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Message   Sean Rima    All   CRYPTO-GRAM, September 15, 2018   September 15, 2018
 8:49 PM *  

September 15, 2018
by Bruce Schneier 
CTO, IBM Resilient

A free monthly newsletter providing summaries, analyses, insights, and
commentaries on security: computer and otherwise.

For back issues, or to subscribe, visit Crypto-Gram's web page.

Read this issue on the web

These same essays and news items appear in the Schneier on Security blog, along
with a lively and intelligent comment section. An RSS feed is available.

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In this issue:

New Book Announcement: Click Here to Kill Everybody Speculation Attack Against
Intel's SGX New Ways to Track Internet Browsing James Mickens on the Current
State of Computer Security "Two Stage" BMW Theft Attempt
Good Primer on Two-Factor Authentication Security John Mueller and Mark Stewart
on the Risks of Terrorism Future Cyberwar
CIA Network Exposed through Insecure Communications System
Cheating in Bird Racing
Eavesdropping on Computer Screens through the Webcam Mic Using a Smartphone's
Microphone and Speakers to Eavesdrop on Passwords Five-Eyes Intelligence
Services Choose Surveillance Over Security Reddit AMA
Using Hacked IoT Devices to Disrupt the Power Grid Security Vulnerability in
Smart Electric Outlets Security Risks of Government Hacking Quantum Computing
and Cryptography
Click Here to Kill Everybody Reviews and Press Mentions Upcoming Speaking
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New Book Announcement: Click Here to Kill Everybody

[2018.09.04] I am pleased to announce the publication of my latest book: Click
Here to Kill Everybody: Security and Survival in a Hyper-connected World. In it,
I examine how our new immersive world of physically capable computers affects
our security.

I argue that this changes everything about security. Attacks are no longer just
about data, they now affect life and property: cars, medical devices,
thermostats, power plants, drones, and so on. All of our security assumptions
assume that computers are fundamentally benign. That, no matter how bad the
breach or vulnerability is, it's just data. That's simply not true anymore. As
automation, autonomy, and physical agency become more prevalent, the trade-offs
we made for things like authentication, patching, and supply chain security no
longer make any sense. The things we've done before will no longer work in the

This is a book about technology, and it's also a book about policy. The
regulation-free Internet that we've enjoyed for the past decades will not
survive this new, more dangerous, world. I fear that our choice is no longer
between government regulation and no government regulation; it's between smart
government regulation and stupid regulation. My aim is to discuss what a
regulated Internet might look like before one is thrust upon us after a

Click Here to Kill Everybody is available starting today. You can order a copy
from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, Norton's webpage, or anyplace else
books are sold. If you're going to buy it, please do so this week. First-week
sales matter in this business.

Reviews so far from the Financial Times, Nature, and Kirkus.

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Speculation Attack Against Intel's SGX

[2018.08.16] Another speculative-execution attack against Intel's SGX.

At a high level, SGX is a new feature in modern Intel CPUs which allows
computers to protect users' data even if the entire system falls under the
attacker's control. While it was previously believed that SGX is resilient to
speculative execution attacks (such as Meltdown and Spectre), Foreshadow
demonstrates how speculative execution can be exploited for reading the contents
of SGX-protected memory as well as extracting the machine's private attestation
key. Making things worse, due to SGX's privacy features, an attestation report
cannot be linked to the identity of its signer. Thus, it only takes a single
compromised SGX machine to erode trust in the entire SGX ecosystem.

News article.

The details of the Foreshadow attack are a little more complicated than those of
Meltdown. In Meltdown, the attempt to perform an illegal read of kernel memory
triggers the page fault mechanism (by which the processor and operating system
cooperate to determine which bit of physical memory a memory access corresponds
to, or they crash the program if there's no such mapping). Attempts to read SGX
data from outside an enclave receive special handling by the processor: reads
always return a specific value (-1), and writes are ignored completely. The
special handling is called "abort page semantics" and should be enough to
prevent speculative reads from being able to learn anything.

