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Message   Daryl Stout    August Abolins   buy a Mac, run Windows on   July 21, 2021
 8:38 AM *  


 AA> I'm not sure how my Win7's are affected by the recent Printer
 AA> Spooler vulnerability.  I think the news said that ALL versions
 AA> of Windows were affected.

  I liked 98, XP, and 7 (never used 2000 or Vista). I use a utility
from IObit software called "Start Menu 8", which makes the Start
Menu look like Windows 7 or 8 instead of Windows 10.

  I saw that note as well on "PrintNightmare". I normally leave my
printer off, unless I'm here printing stuff. If I have it on at
bootup, the computer seems to hang at bootup.

  Lately, some programs seem to "go to sleep", but I've disabled
the USB sleep deal in Windows 10. While my laptop (running 64-bit
Windows 10) will handle the "free upgrade" to Windows 11, the BBS
computer, running Windows 10 32-bit, will the CPU isn't
fast enough, and there will be no more 32-bit support with Windows
11. So much for "no new versions after Windows 10". :P


... There can't be a crisis today; my schedule's already full.
=== MultiMail/Win v0.52
--- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
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