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Message   Sean Rima    All   CRYPTO-GRAM, January 15, 2019   January 15, 2019
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January 15, 2019

by Bruce Schneier
CTO, IBM Resilient

A free monthly newsletter providing summaries, analyses, insights, and
commentaries on security: computer and otherwise.

For back issues, or to subscribe, visit Crypto-Gram's web page.

Read this issue on the web

These same essays and news items appear in the Schneier on Security blog, along
with a lively and intelligent comment section. An RSS feed is available.

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In this issue:

    New Shamoon Variant
    Teaching Cybersecurity Policy
    Congressional Report on the 2017 Equifax Data Breach
    Fraudulent Tactics on Amazon Marketplace
    Drone Denial-of-Service Attack against Gatwick Airport
    MD5 and SHA-1 Still Used in 2018
    Glitter Bomb against Package Thieves
    Human Rights by Design
    Stealing Nativity Displays
    Massive Ad Fraud Scheme Relied on BGP Hijacking
    Click Here to Kill Everybody Available as an Audiobook
    China's APT10
    Long-Range Familial Searching Forensics
    Podcast Interview with Eva Galperin
    New Attack Against Electrum Bitcoin Wallets
    Machine Learning to Detect Software Vulnerabilities
    EU Offering Bug Bounties on Critical Open-Source Software
    Security Vulnerabilities in Cell Phone Systems
    Using a Fake Hand to Defeat Hand-Vein Biometrics
    Why Internet Security Is So Bad
    Upcoming Speaking Engagements

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New Shamoon Variant

[2018.12.17] A new variant of the Shamoon malware has destroyed significant
amounts of data at a UAE "heavy engineering company" and the Italian oil and gas
contractor Saipem.

Shamoon is the Iranian malware that was targeted against the Saudi Arabian oil
company, Saudi Aramco, in 2012 and 2016. We have no idea if this new variant is
also Iranian in origin, or if it is someone else entirely using the old Iranian
code base.

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Teaching Cybersecurity Policy

[2018.12.18] Peter Swire proposes a a pedagogic framework for teaching
cybersecurity policy. Specifically, he makes real the old joke about adding
levels to the OSI networking stack: an organizational layer, a government layer,
and an international layer.

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Congressional Report on the 2017 Equifax Data Breach

[2018.12.19] The US House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and
Government Reform has just released a comprehensive report on the 2017 Equifax
hack. It's a great piece of writing, with a detailed timeline, root cause
analysis, and lessons learned. Lance Spitzner also commented on this.

Here is my testimony before before the House Subcommittee on Digital Commerce
and Consumer Protection last November.

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Fraudulent Tactics on Amazon Marketplace

[2018.12.20] Fascinating article about the many ways Amazon Marketplace sellers
sabotage each other and defraud customers. The opening example: framing a seller
for false advertising by buying fake five-star reviews for their products.

    Defacement: Sellers armed with the accounts of Amazon distributors
(sometimes legitimately, sometimes through the black market) can make all manner
of changes to a rival's listings, from changing images to altering text to
reclassifying a product into an irrelevant category, like "sex toys."

    Phony fires: Sellers will buy their rival's product, light it on fire, and
post a picture to the reviews, claiming it exploded. Amazon is quick to suspend
sellers for safety claims.


    Over the following days, Harris came to realize that someone had been
targeting him for almost a year, preparing an intricate trap. While he had
trademarked his watch and registered his brand, Dead End Survival, with Amazon,
Harris hadn't trademarked the name of his Amazon seller account, SharpSurvival.
So the interloper did just that, submitting to the patent office as evidence
that he owned the goods a photo taken from Harris' Amazon listings, including
one of Harris' own hands lighting a fire using the clasp of his survival watch.
The hijacker then took that trademark to Amazon and registered it, giving him
the power to kick Harris off his own listings and commandeer his name.


    There are more subtle methods of sabotage as well. Sellers will sometimes
buy Google ads for their competitors for unrelated products -- say, a dog food
ad linking to a shampoo listing -- so that Amazon's algorithm sees the rate of
clicks converting to sales drop and automatically demotes their product.

What's also interesting is how Amazon is basically its own government -- with
its own rules that its suppliers have no choice but to follow. And, of course,
increasingly there is no option but to sell your stuff on Amazon.

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Drone Denial-of-Service Attack against Gatwick Airport

[2018.12.21] Someone is flying a drone over Gatwick Airport in order to disrupt

    Chris Woodroofe, Gatwick's chief operating officer, said on Thursday
afternoon there had been another drone sighting which meant it was impossible to
say when the airport would reopen.

