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Message   Jas Hud    digimaus   Re: Dealing with Microsoft   February 19, 2022
 8:57 AM *  

  To: digimaus
  Re: Re: Dealing with Microsoft
  By: digimaus to Daryl Stout on Sat Feb 19 2022 02:58 am

 >  DS> from that door...and I've noted where the SSH logon bypasses the
 >  DS> CAPTCHA entry.
 > I discovered that Spectrum silently blocks port 23 so I have kept the BBS'
 > telnet port on 10123.  They also block the QOTD port.  I chose to keep the
 > SSH port on 22 but if I moved it elsewhere, I'd have no issues, but I am not
 > letting script kiddies dictate my hobby.
 > If you take a look at this webpage about blocked ports, you'll notice that
 > Spectrum says nothing about blocking port 23 but they do:

i'm on spectrum and i can open up port 23. i just tested it.

it probably depends on the territory they took over.  if the old guys did it,
they probably do the same.
--- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
 * - - telnet://
 * Origin: Time Warp of the Future BBS - Home of League 10 (618:300/12)
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