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Message   Nick Andre    All   Syncing directories   May 8, 2023
 8:22 AM *  

Between two Dell R510 servers running Windows.... suggestions?

Server A and B have 2x16TB drives in a Raid 1. Both are Windows Server 2019.

Server B is intended to be a mirror copy of Server A, but does not need to be
on except for maybe a few times a year to sync up desired changes on Server A.

Server A will tell Server B to power up remotely via. the Dell Idrac "Racadm"
command a few times a year via Task scheduler.

Server B the boots up to Windows and executes a simple batch file which
Xcopies the contents of server A, erasing the Archive attribute, then
automatically shutting down when completed.  So only new files added to server
A are ever copied to server B... files which have the archive-attribute on

The problem is if I ever decide to move directories or erase. Xcopy does not 
take this into account. I must manually login to Server B to do the same type
of changes as on server A. Only copy-operations are really in sync. For 
example, if I move a directory on Server A, Xcopy will see it as a "new" 
directory in the copy process on server B.

Open to suggestions or improvements, using what is native to Windows or 
shareware I can try out. Not a show-stopper, the setup is doing exactly as I
want it to do.


--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (618:500/24)
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