    He told BBC News: "There are 110,000 passengers due to fly today, and the
vast majority of those will see cancellations and disruption. We have had within
the last hour another drone sighting so at this stage we are not open and I
cannot tell you what time we will open.

    "It was on the airport, seen by the police and corroborated. So having seen
that drone that close to the runway it was unsafe to reopen."

The economics of this kind of thing isn't in our favor. A drone is cheap.
Closing an airport for a day is very expensive.

I don't think we're going to solve this by jammers, or GPS-enabled drones that
won't fly over restricted areas. I've seen some technologies that will safely
disable drones in flight, but I'm not optimistic about those in the near term.
The best defense is probably punitive penalties for anyone doing something like
this -- enough to discourage others.

There are a lot of similar security situations, in which the cost to attack is
vastly cheaper than 1) the damage caused by the attack, and 2) the cost to
defend. I have long believed that this sort of thing represents an existential
threat to our society.

EDITED TO ADD (12/23): The airport has deployed some anti-drone technology and

EDITED TO ADD (1/2): Maybe there was never a drone.

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MD5 and SHA-1 Still Used in 2018

[2018.12.24] Last week, the Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence
published a draft document -- "SWGDE Position on the Use of MD5 and SHA1 Hash
Algorithms in Digital and Multimedia Forensics" -- where it accepts the use of
MD5 and SHA-1 in digital forensics applications:

    While SWGDE promotes the adoption of SHA2 and SHA3 by vendors and
practitioners, the MD5 and SHA1 algorithms remain acceptable for integrity
verification and file identification applications in digital forensics. Because
of known limitations of the MD5 and SHA1 algorithms, only SHA2 and SHA3 are
appropriate for digital signatures and other security applications.

This is technically correct: the current state of cryptanalysis against MD5 and
SHA-1 allows for collisions, but not for pre-images. Still, it's really bad
form to accept these algorithms for any purpose. I'm sure the group is dealing
with legacy applications, but I would like it to really push those application
vendors to update their hash functions.

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Glitter Bomb against Package Thieves

[2018.12.25] Stealing packages from unattended porches is a rapidly rising
crime, as more of us order more things by mail. One person hid a glitter bomb
and a video recorder in a package, posting the results when thieves opened the
box. At least, that's what might have happened. At least some of the video was
faked, which puts the whole thing into question.

That's okay, though. Santa is faked, too. Happy whatever you're celebrating.

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Human Rights by Design

[2018.12.26] Good essay: "Advancing Human-Rights-By-Design In The Dual-Use
Technology Industry," by Jonathon Penney, Sarah McKune, Lex Gill, and Ronald J.

    But businesses can do far more than these basic measures. They could adopt
a "human-rights-by-design" principle whereby they commit to designing tools,
technologies, and services to respect human rights by default, rather than
permit abuse or exploitation as part of their business model. The
"privacy-by-design" concept has gained currency today thanks in part to the
European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which requires it. The
overarching principle is that companies must design products and services with
the default assumption that they protect privacy, data, and information of data
subjects. A similar human-rights-by-design paradigm, for example, would prevent
filtering companies from designing their technology with features that enable
large-scale, indiscriminate, or inherently disproportionate censorship
capabilities�like the Netsweeper feature that allows an ISP to block entire
country top level domains (TLDs). DPI devices and systems could be configured to
protect against the ability of operators to inject spyware in network traffic or
redirect users to malicious code rather than facilitate it. And algorithms
incorporated into the design of communications and storage platforms could
account for human rights considerations in addition to business objectives.
Companies could also join multi-stakeholder efforts like the Global Network
Initiative (GNI), through which technology companies (including Google,
Microsoft, and Yahoo) have taken the first step toward principles like
transparency, privacy, and freedom of expression, as well as to self-reporting
requirements and independent compliance assessments.

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Stealing Nativity Displays

[2018.12.27] The New York Times is reporting on the security measures people are
using to protect nativity displays.

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Massive Ad Fraud Scheme Relied on BGP Hijacking

[2018.12.28] This is a really interesting story of an ad fraud scheme that
relied on hijacking the Border Gateway Protocol:

    Members of 3ve (pronounced "eve";) used their large reservoir of trusted IP
addresses to conceal a fraud that otherwise would have been easy for advertisers
to detect. The scheme employed a thousand servers hosted inside data centers to
impersonate real human beings who purportedly "viewed" ads that were hosted on
bogus pages run by the scammers themselves�who then received a check from ad
networks for these billions of fake ad impressions. Normally, a scam of this
magnitude coming from such a small pool of server-hosted bots would have stuck
out to defrauded advertisers. To camouflage the scam, 3ve operators funneled the
servers' fraudulent page requests through millions of compromised IP addresses.

