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Message   Sean Dennis    All   'Bye, IE 10   January 29, 2019
 3:15 PM *  

Hello, All!


Microsoft decides Internet Explorer 10 has had its fun: Termination set for
                                  January 2020

   By Richard Speed 29 Jan 2019 at 13:55

   Microsoft has warned that it isn't only Windows 7 for the chop in 2020.
   Unloved Internet Explorer 10 will be joining it. Finally.

   Internet Explorer 10 first appeared back in 2012 and in 2016 Microsoft
   made a concerted effort to kill the thing by focusing its support efforts
   on Internet Explorer 11. Anything not Edge-related or without "11" after
   it would no longer be supported.

   However, not every operating system was capable of actually running
   Internet Explorer 11 and Microsoft infamously restricted its Edge browser
   to Windows 10 (and later iOS and Android). Notable exceptions to the IE10
   crackdown were Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8 Embedded.

   At this point administrators will doubtless be shuddering at the memory of
   having to run Internet Explorer in their pristine Server environment in
   order to get access to some recalcitrant function or component.

   Alas, the shuddering must resume since after a two-year stay of execution,
   Microsoft has decided that IE10 must be stamped out completely. Windows
   Embedded 8 Standard and Windows Server 2012 will remain supported until
   2023 after all, and keeping IE10 patched for another four years is
   doubtless keeping the engineers awake at night.

   Microsoft has therefore warned that as well killing off Windows 7 in 2020,
   enterprises that prefer to take a slower path will have to update IE on
   their 2012 Servers, since IE10 support will finally end for everything in
   January 2020.

   Unlike Windows 7, you won't even be able to pay for patches.

   Over the course of the northern hemisphere's spring, Microsoft will make
   IE11 available for Server 2012 admins to play with via the Microsoft
   Update Catalog and also the Update Service. This would be a good a time as
   any to enable Enterprise Mode to make the browser behave like older
   versions of IE for those pesky corporate intranet applications that insist
   on a specific incarnation of a specific renderer. You have until 2020 to
   leave IE10 behind.

   Or you could make Microsoft very happy by migrating to Windows Sever 2016
   or 2019, which both have IE11 raring to go in their Long-Term Servicing
   Branch (LTSB) editions. (R)


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