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Message   Mark Hofmann    Nick Andre   Re: UPS homelab setup   October 12, 2022
 7:58 AM *  

NA> I've ran my own email system for at least 15... 20 years now I think.
NA> I run Hmailserver as an SMTP front-end for my Exchange server.

Nice!  I never heard of Hmailserver until just now.  I was using the full blown
MDaemon for hosting my own email years ago.  Now, I just use it for some SMTP
relay for certain things at home - mostly alerts.

NA> The only work I've ever had to do in that timeframe was configure DNSBL
NA> correctly in the beginning and later on a few Txt records in DNS for some
NA> weird new fad that basically told the world "please don't spam me".

Yeah, probably SPF records and/or DKIM.  For some reason when you email me,
Google has a warning on the top that says "Be careful with this message". mail could not verify that is actually came from

I have seen that before from other senders.  I had to do some magic with SFP and
DKIM records so that Mailjet could act as my external SMTP relay for my domain
without getting those type of warnings messages.

NA> I dunno, I guess since I work intimately with Exchange and Outlook in my
NA> career, why not run it at home. Once you disable all the debugging and
NA> other crap that comes out of the box its really not that bad, takes up
NA> little resources here. I don't like building new VM's every time a new
NA> Exchange version comes out but its not like that happens often.

I still have my Exchange VM local all set up and ready to go, just never
switched over.  I was seriously considering it when Google was trying to exploit
business rate funds from personal home users to use GSuite.

NA> In all this time I've never had a problem delivering email to anyone and
NA> have
NA> no incentive to stop as I have a commercial grade fiber Internet
NA> connection.

Nice!  I don't have business service so my IP is technically DHCP even though it
never changes unless I swap my external firewall (ethernet MAC changes).  I use
a dynamic DNS updater just in case that uses an API to Cloudflare to update my
DNS records in that rare case it changes.

- Mark

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