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Message   August Abolins    All   Re: test post   January 13, 2023
 8:25 AM *  

 ** Original area               : "/ILink/IL_ENTERTAINMENT"
 ** Original message from       : Ogg (August Abolins)
 ** Original message to         :
 ** Original date/time          : 13 Jan 23, 07:50

Hello 1/1!

** On Tuesday 10.01.23 - 03:17, 1/1 wrote to August Abolins:

> Well actually I'm confused because this came through addressed to me --
> inicates you addressed it to 1/1.....  Might be just because
> I'm still on my fist cup of coffee.  <Taking another sip....>

I'm coming thru this via nntp.

Is ILink a QWK-based network?

> OK, that helped, but added to the confusion: "On Saturday
> 12.09.20": I'll assume month-day-year, so 2020??  ...December
> 9, 2022 was a Friday; December 9, 2020 was a Wednesday....
> This is going to need a whole lot of coffee!!!

12.09.20 is 12th of Sept of 2020.

I decided to quit the coffee stuff.  Got tired of the addiction  
and withdrawal symptoms.


--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: (} Pointy McPointface (618:250/1.9)
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