However, the Foreshadow researchers found a way to bypass the abort page
semantics. The data structures used to control the mapping of virtual-memory
addresses to physical addresses include a flag to say whether a piece of memory
is present (loaded into RAM somewhere) or not. If memory is marked as not being
present at all, the processor stops performing any further permissions checks
and immediately triggers the page fault mechanism: this means that the abort
page mechanics aren't used. It turns out that applications can mark memory,
including enclave memory, as not being present by removing all permissions
(read, write, execute) from that memory.

EDITED TO ADD: Intel has responded:

L1 Terminal Fault is addressed by microcode updates released earlier this year,
coupled with corresponding updates to operating system and hypervisor software
that are available starting today. We've provided more information on our web
site and continue to encourage everyone to keep their systems up-to-date, as
it's one of the best ways to stay protected.

I think this is the "more information" they're referring to, although this is a
comprehensive link to everything the company is saying about the vulnerability.

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New Ways to Track Internet Browsing

[2018.08.17] Interesting research on web tracking: "Who Left Open the Cookie
Jar? A Comprehensive Evaluation of Third-Party Cookie Policies:

Abstract: Nowadays, cookies are the most prominent mechanism to identify and
authenticate users on the Internet. Although protected by the Same Origin
Policy, popular browsers include cookies in all requests, even when these are
cross-site. Unfortunately, these third-party cookies enable both cross-site
attacks and third-party tracking. As a response to these nefarious consequences,
various countermeasures have been developed in the form of browser extensions or
even protection mechanisms that are built directly into the browser.

In this paper, we evaluate the effectiveness of these defense mechanisms by
leveraging a framework that automatically evaluates the enforcement of the
policies imposed to third-party requests. By applying our framework, which
generates a comprehensive set of test cases covering various web mechanisms, we
identify several flaws in the policy implementations of the 7 browsers and 46
browser extensions that were evaluated. We find that even built-in protection
mechanisms can be circumvented by multiple novel techniques we discover. Based
on these results, we argue that our proposed framework is a much-needed tool to
detect bypasses and evaluate solutions to the exposed leaks. Finally, we analyze
the origin of the identified bypass techniques, and find that these are due to a
variety of implementation, configuration and design flaws.

The researchers discovered many new tracking techniques that work despite all
existing anonymous browsing tools. These have not yet been seen in the wild, but
that will change soon.

Three news articles. Boing Boing post.

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James Mickens on the Current State of Computer Security

[2018.08.20] James Mickens gave an excellent keynote at the USENIX Security
Conference last week, talking about the social aspects of security -- racism,
sexism, etc. -- and the problems with machine learning and the Internet.

Worth watching.

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"Two Stage" BMW Theft Attempt

[2018.08.21] Modern cars have alarm systems that automatically connect to a
remote call center. This makes cars harder to steal, since tripping the alarm
causes a quick response. This article describes a theft attempt that tried to
neutralize that security system. In the first attack, the thieves just disabled
the alarm system and then left. If the owner had not immediately repaired the
car, the thieves would have returned the next night and -- no longer working
under time pressure -- stolen the car.

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Good Primer on Two-Factor Authentication Security

[2018.08.22] Stuart Schechter published a good primer on the security issues
surrounding two-factor authentication.

While it's often an important security measure, it's not a panacea. Stuart
discusses the usability and security issues that you have to think about before
deploying the system.

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John Mueller and Mark Stewart on the Risks of Terrorism

[2018.08.23] Another excellent paper by the Mueller/Stewart team: "Terrorism and
Bathtubs: Comparing and Assessing the Risks":

Abstract: The likelihood that anyone outside a war zone will be killed by an
Islamist extremist terrorist is extremely small. In the United States, for
example, some six people have perished each year since 9/11 at the hands of such
terrorists -- vastly smaller than the number of people who die in bathtub
drownings. Some argue, however, that the incidence of terrorist destruction is
low because counterterrorism measures are so effective. They also contend that
terrorism may well become more frequent and destructive in the future as
terrorists plot and plan and learn from experience, and that terrorism, unlike
bathtubs, provides no benefit and exacts costs far beyond those in the event
itself by damagingly sowing fear and anxiety and by requiring policy makers to
adopt countermeasures that are costly and excessive. This paper finds these
arguments to be wanting. In the process, it concludes that terrorism is rare
outside war zones because, to a substantial degree, terrorists don't exist
there. In general, as with rare diseases that kill few, it makes more policy
sense to expend limited funds on hazards that inflict far more damage. It also
discusses the issue of risk communication for this hazard.

