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Message   Mark Hofmann    Sean Dennis   Re: HDD   January 10, 2023
 7:18 AM *  

SD> I learned my lesson the hard way (plus I had better start backing stuff
SD> up too!).

Backups are super important, that's for sure.  I look at it like this...

If I don't have a backup of a particular drive or system, it has to be something
I can live without and don't need at all (like swap space, temp storage, etc).

Everything else gets backed up.  I keep 30 daily images of all systems and
separate file based backups of some in addition to images.  All are disk based
backups.  I actually have a RAID5 array that is dedicated to just backups and is
21TB in size.

SD> HGST used to be Tosbiba's HD arm, wasn't it?

There was some type of relationship with Toshiba and HGST.  I think Toshiba was
the "consumer drive" and HGST was the enterprise drive.

SD> That's nice to have that kind of warranty. Amazon gave me no grief in
SD> giving me a refund on that WD SSD.

Often times I'll buy refurbished enterprise drives, since you can get them
pretty cheap.  If you get the quality HGST/Western Digital Ultrastar drives -
they are fine even if refurbished.  They last forever.

- Mark

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