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Message   Mark Hofmann    Nick Andre   Re: multi-partition hdd to larger ssd   January 10, 2023
 7:12 AM *  

NA> Before the first round of imaging starts on Friday night, I swap the USB
NA> external drive and keep that week's set off-site, so theres always a
NA> rotation of backups and safeguard against everything if "shit happens".
NA> The images can be restored to different hardware, drive sizes etc, can be
NA> restored to physical or virtual hardware, you name it.

Having those options is super important (restore to different hardware, drive
sizes, physical/virtual).  

I remember the first time I tried a restore to different hardware (like
radically different hardware) using Symatec System Recovery long ago.  I was
shocked it all worked.  

The most radical restore that I can remember doing was restoring a domain
controller image that was originally on a workstation to a server.  Very
different hardware, controller, CPU, everything was different.  It took a while,
but worked and was super impressed.  That saved a ton of time.

- Mark

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