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Future Cyberwar

[2018.08.27] A report for the Center for Strategic and International Studies
looks at surprise and war. One of the report's cyberwar scenarios is
particularly compelling. It doesn't just map cyber onto today's tactics, but
completely reimagines future tactics that include a cyber component (quote
starts on page 110).

The U.S. secretary of defense had wondered this past week when the other shoe
would drop. Finally, it had, though the U.S. military would be unable to respond
effectively for a while.

The scope and detail of the attack, not to mention its sheer audacity, had
earned the grudging respect of the secretary. Years of worry about a possible
Chinese "Assassin's Mace" -- a silver bullet super-weapon capable of disabling
key parts of the American military -- turned out to be focused on the wrong

The cyber attacks varied. Sailors stationed at the 7th Fleet' s homeport in
Japan awoke one day to find their financial accounts, and those of their
dependents, empty. Checking, savings, retirement funds: simply gone. The Marines
based on Okinawa were under virtual siege by the populace, whose simmering
resentment at their presence had boiled over after a YouTube video posted under
the account of a Marine stationed there had gone viral. The video featured a
dozen Marines drunkenly gang-raping two teenaged Okinawan girls. The video was
vivid, the girls' cries heart-wrenching the cheers of Marines sickening And all
of it fake. The National Security Agency's initial analysis of the video had
uncovered digital fingerprints showing that it was a computer-assisted lie, and
could prove that the Marine's account under which it had been posted was hacked.
But the damage had been done.

There was the commanding officer of Edwards Air Force Base whose Internet
browser history had been posted on the squadron's Facebook page. His command
turned on him as a pervert; his weak protestations that he had not visited most
of the posted links could not counter his admission that he had, in fact,
trafficked some of them. Lies mixed with the truth. Soldiers at Fort Sill were
at each other's throats thanks to a series of text messages that allegedly
unearthed an adultery ring on base.

The variations elsewhere were endless. Marines suddenly owed hundreds of
thousands of dollars on credit lines they had never opened; sailors received
death threats on their Twitter feeds; spouses and female service members had
private pictures of themselves plastered across the Internet; older service
members received notifications about cancerous conditions discovered in their
latest physical.

Leadership was not exempt. Under the hashtag # PACOMMUSTGO a dozen women
allegedly described harassment by the commander of Pacific command. Editorial
writers demanded that, under the administration's "zero tolerance" policy, he
step aside while Congress held hearings.

There was not an American service member or dependent whose life had not been
digitally turned upside down. In response, the secretary had declared "an
operational pause," directing units to stand down until things were sorted out.

Then, China had made its move, flooding the South China Sea with its
conventional forces, enforcing a sea and air identification zone there, and
blockading Taiwan. But the secretary could only respond weakly with a few air
patrols and diversions of ships already at sea. Word was coming in through back
channels that the Taiwanese government, suddenly stripped of its most ardent
defender, was already considering capitulation.

I found this excerpt here. The author is Mark Cancian.

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[2018.08.28] Andy Greenberg wrote a fascinating account of the Russian NotPetya
worm, with an emphasis on its effects on the company Maersk.

Boing Boing post.

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CIA Network Exposed through Insecure Communications System

[2018.08.29] Interesting story of a CIA intelligence network in China that was
exposed partly because of a computer security failure:

Although they used some of the same coding, the interim system and the main
covert communication platform used in China at this time were supposed to be
clearly separated. In theory, if the interim system were discovered or turned
over to Chinese intelligence, people using the main system would still be
protected -- and there would be no way to trace the communication back to the
CIA. But the CIA's interim system contained a technical error: It connected
back architecturally to the CIA's main covert communications platform. When the
compromise was suspected, the FBI and NSA both ran "penetration tests" to
determine the security of the interim system. They found that cyber experts with
access to the interim system could also access the broader covert communications
system the agency was using to interact with its vetted sources, according to
the former officials.

In the words of one of the former officials, the CIA had "[f*cked] up the
firewall" between the two systems.

