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Message   August Abolins    Arelor   hdd to larger sdd   January 13, 2023
 8:24 AM *  

 AA> This whole process was quite a journey.

 AA> I *don't* really notice a SIGNIFICANTLY faster boot time in XP,
 AA> but [1] maybe coming out of hibernate, the system loads a bit
 AA> faster, [2] the fan is running at a slower speed, and [3] there
 AA> is NO fan-speed test at boot up on my T60, [4] some web
 AA> browsing performance is a tad smoother and faster as the cache
 AA> previous content gets reused, I guess.

There was just one surprise that frustrated me for a little  

When I booted with the SSD in place, [1] many desktop icons  
lost their associations. Consequently, [2] the same programs  
could not find their installation locations.

The origianl HDD was divided as C and H.  Since C was a piddly  
35GB maximum size (and getting used up pretty fast) and H was  
the remaining 200GB, I had gotten into the habit of installing  
future programs on H over the years.

But the SSD process created an E partition in place of the H  

I could simply go through all the shortcuts and change E to H,  
and the associations.  That worked on a couple of them.  But I  
still remained discouraged since I had numerous programs and  
references to H in various places!  Even my Tables in MS Access  
had numerous references to H, and I was *not* interested in  
reprogramming those in my various databases!

I was still discouraged when I learned that XP did not support  
an ASSIGN command!

However.. after calming down, and having a look at the  
partitions with XP's Disk Management tool, I realized that all  
I had to do was right-click over the E partition, and it  
provided the option to change the letter.


--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: (} Pointy McPointface (618:250/1.9)
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SEEN-BY: 250/26 27 28 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 300/1 500/1 510/1 520/1 618/0 1
SEEN-BY: 618/10
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