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Message   August Abolins    Arelor   CRYPTO-GRAM, September 15, 2022   September 20, 2022
 7:47 PM *  

Hello Arelor!

** On Tuesday 20.09.22 - 17:15, Arelor wrote to TCOB1:

 A>   Re: CRYPTO-GRAM, September 15, 2022
 A>   By: TCOB1 to All on Mon Sep 19 2022 09:20 pm

 A> The scam involving PayPal sounds scary because a lot of
 A> people could fall for it. I mean, if you get the phone
 A> number for solving the dispute from an official email you
 A> are more likely to trust it, if you are not familiar with
 A> PayPal's procedures.

But the email is NOT necessarily "official email" from Paypal.
It's someone just using the Paypal invoicing system to send you  
something with the intent to fool you.  But I agree, at first  
sight, some people could fall for it.  After all, that's what  
scamming is all about - trying to snare a victim.

 A> Also, it sucks about Signal. I have been saying for long
 A> that using phone numbers as a poorman's user ID is lame as
 A> fick.

But noone can really do anything if they know your phone number  
except call you.  But then, you have the power to block  
undesired incoming calls.

Telegram uses a cellphone number system to "register" accounts  
too. But you don't really need to use that number ever again.   
The number is just needed to receive an SMS text message with  
the registration code.

Futhermore, unlike Signal, it does NOT need to be the device  
that the app is installed on. You can prepare to install  
Telegram on a desktop, give it the phone number of ANY device  
that you have control of that can receive SMS text, enter the  
received 4-digit code in the desktop app, and you're all set.


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