U.S. intelligence officers were also able to identify digital links between the
covert communications system and the U.S. government itself, according to one
former official -- links the Chinese agencies almost certainly found as well.
These digital links would have made it relatively easy for China to deduce that
the covert communications system was being used by the CIA. In fact, some of
these links pointed back to parts of the CIA's own website, according to the
former official.

People died because of that mistake.

The moral -- which is to go back to pre-computer systems in these high-risk
sophisticated-adversary circumstances -- is the right one, I think.

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Cheating in Bird Racing

[2018.08.30] I've previously written about people cheating in marathon racing by
driving -- or otherwise getting near the end of the race by faster means than
running. In China, two people were convicted of cheating in a pigeon race:

The essence of the plan involved training the pigeons to believe they had two
homes. The birds had been secretly raised not just in Shanghai but also in

When the race was held in the spring of last year, the Shanghai Pigeon
Association took all the entrants from Shanghai to Shangqiu and released them.
Most of the pigeons started flying back to Shanghai.

But the four specially raised pigeons flew instead to their second home in
Shangqiu. According to the court, the two men caught the birds there and then
carried them on a bullet train back to Shanghai, concealed in milk cartons.
(China prohibits live animals on bullet trains.)

When the men arrived in Shanghai, they released the pigeons, which quickly
fluttered to their Shanghai loft, seemingly winning the race.

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Eavesdropping on Computer Screens through the Webcam Mic

[2018.08.31] Yet another way of eavesdropping on someone's computer activity:
using the webcam microphone to "listen" to the computer's screen.

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Using a Smartphone's Microphone and Speakers to Eavesdrop on Passwords

[2018.09.05] It's amazing that this is even possible: "SonarSnoop: Active
Acoustic Side-Channel Attacks":

Abstract: We report the first active acoustic side-channel attack. Speakers are
used to emit human inaudible acoustic signals and the echo is recorded via
microphones, turning the acoustic system of a smart phone into a sonar system.
The echo signal can be used to profile user interaction with the device. For
example, a victim's finger movements can be inferred to steal Android phone
unlock patterns. In our empirical study, the number of candidate unlock patterns
that an attacker must try to authenticate herself to a Samsung S4 Android phone
can be reduced by up to 70% using this novel acoustic side-channel. Our approach
can be easily applied to other application scenarios and device types. Overall,
our work highlights a new family of security threats.

News article.

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Five-Eyes Intelligence Services Choose Surveillance Over Security

[2018.09.06] The Five Eyes -- the intelligence consortium of the rich
English-speaking countries (the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand)
-- have issued a "Statement of Principles on Access to Evidence and Encryption"
where they claim their needs for surveillance outweigh everyone's needs for
security and privacy.

...the increasing use and sophistication of certain encryption designs present
challenges for nations in combatting serious crimes and threats to national and
global security. Many of the same means of encryption that are being used to
protect personal, commercial and government information are also being used by
criminals, including child sex offenders, terrorists and organized crime groups
to frustrate investigations and avoid detection and prosecution.

Privacy laws must prevent arbitrary or unlawful interference, but privacy is not
absolute. It is an established principle that appropriate government authorities
should be able to seek access to otherwise private information when a court or
independent authority has authorized such access based on established legal
standards. The same principles have long permitted government authorities to
search homes, vehicles, and personal effects with valid legal authority.

The increasing gap between the ability of law enforcement to lawfully access
data and their ability to acquire and use the content of that data is a pressing
international concern that requires urgent, sustained attention and informed
discussion on the complexity of the issues and interests at stake. Otherwise,
court decisions about legitimate access to data are increasingly rendered
meaningless, threatening to undermine the systems of justice established in our
democratic nations.

To put it bluntly, this is reckless and shortsighted. I've repeatedly written
about why this can't be done technically, and why trying results in insecurity.
But there's a greater principle at first: we need to decide, as nations and as
society, to put defense first. We need a "defense dominant" strategy for
securing the Internet and everything attached to it.

This is important. Our national security depends on the security of our
technologies. Demanding that technology companies add backdoors to computers and
communications systems puts us all at risk. We need to understand that these
systems are too critical to our society and -- now that they can affect the
world in a direct physical manner -- affect our lives and property as well.

