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Message   Mike Powell    ED VANCE   Intel Galileo Gen2 Power   January 10, 2019
 5:11 PM *  

>  MP> The only ones I can seem to find that also have the barrel connector
>  MP> are 1.5 A.  I am not an electrical engineer, but I am thinking the 12
>  MP> volts is the important (input) part, and that the 1.5 A is the max that
>  MP> can be drawn from the wart.  This seems to be supported (sort of) by a
> Also, 1.5 A is just about 2% more Current than 1.25 A.
> A 12V wall-wart that has a Larger Current output can be used too.

So I am right in thinking that hooking up a 12V 1.5A will not be harmful to
the appliance?  It just means it won't use the extra 0.25A?  :)

> As far as the different connector on the two Mauser sells, they probably
> also sell pieces to convert from one kind of connector to another.

I have actually seen them on Amazon also.

> Radio Shack stores are gone, but is there a Amateur Radio or CB store near
> You?

Somewhere I think I actually have an adapter which allows for switching the
voltage and/or amps.  Thing is I cannot remember where it is, or whether or
not it even works anymore.  I halfway think  I cannot find it because it
burnt out!  :o  :)


 � SLMR 2.1a � Life after death - is that Terminate and Stay Resident?
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