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Message   Sean Dennis    Kurt Weiske   DD-WRT, Entware, nginx   August 22, 2021
 3:34 AM *  

Hello Kurt,

Thursday August 19 2021 11:42, you wrote to All:

 KW> The ulterior motive is to use all of the crap I've accumulated and
 KW> have laying around - spare router, 2TB drive left over from my old
 KW> computer, a drive casing that I schucked a couple of years back, and
 KW> so on.

Planning on getting up later today and setting up a pfSense box and upgrading my
LAN to gigabit speeds.

 KW> The next step is to get Cat6 run between my bedroom (where the cable
 KW> modem is) and my office, and finally get rid of my Powerline adapters.

For some strange reason, the sole CATV cable in my apartment is in my bedroom
when I have to move my computers, cable modem, et cetera into the other side of
my living room (I hate having any electronics in my bedroom).  I have to come up
with about 30' of coax cable to do so and run it along the floor out of the way.

Silly stuff.

-- Sean

... My other computer ... hey, where IS my other computer?
--- GoldED/2 3.0.1
 * Origin: Outpost BBS // (618:618/10)
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