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Message   August Abolins    Arelor   Magic: The Gathering ..the card game   July 22, 2021
 8:09 AM *  

Hello Arelor!

** On Thursday 22.07.21 - 03:07, Arelor wrote to August Abolins:

 >> of those.

 A> The Drifft books you ave are all mid series. I don├▒'t
 A> think they are going to help you much getting in.

I just need to check it out in terms of writing style (how bad  
it is as you say) and to get the gist of the genre.

I was recently steared to try an RPG-inspired story, The  
Wandering Inn.  It's not too bad.. but the prospect of  
investing 8 volumes of 40 to 50 chapters EACH, scares me.

 A> If you really want to give them a try you need to fetch The
 A> Dark Elf Trilogy first.

Thanks for that. It seems that the early books (starting with  
Homeland) are still in print and still rank high on the  
purchase scale.   Books #1-#3 rank high..  then comes #13.


--- OpenXP 5.0.50
 * Origin: my little micronet point (618:510/1.1)
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