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Message   Mark Hofmann    August Abolins   Re: CRYPTO-GRAM, September 15, 2022   September 25, 2022
 11:07 AM *  

AA> Now, a new trick seems to have emerged, and that is to send you
AA> an email stating "THANK YOU, for your recent payment of [insert
AA> service/product] renewal" ..and they state some ridiculus 3-
AA> figure price and tell you that is was automatically charge to
AA> your credit card. If you don't approve or think there is an
AA> error, you are expected to call a 1-800 number to reverse the
AA> stated charges.

We have had social engineering calls directly to people at my work, asked for by
name about "a problem with their computer".  Acting as if they were being called
by our own internal Help Desk.

They ask them to go to a URL to clean their PC, which then installs remote
control software and other spyware.  That has happened several times, which
typically the user realizes they were scammed and calls IT - or CrowdStrike
picks up the annomoly and lets our security team know.

- Mark

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