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Message   Nick Andre    August Abolins   Re: bad news for hdd?   January 6, 2023
 9:05 AM *  

On 06 Jan 23  08:37:00, August Abolins said the following to Jas Hud:

AA> I seriously doubt that.  First of all, the amount of data I  
AA> need to move is over 200MB. What USB stick could support that  
AA> on a PC with USB2 ports?  Second, after reinstalling Windows  
AA> from scratch, it would require re-installing all my programs  
AA> one by one.

Please understand that the asinine suggestion to reinstall Windows is coming
from a Captain-Obvious troll completely devoid of any serious professional IT
background or skillset.

I haven't "reinstalled" Windows or any apps for years now. Everything here is 
hot-imaged. The XP BBS and Windows 10 computers can all be restored without 
breaking a sweat. Same with the dozens of critical-systems at my job...
reinstalling anything would be completely out of the question.

The idea is that with a hot-image you now have some flexible options, that can
be deployed to different hardware. For example take a snapshot of the 
current XP system and deploy the image to a newer system OR keep it as a 
backup and do an inplace-upgrade to Windows 7. Then take another image 
snapshot and restore to the new system. You would then just need to update the
drivers on the new system once the image is running.

Just some ideas... but "reinstall Windows" to me is absolutely hilarious.


--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (618:500/24)
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