This is what I just wrote, in Click Here to Kill Everybody:

There is simply no way to secure US networks while at the same time leaving
foreign networks open to eavesdropping and attack. There's no way to secure our
phones and computers from criminals and terrorists without also securing the
phones and computers of those criminals and terrorists. On the generalized
worldwide network that is the Internet, anything we do to secure its hardware
and software secures it everywhere in the world. And everything we do to keep it
insecure similarly affects the entire world.

This leaves us with a choice: either we secure our stuff, and as a side effect
also secure their stuff; or we keep their stuff vulnerable, and as a side effect
keep our own stuff vulnerable. It's actually not a hard choice. An analogy might
bring this point home. Imagine that every house could be opened with a master
key, and this was known to the criminals. Fixing those locks would also mean
that criminals' safe houses would be more secure, but it's pretty clear that
this downside would be worth the trade-off of protecting everyone's house. With
the Internet+ increasing the risks from insecurity dramatically, the choice is
even more obvious. We must secure the information systems used by our elected
officials, our critical infrastructure providers, and our businesses.

Yes, increasing our security will make it harder for us to eavesdrop, and
attack, our enemies in cyberspace. (It won't make it impossible for law
enforcement to solve crimes; I'll get to that later in this chapter.)
Regardless, it's worth it. If we are ever going to secure the Internet+, we need
to prioritize defense over offense in all of its aspects. We've got more to lose
through our Internet+ vulnerabilities than our adversaries do, and more to gain
through Internet+ security. We need to recognize that the security benefits of a
secure Internet+ greatly outweigh the security benefits of a vulnerable one.

We need to have this debate at the level of national security. Putting spy
agencies in charge of this trade-off is wrong, and will result in bad decisions.

Cory Doctorow has a good reaction.

Slashdot post.

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Reddit AMA

[2018.09.07] I did a Reddit AMA on Thursday, September 6.

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Using Hacked IoT Devices to Disrupt the Power Grid

[2018.09.11] This is really interesting research: "BlackIoT: IoT Botnet of High
Wattage Devices Can Disrupt the Power Grid":

Abstract: We demonstrate that an Internet of Things (IoT) botnet of high wattage
devices -- such as air conditioners and heaters -- gives a unique ability to
adversaries to launch large-scale coordinated attacks on the power grid. In
particular, we reveal a new class of potential attacks on power grids called the
Manipulation of demand via IoT (MadIoT) attacks that can leverage such a botnet
in order to manipulate the power demand in the grid. We study five variations of
the MadIoT attacks and evaluate their effectiveness via state-of-the-art
simulators on real-world power grid models. These simulation results demonstrate
that the MadIoT attacks can result in local power outages and in the worst
cases, large-scale blackouts. Moreover, we show that these attacks can rather be
used to increase the operating cost of the grid to benefit a few utilities in
the electricity market. This work sheds light upon the interdependency between
the vulnerability of the IoT and that of the other networks such as the power
grid whose security requires attention from both the systems security and power
engineering communities.

I have been collecting examples of surprising vulnerabilities that result when
we connect things to each other. This is a good example of that.

Wired article.

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Security Vulnerability in Smart Electric Outlets

[2018.09.12] A security vulnerability in Belkin's Wemo Insight "smartplugs"
allows hackers to not only take over the plug, but use it as a jumping-off point
to attack everything else on the network.

From the Register:

The bug underscores the primary risk posed by IoT devices and connected
appliances. Because they are commonly built by bolting on network connectivity
to existing appliances, many IoT devices have little in the way of built-in
network security.

Even when security measures are added to the devices, the third-party hardware
used to make the appliances "smart" can itself contain security flaws or bad
configurations that leave the device vulnerable.

"IoT devices are frequently overlooked from a security perspective; this may be
because many are used for seemingly innocuous purposes such as simple home
automation," the McAfee researchers wrote.

"However, these devices run operating systems and require just as much
protection as desktop computers."

I'll bet you anything that the plug cannot be patched, and that the
vulnerability will remain until people throw them away.

Boing Boing post. McAfee's original security bulletin.