    About one million of those IP addresses belonged to computers, primarily
based in the US and the UK, that attackers had infected with botnet software
strains known as Boaxxe and Kovter. But at the scale employed by 3ve, not even
that number of IP addresses was enough. And that's where the BGP hijacking came
in. The hijacking gave 3ve a nearly limitless supply of high-value IP addresses.
Combined with the botnets, the ruse made it seem like millions of real people
from some of the most affluent parts of the world were viewing the ads.

Lots of details in the article.

An aphorism I often use in my talks is "expertise flows downhill: today's
top-secret NSA programs become tomorrow's PhD theses and the next day's hacking
tools." This is an example of that. BGP hacking -- known as "traffic shaping"
inside the NSA -- has long been a tool of national intelligence agencies. Now it
is being used by cybercriminals.

EDITED TO ADD (1/2): Classified NSA presentation on "network shaping." I don't
know if there is a difference inside the NSA between the two terms.

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Click Here to Kill Everybody Available as an Audiobook

[2018.12.28] Click Here to Kill Everybody is finally available on

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China's APT10

[2018.12.31] Wired has an excellent article on China's APT10 hacking group.
Specifically, on how they hacked managed service providers in order to get to
their customers' networks.

I am reminded of the NSA's "I Hunt Sysadmins" presentation, published by the

EDITED TO ADD (1/5): Another article on the same subject.

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Long-Range Familial Searching Forensics

[2019.01.02] Good article on using long-range familial searching -- basically,
DNA matching of distant relatives -- as a police forensics tool.

EDITED TO ADD (1/5): A smattering of papers on the topic.

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Podcast Interview with Eva Galperin

[2019.01.03] Nice interview with the EFF's director of cybersecurity, Eva

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New Attack Against Electrum Bitcoin Wallets

[2019.01.07] This is clever:

    How the attack works:

        Attacker added tens of malicious servers to the Electrum wallet
        Users of legitimate Electrum wallets initiate a Bitcoin transaction.
        If the transaction reaches one of the malicious servers, these servers
reply with an error message that urges users to download a wallet app update
from a malicious website (GitHub repo).
        User clicks the link and downloads the malicious update.
        When the user opens the malicious Electrum wallet, the app asks the
user for a two-factor authentication (2FA) code. This is a red flag, as these
2FA codes are only requested before sending funds, and not at wallet startup.
        The malicious Electrum wallet uses the 2FA code to steal the user's
funds and transfer them to the attacker's Bitcoin addresses.

    The problem here is that Electrum servers are allowed to trigger popups
with custom text inside users' wallets.

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Machine Learning to Detect Software Vulnerabilities

[2019.01.08] No one doubts that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
learning (ML) will transform cybersecurity. We just don't know how, or when.
While the literature generally focuses on the different uses of AI by attackers
and defenders�and the resultant arms race between the two�I want to talk about
software vulnerabilities.

All software contains bugs. The reason is basically economic: The market doesn't
want to pay for quality software. With a few exceptions, such as the space
shuttle, the market prioritizes fast and cheap over good. The result is that any
large modern software package contains hundreds or thousands of bugs.

Some percentage of bugs are also vulnerabilities, and a percentage of those are
exploitable vulnerabilities, meaning an attacker who knows about them can attack
the underlying system in some way. And some percentage of those are discovered
and used. This is why your computer and smartphone software is constantly being
patched; software vendors are fixing bugs that are also vulnerabilities that
have been discovered and are being used.

Everything would be better if software vendors found and fixed all bugs during
the design and development process, but, as I said, the market doesn't reward
that kind of delay and expense. AI, and machine learning in particular, has the
potential to forever change this trade-off.

The problem of finding software vulnerabilities seems well-suited for ML
systems. Going through code line by line is just the sort of tedious problem
that computers excel at, if we can only teach them what a vulnerability looks
like. There are challenges with that, of course, but there is already a healthy
amount of academic literature on the topic -- and research is continuing.
There's every reason to expect ML systems to get better at this as time goes on,
and some reason to expect them to eventually become very good at it.

Finding vulnerabilities can benefit both attackers and defenders, but it's not a
fair fight. When an attacker's ML system finds a vulnerability in software, the
attacker can use it to compromise systems. When a defender's ML system finds the
same vulnerability, he or she can try to patch the system or program network
defenses to watch for and block code that tries to exploit it.

But when the same system is in the hands of a software developer who uses it to
find the vulnerability before the software is ever released, the developer fixes
it so it can never be used in the first place. The ML system will probably be
part of his or her software design tools and will automatically find and fix
vulnerabilities while the code is still in development.

