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Message   Kurt Weiske    All   DD-WRT, Entware, nginx   August 19, 2021
 11:42 AM *  

I finally spent some time playing with my router - I've got a Linksys 
WRT1900ACS, which has a lot more horsepower than I need for a couple of 

Install an external drive, partition it with an app directory, swap, and 
jffs, use the rest as storage.

I downloaded Entware-NG, a package layer that lets you run traditional linux 
packages on your router. The first step was to put nginx on and create 
reverse proxy rules to route HTTP traffic to my BBS. Later on, I'm going to 
set up subdomains for my home lan devices and use nginx to proxy them 
through a single 80/443 rule.

Next is to get Letsencrypt working on the router so I can get a certificate 
for it and have it proxy SSL as well as HTTP traffic.

The ulterior motive is to use all of the crap I've accumulated and have 
laying around - spare router, 2TB drive left over from my old computer, a 
drive casing that I schucked a couple of years back, and so on.

The next step is to get Cat6 run between my bedroom (where the cable modem 
is) and my office, and finally get rid of my Powerline adapters.

... Consult other sources -promising -unpromising
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 * Origin: -- information is power. (618:300/1)
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