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Security Risks of Government Hacking

[2018.09.13] Some of us -- myself included -- have proposed lawful government
hacking as an alternative to backdoors. A new report from the Center of Internet
and Society looks at the security risks of allowing government hacking. They

Disincentive for vulnerability disclosure Cultivation of a market for
surveillance tools Attackers co-opt hacking tools over which governments have
lost control Attackers learn of vulnerabilities through government use of
malware Government incentives to push for less-secure software and standards
Government malware affects innocent users. These risks are real, but I think
they're much less than mandating backdoors for everyone. From the report's

Government hacking is often lauded as a solution to the "going dark" problem. It
is too dangerous to mandate encryption backdoors, but targeted hacking of
endpoints could ensure investigators access to same or similar necessary data
with less risk. Vulnerabilities will never affect everyone, contingent as they
are on software, network configuration, and patch management. Backdoors,
however, mean everybody is vulnerable and a security failure fails
catastrophically. In addition, backdoors are often secret, while eventually,
vulnerabilities will typically be disclosed and patched.

The key to minimizing the risks is to ensure that law enforcement (or whoever)
report all vulnerabilities discovered through the normal process, and use them
for lawful hacking during the period between reporting and patching. Yes, that's
a big ask, but the alternatives are worse.

This is the canonical lawful hacking paper.

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Quantum Computing and Cryptography

[2018.09.14] Quantum computing is a new way of computing -- one that could allow
humankind to perform computations that are simply impossible using today's
computing technologies. It allows for very fast searching, something that would
break some of the encryption algorithms we use today. And it allows us to easily
factor large numbers, something that would break the RSA cryptosystem for any
key length.

This is why cryptographers are hard at work designing and analyzing
"quantum-resistant" public-key algorithms. Currently, quantum computing is too
nascent for cryptographers to be sure of what is secure and what isn't. But even
assuming aliens have developed the technology to its full potential, quantum
computing doesn't spell the end of the world for cryptography. Symmetric
cryptography is easy to make quantum-resistant, and we're working on
quantum-resistant public-key algorithms. If public-key cryptography ends up
being a temporary anomaly based on our mathematical knowledge and computational
ability, we'll still survive. And if some inconceivable alien technology can
break all of cryptography, we still can have secrecy based on information theory
-- albeit with significant loss of capability.

At its core, cryptography relies on the mathematical quirk that some things are
easier to do than to undo. Just as it's easier to smash a plate than to glue all
the pieces back together, it's much easier to multiply two prime numbers
together to obtain one large number than it is to factor that large number back
into two prime numbers. Asymmetries of this kind -- one-way functions and
trap-door one-way functions -- underlie all of cryptography.

To encrypt a message, we combine it with a key to form ciphertext. Without the
key, reversing the process is more difficult. Not just a little more difficult,
but astronomically more difficult. Modern encryption algorithms are so fast that
they can secure your entire hard drive without any noticeable slowdown, but that
encryption can't be broken before the heat death of the universe.

With symmetric cryptography -- the kind used to encrypt messages, files, and
drives -- that imbalance is exponential, and is amplified as the keys get
larger. Adding one bit of key increases the complexity of encryption by less
than a percent (I'm hand-waving here) but doubles the cost to break. So a
256-bit key might seem only twice as complex as a 128-bit key, but (with our
current knowledge of mathematics) it's 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,
768,211,456 times harder to break.

Public-key encryption (used primarily for key exchange) and digital signatures
are more complicated. Because they rely on hard mathematical problems like
factoring, there are more potential tricks to reverse them. So you'll see key
lengths of 2,048 bits for RSA, and 384 bits for algorithms based on elliptic
curves. Here again, though, the costs to reverse the algorithms with these key
lengths are beyond the current reach of humankind.

This one-wayness is based on our mathematical knowledge. When you hear about a
cryptographer "breaking" an algorithm, what happened is that they've found a new
trick that makes reversing easier. Cryptographers discover new tricks all the
time, which is why we tend to use key lengths that are longer than strictly
necessary. This is true for both symmetric and public-key algorithms; we're
trying to future-proof them.