Fast-forward a decade or so into the future. We might say to each other,
"Remember those years when software vulnerabilities were a thing, before ML
vulnerability finders were built into every compiler and fixed them before the
software was ever released? Wow, those were crazy years." Not only is this
future possible, but I would bet on it.

Getting from here to there will be a dangerous ride, though. Those vulnerability
finders will first be unleashed on existing software, giving attackers hundreds
if not thousands of vulnerabilities to exploit in real-world attacks. Sure,
defenders can use the same systems, but many of today's Internet of Things
systems have no engineering teams to write patches and no ability to download
and install patches. The result will be hundreds of vulnerabilities that
attackers can find and use.

But if we look far enough into the horizon, we can see a future where software
vulnerabilities are a thing of the past. Then we'll just have to worry about
whatever new and more advanced attack techniques those AI systems come up with.

This essay previously appeared on

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EU Offering Bug Bounties on Critical Open-Source Software

[2019.01.09] The EU is offering "bug bounties on Free Software projects that the
EU institutions rely on."

Slashdot thread.

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Security Vulnerabilities in Cell Phone Systems

[2019.01.10] Good essay on the inherent vulnerabilities in the cell phone
standards and the market barriers to fixing them.

    So far, industry and policymakers have largely dragged their feet when it
comes to blocking cell-site simulators and SS7 attacks. Senator Ron Wyden, one
of the few lawmakers vocal about this issue, sent a letter in August encouraging
the Department of Justice to "be forthright with federal courts about the
disruptive nature of cell-site simulators." No response has ever been published.

    The lack of action could be because it is a big task -- there are hundreds
of companies and international bodies involved in the cellular network. The
other reason could be that intelligence and law enforcement agencies have a
vested interest in exploiting these same vulnerabilities. But law enforcement
has other effective tools that are unavailable to criminals and spies. For
example, the police can work directly with phone companies, serving warrants and
Title III wiretap orders. In the end, eliminating these vulnerabilities is just
as valuable for law enforcement as it is for everyone else.

    As it stands, there is no government agency that has the power, funding and
mission to fix the problems. Large companies such as AT&T, Verizon, Google and
Apple have not been public about their efforts, if any exist.

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Using a Fake Hand to Defeat Hand-Vein Biometrics

[2019.01.11] Nice work:

    One attraction of a vein based system over, say, a more traditional
fingerprint system is that it may be typically harder for an attacker to learn
how a user's veins are positioned under their skin, rather than lifting a
fingerprint from a held object or high quality photograph, for example.

    But with that said, Krissler and Albrecht first took photos of their vein
patterns. They used a converted SLR camera with the infrared filter removed;
this allowed them to see the pattern of the veins under the skin.

    "It's enough to take photos from a distance of five meters, and it might
work to go to a press conference and take photos of them," Krissler explained.
In all, the pair took over 2,500 pictures to over 30 days to perfect the process
and find an image that worked.

    They then used that image to make a wax model of their hands which included
the vein detail.

Slashdot thread.

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Why Internet Security Is So Bad

[2019.01.14] I recently read two different essays that make the point that while
Internet security is terrible, it really doesn't affect people enough to make it
an issue.

This is true, and is something I worry will change in a world of physically
capable computers. Automation, autonomy, and physical agency will make computer
security a matter of life and death, and not just a matter of data.

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Upcoming Speaking Engagements

[2019.01.14] This is a current list of where and when I am scheduled to speak:

    I'm speaking at A New Initiative for Poland in Warsaw, January 16-17, 2019.
    I'm speaking at the Munich Cyber Security Conference (MCSC) on February 14,

The list is maintained on this page.

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Since 1998, CRYPTO-GRAM has been a free monthly newsletter providing summaries,
analyses, insights, and commentaries on security technology. To subscribe, or to
read back issues, see Crypto-Gram's web page.

You can also read these articles on my blog, Schneier on Security.

Please feel free to forward CRYPTO-GRAM, in whole or in part, to colleagues and
friends who will find it valuable. Permission is also granted to reprint
CRYPTO-GRAM, as long as it is reprinted in its entirety.

Bruce Schneier is an internationally renowned security technologist, called a
security guru by the Economist. He is the author of 14 books -- including the
New York Times best-seller Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your
Data and Control Your World -- as well as hundreds of articles, essays, and
academic papers. His newsletter and blog are read by over 250,000 people.
Schneier is a fellow at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at
Harvard University; a Lecturer in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School; a
board member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, AccessNow, and the Tor
Project; and an advisory board member of EPIC and He is also
a special advisor to IBM Security and the CTO of IBM Resilient.

Crypto-Gram is a personal newsletter. Opinions expressed are not necessarily
those of IBM, IBM Security, or IBM Resilient.

Copyright C 2019 by Bruce Schneier.

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