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Message   bex    TheCivvie   Re: CRYPTO-GRAM, Septembe   October 10, 2022
 1:48 PM *  

-=>  TheCivvie said to Mark Hofmann:  <=-

 MH> The person has a higher chance of falling for it when there is background
 MH> knowledge of the individual names, etc.  You can even use names of
 MH> people in the originazation you found on Linkedin or something just to

Th> And the more that people interact with stupid Facebook games, the more
Th> they gove away. People seem to have become very stupid these days when
Th> it comes to security

Unfortunately, people seem to forget the lessons that previous Facebook
"games" should have taught them. It seems I am able to keep my group of
family and friends away from games or quizzes for a few months, but then
someone finds a quiz that they say "gets them", and then another finds one
that says what their celebrity match is, and then suddenly everyone is
sharing everything again.

 *le sigh*
-+- Bex  <3

 * Q-Blue 2.4 *
--- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
 * Origin: -=[ | ConstructiveChaos BBS]=- (618:200/50)
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