Quantum computers promise to upend a lot of this. Because of the way they work,
they excel at the sorts of computations necessary to reverse these one-way
functions. For symmetric cryptography, this isn't too bad. Grover's algorithm
shows that a quantum computer speeds up these attacks to effectively halve the
key length. This would mean that a 256-bit key is as strong against a quantum
computer as a 128-bit key is against a conventional computer; both are secure
for the foreseeable future.

For public-key cryptography, the results are more dire. Shor's algorithm can
easily break all of the commonly used public-key algorithms based on both
factoring and the discrete logarithm problem. Doubling the key length increases
the difficulty to break by a factor of eight. That's not enough of a sustainable

There are a lot of caveats to those two paragraphs, the biggest of which is that
quantum computers capable of doing anything like this don't currently exist, and
no one knows when -- or even if � - we'll be able to build one. We also don't
know what sorts of practical difficulties will arise when we try to implement
Grover's or Shor's algorithms for anything but toy key sizes. (Error correction
on a quantum computer could easily be an unsurmountable problem.) On the other
hand, we don't know what other techniques will be discovered once people start
working with actual quantum computers. My bet is that we will overcome the
engineering challenges, and that there will be many advances and new techniques�
but they're going to take time to discover and invent. Just as it took decades
for us to get supercomputers in our pockets, it will take decades to work
through all the engineering problems necessary to build large-enough quantum

In the short term, cryptographers are putting considerable effort into designing
and analyzing quantum-resistant algorithms, and those are likely to remain
secure for decades. This is a necessarily slow process, as both good
cryptanalysis transitioning standards take time. Luckily, we have time.
Practical quantum computing seems to always remain "ten years in the future,"
which means no one has any idea.

After that, though, there is always the possibility that those algorithms will
fall to aliens with better quantum techniques. I am less worried about symmetric
cryptography, where Grover's algorithm is basically an upper limit on quantum
improvements, than I am about public-key algorithms based on number theory,
which feel more fragile. It's possible that quantum computers will someday break
all of them, even those that today are quantum resistant.

If that happens, we will face a world without strong public-key cryptography.
That would be a huge blow to security and would break a lot of stuff we
currently do, but we could adapt. In the 1980s, Kerberos was an all-symmetric
authentication and encryption system. More recently, the GSM cellular standard
does both authentication and key distribution -- at scale -- with only symmetric
cryptography. Yes, those systems have centralized points of trust and failure,
but it's possible to design other systems that use both secret splitting and
secret sharing to minimize that risk. (Imagine that a pair of communicants get a
piece of their session key from each of five different key servers.) The
ubiquity of communications also makes things easier today. We can use
out-of-band protocols where, for example, your phone helps you create a key for
your computer. We can use in-person registration for added security, maybe at
the store where you buy your smartphone or initialize your Internet service.
Advances in hardware may also help to secure keys in this world. I'm not trying
to design anything here, only to point out that there are many design
possibilities. We know that cryptography is all about trust, and we have a lot
more techniques to manage trust than we did in the early years of the Internet.
Some important properties like forward secrecy will be blunted and far more
complex, but as long as symmetric cryptography still works, we'll still have

It's a weird future. Maybe the whole idea of number theory� -based encryption,
which is what our modern public-key systems are, is a temporary detour based on
our incomplete model of computing. Now that our model has expanded to include
quantum computing, we might end up back to where we were in the late 1970s and
early 1980s: symmetric cryptography, code-based cryptography, Merkle hash
signatures. That would be both amusing and ironic.

Yes, I know that quantum key distribution is a potential replacement for
public-key cryptography. But come on -- does anyone expect a system that
requires specialized communications hardware and cables to be useful for
anything but niche applications? The future is mobile, always-on, embedded
computing devices. Any security for those will necessarily be software only.

There's one more future scenario to consider, one that doesn't require a quantum
computer. While there are several mathematical theories that underpin the
one-wayness we use in cryptography, proving the validity of those theories is in
fact one of the great open problems in computer science. Just as it is possible
for a smart cryptographer to find a new trick that makes it easier to break a
particular algorithm, we might imagine aliens with sufficient mathematical
theory to break all encryption algorithms. To us, today, this is ridiculous.
Public- key cryptography is all number theory, and potentially vulnerable to
more mathematically inclined aliens. Symmetric cryptography is so much nonlinear
muddle, so easy to make more complex, and so easy to increase key length, that
this future is unimaginable. Consider an AES variant with a 512-bit block and
key size, and 128 rounds. Unless mathematics is fundamentally different than our
current understanding, that'll be secure until computers are made of something
other than matter and occupy something other than space.

