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Message   Ed Vance    Mike Powell   Intel Galileo Gen2 Power   January 10, 2019
 10:12 AM *  

01-10-19 07:25 Mike Powell wrote to All about Intel Galileo Gen2 Power
Howdy! Mike,

 MP> @MSGID: <>
 MP> I recently obtained a new Galileo Gen 2.  It did not come with a power
 MP> adapter.  The sparse docs in the box say that Intel recommends a 12
 MP> VDC, 1.25 A, LPS adapter.

 MP> The only ones I can seem to find that also have the barrel connector
 MP> are 1.5 A.  I am not an electrical engineer, but I am thinking the 12
 MP> volts is the important (input) part, and that the 1.5 A is the max that
 MP> can be drawn from the wart.  This seems to be supported (sort of) by a
 MP> recommended wart I found on Mauser (sp?) that is a 1.5 A.  I say sort
 MP> of because they recommend two and one is not a barrel connector and
 MP> therefor I know is wrong.  :)

 MP> Any words of advice from those more electrical than I would  be great.
 MP> Thanks!

Some barrel connectors on wall warts have the PLUS value on the outside,
and the MINUS on the hole.

I've seen some shown with MINUS on the outside and PLUS on the hole.

I can't remember if there is any STANDARD Polarity setting for the pin-out
or not on those things.

I might be wrong - been there sometimes.

But just a thought that came to me when I saw Your message about this.

Also, 1.5 A is just about 2% more Current than 1.25 A.
A 12V wall-wart that has a Larger Current output can be used too.

As far as the different connector on the two Mauser sells, they probably
also sell pieces to convert from one kind of connector to another.

JamesCo is another Mail Order Company that You could look at their web pages
to see what is available.

Radio Shack stores are gone, but is there a Amateur Radio or CB store near

Or even a Electrical Parts Wholeseller?

One of them may have what You need, or be able to put the correct connector
on the wire for You.

Good Luck.

... Some days I think I'm a wheel short of a unicycle.
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