * Origin: -- information is power. (618:300/16)
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