But if the unimaginable happens, that would leave us with cryptography based
solely on information theory: one-time pads and their variants. This would be a
huge blow to security. One-time pads might be theoretically secure, but in
practical terms they are unusable for anything other than specialized niche
applications. Today, only crackpots try to build general-use systems based on
one-time pads -- and cryptographers laugh at them, because they replace
algorithm design problems (easy) with key management and physical security
problems (much, much harder). In our alien-ridden science-fiction future, we
might have nothing else.

Against these godlike aliens, cryptography will be the only technology we can be
sure of. Our nukes might refuse to detonate and our fighter jets might fall out
of the sky, but we will still be able to communicate securely using one-time
pads. There's an optimism in that.

This essay originally appeared in IEEE Security and Privacy.

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Click Here to Kill Everybody Reviews and Press Mentions

[2018.09.14] It's impossible to know all the details, but my latest book seems
to be selling well. Initial reviews have been really positive: Boing Boing,
Financial Times, Harris Online, Kirkus Reviews, Nature, Politico, and Virus

I've also done a bunch of interviews -- either written or radio/podcast --
including the Washington Post, a Reddit AMA, "The 1A " on NPR, Security Ledger,
MIT Technology Review, and WNYC Radio.

There have been others -- like the Lawfare, Cyberlaw, and Hidden Forces podcasts
-- but they haven't been published yet. I also did a book talk at Google that
should appear on YouTube soon.

If you've bought and read the book, thank you. Please consider leaving a review
on Amazon.

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Upcoming Speaking Engagements

[2018.08.31] This is a current list of where and when I am scheduled to speak:

I'm giving a book talk at Fordham Law School in New York City on September 17,
I'm giving an InfoGuard Talk in Zug, Switzerland on September 19, 2018. I'm
speaking at the IBM Security Summit in Stockholm on September 20, 2018. I'm
giving a book talk at Harvard Law School's Wasserstein Hall on September 25,
I'm giving a talk on "Securing a World of Physically Capable Computers" at the
University of Rochester in Rochester, New York on October 5, 2018. I'm keynoting
at SpiceWorld in Austin, Texas on October 9, 2018. I'm speaking at Cyber
Security Nordic in Helsinki on October 10, 2018. I'm speaking at the Cyber
Security Summit in Minneapolis, Minnesota on October 24, 2018.
I'm speaking at ISF's 29th Annual World Congress in Las Vegas, Nevada on October
30, 2018.
I'm speaking at Kiwicon in Wellington, New Zealand on November 16, 2018. I'm
speaking at the The Digital Society Conference 2018: Empowering Ecosystems on
December 11, 2018.
I'm speaking at the Hyperledger Forum in Basel, Switzerland on December 13,
The list is maintained on this page.

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Since 1998, CRYPTO-GRAM has been a free monthly newsletter providing summaries,
analyses, insights, and commentaries on security technology. To subscribe, or to
read back issues, see Crypto-Gram's web page.

You can also read these articles on my blog, Schneier on Security.

Please feel free to forward CRYPTO-GRAM, in whole or in part, to colleagues and
friends who will find it valuable. Permission is also granted to reprint
CRYPTO-GRAM, as long as it is reprinted in its entirety.

Bruce Schneier is an internationally renowned security technologist, called a
security guru by the Economist. He is the author of 14 books -- including the
New York Times best-seller Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your
Data and Control Your World -- as well as hundreds of articles, essays, and
academic papers. His newsletter and blog are read by over 250,000 people.
Schneier is a fellow at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at
Harvard University; a Lecturer in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School; a
board member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, AccessNow, and the Tor
Project; and an advisory board member of EPIC and He is also
a special advisor to IBM Security and the CTO of IBM Resilient.

Crypto-Gram is a personal newsletter. Opinions expressed are not necessarily
those of IBM, IBM Security, or IBM Resilient.

Copyright C 2018 by Bruce Schneier.

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