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Message   Kurt Weiske    All   UPS homelab setup   September 26, 2022
 10:05 AM *  

(Hoping someone has a similar situation...)

I have a homelab with an APC BackUPS 1500 XM, a Synology NAS running DSM 
6.2, and a Proxmox server. My desktop Windows 10 PC is plugged into a 
smaller UPS.

The UPS has a UPS connection to the NAS, and on a power event it shuts the 
NAS down properly.

I have Proxmox running on a laptop plugged into the UPS, so it's got its own 
battery and the APC UPS.

If the power goes out, the synology shuts down, and I can either hit Proxmox 
on the web interface, ssh into it and shut it down, or hit the power button. 
If it runs down the battery, it goes into sleep mode.

I'm planning on replacing the laptop with a desktop, and realized that I 
hadn't thought thruogh the shutdown process. I want to run it headless, so 
won't have a keyboard and monitor like with the laptop.

I'm wondering if there's a way to have either the Proxmox system or the 
Synology system connected to the UPS and shut down the other one?

... Are there sections? Consider transitions
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